Our Ref: CJM/DMB 20 April 2016
Dear Parent/Carer
Food for Thought Tour – Chateau Du Baffy, Normandy
In Easter 2017 students from Years 8, 9 and 10 will have the opportunity to go on a Food For Thought Study Trip at Chateau Du Baffy, Normandy, France. We will travel to the Chateau from Monday 10 April to Friday 14 April 2017.
For our students it is hoped that they will gain considerable advantage in their food studies as well as supporting their French studies whilst experiencing a taste of French culture and food.We will do excursions around the area including Bayeaux, Isigny sur mer and Arromanches and they will have a cookery demonstration with a local chef using local food and the food purchased at the markets at the Chateau.
The cost of the trip will be £428.00 to cover return coach travel from Oaklands School to Chateau Du Baffy and ferry (Portsmouth to Caen). Accommodation is on a full board basis with the trip fee including:
- Bakery Visit
- Cheese Farm Visit (including milking the goats if wished)
- Cider/Apple Juice Factory (Chateau Breuil)
- Crepe Making Session at the Chateau
- Market Visit followed by a ready steady cook competition at the Chateau.
- Caramel Factory Visit
- Oyster Farm Visit
- Frog and Snail Tasting at the Chateau
- Cheese Quiz Tasting at the Chateau
For our students it is hoped that they will gain considerable advantage in their Food studies as well as supporting their language studies and experiencing a taste of French culture. We will do excursions to food production premises and students will have cookery demonstrations with a local chef using local food and the food purchased at the markets.
An EHIC card and full individual passport will be required for this trip five weeks before departure.
As we are limited in the number of students that we can take, I would like parents to submit an application but not send in any deposit at present.Register of interest slips must be handed in to the Finance Office by Wednesday 4 May 2016. If the activity is oversubscribed, a transparent draw will take place. Notification as to whether your child has a place will be will be communicated by Friday 6 May 2016 by email. The remainder will be put on a reserve list in the order they are drawn from the ballot.
There are 45 places available and the total cost of the trip is £428.00A deposit of £50.00 is due by Friday 13 May 2016, followed by:
6 June 2016£60.00
4 July 2016£70.00
6 September2016 £70.00
3 October 2016 £70.00
2 November 2016 £60.00
6 January 2017 £48.00
Please do not send post-dated cheques. Payments can be made online.
As this trip is deemed to be an enhancement to the curriculum, the school normally is unable to offer financial assistance and therefore the full cost of the activity must be borne by yourselves. Payments and accompanying paperwork must be handed in on or before the deadline date outlined above to avoid jeopardising your child’s place on the trip/activity. Should your child withdraw from the activity, please be aware that deposits are non-refundable and any further payments can only be refunded if the place can be filled by another student on a waiting list, or if the withdrawal is for an insurable reason. If there are significant changes to the cost of the trip these may have to be passed on to the student. Be assured that we will try to keep such costs to a minimum.
We would advise that students do not to take valuables out on school activities, however, should they be taken parents should ensure personal possessions are adequately insured.
It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to update the school should there be any changes to the medical information about their child. Please communicate these to Mrs Brettell, Business Support Manager.
If you have any queries about the study trip, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Yours sincerely
Miss C Mousdale
Teacher of Food Technology
Food for Thought Tour – Chateau Du Baffy, Normandy 2017
Student Name: ……………………………………………………. Form: …………………
I would like to submit an application for my child to participate in the visit to Food for Thought Tour -Chateau Du Baffy, Normandy 2017. He/she is in good health and I consent to him/her taking part in the programme detailed in your letter.
Should my child secure a place on this trip, I will ensure deposits and payments are made according to the payment schedule as outlined in the trip letter.
I understand and agree that the cost of any damage caused by my son/daughter during the visit to Chateau Du Baffy, Normandy, must be reimbursed to the school.
I will make future payments online
Signature of Parent: …….………..…………………………….. Date: ……………………
Email address: ………………………………………………………………………………..