Data Sharing Protocol for the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development
The Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development is pleased to be able to share data from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development (PYD) with other researchers. In order to facilitate our ability to provide researchers with the data that they need in a timely way, we ask that you follow the guidelines and procedure below.
Procedure for requesting data:
1. Complete the Data Sharing Application (see below), but please review the codebooks for your waves of interest for information on the measures included at each wave of the 4-H Study before submitting an application.
2. The 4-H Study of PYD PI (Richard Lerner), Scientific Director (Jacqueline Lerner), and the Data Analysis Team will review your data sharing application and request modifications or clarifications as necessary.
3. When your data sharing request is approved, please sign the Data Use Agreement and return to the 4-H Study team.
4. Upon receipt of the signed Data Use Agreement, the 4-H Study team will provide:
a. An SPSS (.sav) file with the variables you requested.
b. Scoring protocols for the measure(s) you are using, when available.
Please note:
Ø Due to the large volume of data requests that we receive, we cannot create multiple versions of data sets for individual researchers as they work through the data analysis process. We understand that data analysis can be an evolving process, but we ask that you think carefully about all of the variables that you need to answer your research question(s) when you submit your application.
Ø Please keep in mind that many of the scales used in the 4-H Study of PYD are used with permission from the researchers who developed these scales. If you wish to view these items for use in your own research for data collection purposes, you will need to contact the appropriate researchers to secure additional permissions.
Ø If you are interested in using our measures of the Five Cs, PYD, and Contribution, we can provide you with scoring protocols for these measures. Please note that these measures have been validated on select age ranges, and you will need to assess the reliability and validity of the scales with your own research sample.
Ø Please be aware that, while there is no cost for using the 4-H Study data, and we are happy to prepare one initial data set for you at no cost, additional requests for data preparation will be billed at $30 per hour for graduate student research assistant time.
Available data:
Ø Student Questionnaire: Waves 1 to 8 (Grades 5 to 12)
Ø Parent Questionnaire: Waves 1 to 8 (Grades 5 to 12)
Foundational paper for the 4-H Study:
Lerner, R. M., Lerner, J. V., Almerigi, J., Theokas, C., Phelps, E., Gestsdóttir, S. Naudeau, S., Jelicic, H., Alberts, A. E., Ma, L., Smith, L. M., Bobek, D. L., Richman-Raphael, D., Simpson, I., Christiansen, E. D., & von Eye, A. (2005). Positive youth development, participation in community youth development programs, and community contributions of fifth-grade adolescents: Findings from the first wave of the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development. Journal of Early Adolescence, 25(1), 17-71.
We ask that you send us a summary and a copy of any papers or publications that result from the use of the 4-H Study data.
Data Sharing Application for the 4-H Study of PYD
Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development
Lincoln Filene Center
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155
Information about the Applicant:
Name: ______
Title: ______
Organization affiliation: ______
Business address: ______
Business phone: ______
Fax: ______
E-mail address: ______
Date of Application: ______
When would you like the data set to be available to you? (date): ______
Research Proposal (Please include all the following components in the following order):
1. The questions or hypotheses to be addressed.
2. The measures to be used in the analysis.
3. The statistical methods to be used.
4. The specific plans for data presentation and dissemination, such as presentation at a conference and/or publication in a journal article or book.
Data Set Requested (please check all that applies and specify when necessary)
Wave 1 data (Grade 5): Student Questionnaire ______Parent Questionnaire______
Wave 2 data (Grade 6): SQ ______PQ______
Wave 3 data (Grade 7): SQ ______PQ______
Wave 4 data (Grade 8): SQ ______PQ______
Wave 5 data (Grade 9): SQ ______PQ______
Wave 6 data (Grade 10): SQ ______PQ______
Wave 7 data (Grade 11): SQ ______PQ______
Wave 8 data (Grade 12): SQ ______PQ______
Please specify geographic locations of the requested data.
Local Data (please specify the county/town/school district/school):
State Data (please specify the state):
Regional Data (please specify the region and the State covered):
National Data:
Please specify all variables and constructs you wish to have access to below (including demographic variables of interest). If you need additional space, please attach another sheet.