DC Commission for Women
Time: 6:30-8pm
Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Location: Conference Call
1. Call meeting to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm
2. Roll Call: Done at 6:42pm. A quorum was met.
3. MOWPI Staff: Director Kimberly Bassett
4. Meeting Minutes: Meeting Minutes from September 13, 2017 were circulated and approved with no edits.
5. Correspondence & Announcements: None
6. Unfinished Business: None
7. New Business
a) Chairwoman’s Report: MOWPI
i. Women’s Conference
- Steering Committee met and an overview of the conference was provided. Meeting overview notes were distributed to all commissioners.
- Conference Date: November 4th at Gallaudet University, Kellogg Conference Center, from 9am to 1pm
- Theme: Create A New Movement of Women Leaders (may be revisited)
- 9am – Registration & Continental Breakfast
- 10am – Overview and Remarks from Mayor Bowser
- 10:45am – Transitional Networking Session and Exhibitors
- 11am - Four (4) Breakout Sessions
- 12 Noon – Luncheon with Keynote Speaker and Guest MC
- 1pm – Closing
- Proposed MCs: Lesli Foster and Maureen Bunyan. Invitations will be sent to them this week.
- DC Cable & TV will film main sessions of conference
- Who should attend? Estimating at least 200 women between the ages of 25-65, who are interested in civic engagement.
- The conference is geared towards women who are interested in being involved in local community engagement groups, ANCs, and non-profits and women who want to learn more about the path to civic/political leadership, like council members and even the Mayor.
Discussion around the conference theme and intent included the following comments:
- Commissioner Alfonso questioned why the conference focus was not on leadership in general and not just civic engagement. She stated that we may want to consider focusing on leadership in activism and within corporate environments.
- Commissioner Bussey suggested reaching out to Emily’s List who helps people run for office, and Change.Org to discuss online activism. She also suggested reaching out to BYP100.
- Suggested names were received from commissions to serve as key note speakers and panelists.
- A set of questions for each of the panels will be developed reflective of the panel topic.
- The messaging for the conference will read: Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Commission for Women present: The SheDC Leadership Conference: Creating a New Movement of Women Leaders.
- Potential Partners: Federation of Civic Association; Women Impacting Public Policy; United State of Women. Other partners may be added.
- Commissioners were requested to send email to Commissioner Rudd & MOWPI staff if interested in serving as a note take or facilitator for the panels.
- Notes from the Steering Committee meeting will be distributed to all commissioners.
- Commissioners were encouraged to send questions for panels.
- Volunteers will be needed to ensure the ultimate planning and success of the conference.
- Event Signage will be done by MOWPI staff.
b) MOWPI Director’s Report:
Director Bassett shared the activities of the MOWPI office to include:
- Women’s Conference (additional details)
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month Events;
- Breast Cancer Walk in Ward 8 at Bald Eagle Recreation Center on October, 21st
- Pamper Me Pink Event – Mammograms on site
- History Matters – Ward 7 Health Alliance October 29th. Takes place in Ward 8 - Honoring Breast Cancer Survivor Stories in Wards 6,7,8
- DC Goes Pink – Friday, October 20th. Commissioners encouraged to post on social media on that date (Breast Cancer Awareness)
- Domestic Violence
- Wear Purple October 19th to bring awareness to domestic violence
- NDB-DC & Share Love DC
- All event details will be sent to the Commissioners
- Salary Negotiation Workshops
- Commissioner Porter served as a facilitator for the workshop held at the Wilson Building; kudos are extended for a job well done
- Great Social Media at the event, denoting more people are tuned in
- The workshops are being held twice a month.
- The President & CEO of AAUW, Kimberly Churches, is presenting at the next event. She speaks highly of MOWPI and their support of the salary negotiation program.
The television show “Great Day Washington” has invited MOWPI to come and talk about all the events going on for Breast Cancer Awareness this month. Commissioners are invited to attend. Taping of showing will take place at 4100 Wisconsin Ave NW. Commissioners participating are encouraged to arrive between 8-8:30am. The date will be announced later.
8. Announcements & Good of the Order
- Holiday Reception will be tentative held on Thursday, Dec. 14th at Commissioner Greene’s Home.
- Steering committee to meet before the conference.
- CRP will support the conference with note taking, facilitating and evaluation form development.
- Need Sponsorships & SWAG Bags.
9. Next Meeting Date: Nov. 7th @ 6:45pm @ the Wilson Building.
10. Motion to Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm.