Defining Disciplinary Differences

For which discipline do you think the source article of each of these quotes was written? Why? (What evidence is there? Underline “giveaway” words/phrases.) Hint: Don’t assume there is one quote from each discipline under each topic.


  1. “Two of the spurious reasons for invading Afghanistan and Iraq have been liberating women from repressive fundamentalism and keeping women free from barbaric terrorism. In the midst of such gendered rationale, images and stories of Appalachian women have reflected profound ambivalence about the fundamentalism of Iraqi resistance and American responses to it. This essay examines the way U.S. media and government officials deflect criticism by deploying a hillbilly defense against accusations of American terror and military extremism.”
  1. “While much of the discourse surrounding films about the Vietnam War has been to discuss the way in which the war was reshaped after the fact in order to adapt it to recognizable narratives acceptable for the general public, these two films suggest that a recent movement toward conservatism in war films has completely erased the critical representation of war that was discernible in earlier Vietnam War films.”
  1. “The objective of this study was to quantify the thermal strain of soldiers wearing nuclear, biological, and chemical protective clothing during short-term field training in cold conditions.”


  1. “This paper argues that social problems might be conceptualized as cultural products that are marketed in much the same way as automobiles, rock bands, or politicians. We propose that there are three essential & interconnected aspects to consider to understanding of how social issues become widely recognized as social problems. . . . To illustrate, we examine the ‘alien abduction’ issue.”
  1. “Thus, we have demonstrated that concentrated ammonium salt solutions and water-in-oil microemulsions, both of which are able to form on extraterrestrial planets and moons in the presence of liquid water, are suitable media for enzyme reactions at subzero temperatures.”
  1. “Ethnographers expect to encounter new meaning systems, especially when they analyze groups with highly spiritualized understandings of the world. However, few worldviews evoke such deep incredulity as psychic contact with extraterrestrials and the claim that this contact is a legitimate scientific enterprise.”


“In Thomas Middleton’s [play] A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (1613), the extravagant postpartum lying-in of Mrs. Allwit prompts one of her friends to remark, ‘See gossip and she lies not in like a countess.’ . . . What does it mean to lie in like a countess? . . . I will endeavor to answer this question by providing a brief history of the furnishings required for the lying-in chamber. These furnishings are the least documented facet of [Medieval] childbirth practices.”

“Little is known about what factors adolescent males consider important when making decisions concerning the resolution of an unplanned pregnancy with a teenage partner. Young men's influence on pregnancy outcome decisions can play an important part in the subsequent psychological adjustment of the female. . . . Using a 25-item scale embedded in an electronic role-play, data were obtained from 330 male Australian school students on their priorities and concerns in relation to possible Outcomes of a partner's pregnancy.”

“Many women need some kind of analgesic treatment to relieve pain during childbirth. The objective of our study was to compare the effect of acupuncture with transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) and traditional analgesics for pain relief and relaxation during delivery with respect to pain intensity, birth experience, and obstetric outcome.”