ThebranchofRepublicStateEnterprise «Nationalcenteroncomplexmineral raw materialsprocessing of the Republic of Kazakhstan» «The East scientific-researchore mining and smeltinginstitute of nonferrous materials»
(The branch of rse «Nconcmrmp of the RK» «ESRINM»)
The Institute of Combustion Problems of Science committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
«MoscowInstitute of Steeland Alloys» (NRTU «MISA»)
RepublicStateEnterpriseontheEconomic Management Right «D. Serikbayev EastKazakhstanstatetechnicaluniversity» (RSE «D. Serikbayev EKSTU)
Republican Public Association of «Physico - TechnicalSociety»of Kazakhstan
InteractiveCorporation, Japan
"Efficient use of resources and environmental protection - key issues of mining and metallurgical complex"
ХIIInternationalscienceconference«Advancedtechnologies, equipmentandanalyticalsystemsformaterials andnano-materials»
IntheframeofTheInternational specialized exhibition on mining engineering, metallurgy and power engineering
on 20th-22nd of May 2015 in Ust-Kamenogorsk
WeinviteyoutotakepartintheXII Internationalconference«Advanced technologies, equipment and analytical systems for materials and nano-materials» andIХthe International conference "Efficient use of resources and environmental protection - key issues of mining and metallurgical complex".
Place and time:
The Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 19 Serikbayev St,
TheMainbuildingofD. Serikbayev EastKazakhstanstatetechnical
university, 20th-22nd of May 2015.
Theexchangeoftheinformationaboutinnovativetechnologiesinthefieldof nonferrous metals and precious metalsmining, material science andnewmaterials, andalsoabout manufactured equipment for material science, micro- and nano-electronics and analytical systems for the investigation of the structure and materials composition.
- Conditionandprospectsdevelopmentoftheminingindustry, non-ferrous metallurgy, material science and nano-technologies (reports of theplenary meeting).
- Geology andmineral resources.
- Technologicaldevelopmentandachievementsinthefieldofmining, beneficiation and metallurgy of nonferrous and precious metals.
- Environment protection.
- Nano-materialsandnano-technologies.
- Mathematicalmodelingof production processes of new advanced materials.
- Analyticalsystems, equipmentandtechnologiesforthestudy of raw materials, technological extent products and new advanced materials.
- Innovations in education and science, commercialization of scientific and technical activities.
- Presentation of institutions, enterprises and firms, co-organizers of the conference.
Ifyoudesiretobeamongtheco-organizersoftheconferenceand, inadditionexceptscientificreports, topublishthematerialaboutachievements and developments ofyouruniversity, enterprise or firm, and also introduce innovative design and/or advertisement in the form of exhibit materials or publications in the materials collectionof the conference, at that the logotype of your organization (with E-mail and web-address) will be placed ontitle page of materials collection, so it is necessary to sign anagreement, terms of which you can discuss with the members of the organizing Committee of the conference:
From the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Gavrilenko Oleg Dmitriyevich, the candidate of geological-mineralogical Sciences, Vice-Rector on science and international cooperationof D. Serikbayev EKSTU,
Tel.: 8(7232)260-540, e-mail:
From the Russian Federation:
Kozhitov Lev Vassilyevich, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the materials technology electronics department of the National research technological University “I. V. Stalin Moscow Institute of steel”,
Tel.: 8(499)236-81-33, e-mail:
- Arrival of participants of the conference at the 20th of May, 2015.
- Plenary meeting at the 21st of May, 2015.
- The section conferenceworkat the 21st – 22nd of May, 2014.
- Bilateral and plurilateral negotiations
- Demonstration semiproduction experimental plants andfamiliarization with laboratories of the East scientific-researchore mining and smeltinginstitute of nonferrous materials and D. Serikbayev EKSTU
- Visit to an exhibition of MinTech-2015.
Conference languages of the International conferences: Kazakh, Russian, English.
When the conference will start the material collection will be published.
Application for participation and materials for publication in the materials collection of International scientific conference “Perspective technologies, equipment and analytical systems for material science and nanomaterials” and IX International conference "Efficient use of resources and environmental protection - key issues of mining and metallurgical complex"we ask you to direct till 1st of March 2015 viathe interface box Conference Internet-page on the web-siteof D. Serikbayev EKSTU address:
Articles, innovative proposals and promotional materials should be designed in accordance with the template provided in Appendix 1.
The organizing Committee will select the most relevant articles included in the conference program corresponding to the Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, included in the database Scopus, for publication in this journal. All the necessary information for design of articles to be placed in the journal Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal you can download on the website in the section "Downloads" (Instructions).The cost of the services of the Publisher is 100 (one hundred) USA dollars. All calculations between a Publisher and an Author made in the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the rate of KZT to USD set by the National Bank of Kazakhstan on the day of payment. The author pays services of the Publisher by 100% advance payment by money transfer to the account of the Publisher or in cash by depositing the cash assets to the pay office of the Publisher (according to the Contract).
Contacts of D.Serikbayev EKSTU
The Republic of Kazakhstan, 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 69Protozanova Street
Tel. (7232) 540-911, 269-168,8-705-41-82-179.
Kulenova Natalia Anatolievna, Candidate of science, Head of sub-department "Chemistry, metallurgy and enrichment"
Zamchiy Elena Yurievna, engineer of department of scientific-research work.
The East scientific-research ore mining and smelting institute of nonferrous materials:
The Republic of Kazakhstan, 070002, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 1 PromyshlennayaStreet
Tel. (7232) 22-11-01
Fax. (7232) 75-37-71, 75-31-73
Chalenko Valentina Vassilyevna, the head of the patent information Department
Web Site:
The Institute of Combustion Problems of Science committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Republic of Kazakhstan, 050012, Almaty, 172 Bogenbay BatyrStreet
Tel. 8 (727) 292-43-46
Fax. 8 (727) 292-58-11
Mansurov Zulkhair Aimukhametovich, the Director of Scientific and research institute of combustion problems
E-mail: ,
Russian Federation:
119049, Moscow, 4 Leninskaya avenue,
National research technological University “Moscow Institute of steel and alloy” (NRTU “MISA”)
Kozhitov Lev Vassilyevich, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the materials technology electronics department of the National research technological University “Moscow Institute of steel and alloy”,
Tel.: 8(499)236-81-33, e-mail:
Important dates
- Submission of applications for private participation (arrival) in the conference
- In case with the report till 01.03.2015
- In case without report till 15.03.2015
- Submission of the full reportstill01.04.2015
- Deadlineofthefeepayment
For the participation in the conferences:
- By transfer and postal order till10.04.2015
- Bycashinofficeservicingbank by arrival
Fee payment for the conferences should be done in non-cash payment:
The format of participation / Sum / AnnotationPublication of an article in the conference proceedings (In case of positive decision of the Editorial board) / 0 tenge / Withoutthe provision conference collection and handoutsmaterials
Distant participation in the conference with the publication in the conference proceedings / 5600
(31 USD) / The publication in the conference proceedings, receiving one copy of the proceedings with the delivery of postal services.
The participation in the conference with the publication in the conference proceedings / 9000
(50 USD) / The publication in the conference proceedings, receiving one copy of the proceedings, handouts, the participation in conference events.
The publication recommended by the organizing Committee of the articles in the Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. / 100 USD / The publication of an article in the journal is produced by the organizing Committee. Payment for the publication is transfered by the Author after acceptance by the organizing Committee of a positive decision about the publication on the basis of the Publisher of the Contract.
Payment paid by bank transfer to:
If you pay in tenge:
RSE on REM "D.SerikbayevEastKazakhstanStateTechnicalUniversity" of Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
070010 Ust-Kamenogorsk, 19D.Serikbayev Street
TIN 181800000624, 010440002379 BIN code (KBE) 16
IIC KZ138560000000503480
Branch of «Bank CenterCredit» Ust-Kamenogorsk
If you pay in USD:
RSE on REM "D.SerikbayevEastKazakhstanStateTechnicalUniversity" of Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
070010 Ust-Kamenogorsk, 19D.Serikbayev Street
TIN 181800000624, 010440002379 BIN code (KBE) 16
Correspondent Bank: Standart Chartered Bank, New York
Correspondent account of JSC "Bank CenterCredit" in correspondent bank 3582023208001
Account: KZ208560000005062936
RSE on REM "D.SerikbayevEastKazakhstanStateTechnicalUniversity" Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
in the branch of JSC "Bank CenterCredit" Ust-Kamenogorsk.
Payment of the registration fee Participant may be made in cash, by deposit to the settlement account servicing bank in the period of participation in the conference.
Appendix 1
The volume of the scientific article should be about 10-12 pages of A4 format.
Font: Times New Roman. Sizes: 14 with single line spacing. Paragraph: 1 cm. Type alignment: on width. Interline spacing: single.
Page setup from all margins are 2 cm.
In the center is the article title in capital letters in Latin(transliteration). [Near, in square brackets, the name of the report is written in English] – allin extra bold.
Then, in the line – surname, name, patronymic of the author (-s) in ordinary type, below – full name of organization (italic type), country – everything in English.
In one line after the name annotation (abstract) is writtennotless 250 wordsincluding the goal of investigation (purpose), usingmethodology (methodology), mainvalue of the work (originality/value) results of the investigation (findings), keywords. Theannotation is only in English.
In one linethe main textis given includingintroduction, the main part of the investigation, findings (results). The article is given in any language of the conference.
In the end of the article is listed bibliographical list (list of references)in accordance withreferences in the text. References on literary sources are given in figures in square brackets in the text, when necessary. References to full texts of the articles from magazines and conferences of international databases of scientific information are obligatory in bibliography list.Sources are given in Latin if isn't English-speaking.
Formulas (Microsoft Equations 1.0-3.0)
Formulasshould be printed in FULL VERSION in this redactor.
The size of formulas shouldn't exceed on width of 16 cm; on height of 24 cm. Type: Times New Roman.
Drawings, tables
The size of drawing shouldn't exceed on width of 16 cm; on height of 24 cm. Inscriptions on drawings – 9 pt. Link to drawing in the text is obligatory.
The drawing title is under the drawing itself in the center in Times New Roman 14pt.
Tables – the signature over the table, at the beginning of a line, without paragraph (Times New Roman 14pt, explanatory data to the table – 12 pt).
The author (-s) is responsible for the content of the article.
The text has to be carefully verified and edited.
Materials received after the deadline or not meeting these requirements will not be considered and will not be returned. In case of discrepancy to the above requirements the editorial saves the rights not to include article materials in the collection.
The collection of scientific articles of the conference is planned to be included in the database on citing of conference materials of theСРCI (Conference Proceeding citation index) of the Webofknowledge of publishing house Thomson Reuters.
Example of formulation
(in Latin (transliteration), if an article is NOT in English)
(the title of an article is in English)
(Ivanov M.N.. Petrov V.C.)
Faculty of Name 1
University of Name, Republic of name
Faculty of Name 2
University of Name, Republic of name
Purpose – the main purpose and conclusion of research paper (1-2 lines).
Methodology – method or approach.
Originality/value – importance of work.
Findings – main focus and findings of the article.
Keywords – Word 1, Word 2, Word 3, Word 4, Word 5.
Value of work. Importance of work. Topicality of work.
Main part of research
Main positions of research, research figures
Figure 1 - Schedules of ranges
Table 1 - Indicators of tax policy efficiency
The received results (conclusions)
Conclusion, research results, practical suggestions and recommendations.
List of literature
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2 Leontiev, L. Opyt stimulirovaniya innovatcionnoy deyatelnosti za rubezhom // Innovatcii. – 2003. – №4. – S. 85-90.
4 Bottazzi L., Da Rin M., and T. Hellmann. Who Are the Active Investors? Evidence from Venture Capital // Journal of Financial Economics. – 2008. - № 89. – Р. 488-512.