1 /


1.1 / The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority needs to periodically conduct a survey to find out existing customers views on their visit to the Yorkshire Dales, the National Park Authority, and services provided for customers. Such surveys have been carried out in 2002, 2008 and 2013, and we are now looking to repeat the survey in 2017.
1.2 / There has been a significant change to the National Park since the last survey in 2013 – that is the extension of the Park which occurred on 1 August 2016. This increased the area of the Park by 24% taking in major new areas in the Lune Valley, northern Howgills and Westmorland Dales. The 2017 survey will be the first to take account of these new areas and get the opinion of visitors.
1.3 / The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority wish to appoint a consultant to carry out the following tasks:
  • Carry out face to face interviews
  • Input and analyse the questionnaires
  • Produce a report for the National Park detailing the findings, including a comparison with the findings from previous surveys

1.4 / In doing this, the consultants are expected to review existing data and carry out primary research.
1.5 / The client for this piece of work is the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.
2. /

The project brief

2.1 /

Phase 1: Finalise the questionnaires to be used

The questionnaire to be used in the National Park will be almost identical to that used in previous surveys, but may require some minor updating.
2.2 /

Phase 2: Fieldwork in the National Park

This phase will involve carrying out surveying in the field. The aim is to conduct a minimum of 625 surveys in the National Park during July, August, September and October. These will be conducted at the following locations which are geographically spread throughout the Yorkshire Dales:
  • Grassington village in the south of the Park with shops, visitor centre and toilets. Survey took place at the only public car park and bus interchange in the village (owned by NPA).
  • Hawesvillage in the north of the Park with a number of major attractions including Dales Countryside Museum and the Wensleydale Creamery. Survey took place at the main car park and bus interchange in the village (owned by NPA).
  • Mukersmall village in Swaledale with car park and toilets, popular base to start low and high level walks. Survey took place in the village.
  • Dentsmall village in Cumbrian part of the Dales, accessible from the Settle Carlisle railway line, known for its local brewery and picturesque cobbled village. Survey took place at the only car park in the centre of the village.
  • Ribblehead main focus of the ‘Three Peaks’, accessible from the Settle Carlisle railway line. Survey took place at the informal car park/lay by T junction near the railway viaduct where rights of way leave the road.
  • Malhamspectacular limestone scenery on edge of small village in the south of Park, with visitor centre and toilets in village. Survey took place where the rights of way to the Cove leave the road.
  • Aysgarth Falls car park, toilets and visitor centre with spectacular series of waterfalls in the north east of the park, also with low level walks through woods by river. Survey took place at the main car park by the river (owned by NPA).
  • BuckdenCar park and toilets at start of series of high level walks, eg, Buckden Pike. Survey took place at the only car park where main path to Buckden Pikes begins.
  • ReethVillage in Swaledale in the north of the National Park. The start of many local walks with parking largely around the village green.
  • Horton-in-RibblesdaleSmall village with National Park owned car park. The starting point for many fell walks including the Three Peaks challenge.
  • OrtonSmall village in the extended National Park with good access from the M6. Acts as a base for local walks and cycle rides. Not surveyed previously.
  • Devil’s BridgePopular riverside location close to Kirkby Lonsdale with large car parking area, toilets, access to the river and picnic site. Not surveyed previously.
Surveys need to be carried out on both week days and weekends. The sites at Grassington, Hawes, Malham, Aysgarth and Devil’s Bridge are busy locations, but other sites are quieter. The number of people visiting will always be highly weather dependant.
2.3 / Phase 3: Data analysis and report writing
The questionnaires will need to be completed on site and entered and analysed using a suitable software programme.
From this analysis a report will need to be compiled which answers the key questions covered by the questionnaire. The report will also need to look at how these findings differ from those obtained through the previoussurveys and indicate differences between locations where these are statistically robust..
3. / Expected Outputs
  • Digital version of the survey report in pdf and word format
  • Raw case data and analysis that can be used in Microsoft Office, or SNAP programmes

4 / Consultant specification
4.1 / We are looking for consultants who are knowledgeable about visitor surveys/market research and data analysis and that are capable of working to tight deadlines. Ideally you will have knowledge of recreation and access issues, and an understanding of National Park purposes.
4.2 / Consultants will need to demonstrate a flexible approach to the research project and a clear commitment to the objectives of this contract.
5 / Project supervision
5.1 / The contract will be managed by Mark Allum– Head of Access and Engagement – Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.
5.2 / The proposal should nominate a Project Leader and give details of other staff to be assigned to the project.
6 / Timetable
6.1 / Quotes must be received by noon on Monday29May 2017.
The prospective timetable for your research and reporting on both phases needs to be given in your proposal. The final report needs to be completed by 31October 2017.
7 / Submission of quotes
7.1 / You are invited to submit a proposal for the work prescribed in this brief. Please supply your submission by post, using the envelope provided, to arrive no later than noon on Monday29 May 2017.
7.2 / Your submission should include:
a) The names, qualifications, and relevant experience of each person who will be involved in the contract and how work will be divided between them.
b) An indication of how the consultants propose to undertake the specific requirements of the brief.
c) Details of previous relevant experience of your company in carrying out similar work and experience of working in a National Park setting.
d) Details of appropriate industry standard qualifications, quality marks and relevant awards.
The total cost for each phase should be clearly set out, and a grand total given.
7.3 / We are unable to reimburse any costs incurred in relation to quote submissions.
7.4 / Quote evaluation
All quote submissions will be evaluated using the following evaluation model.
The evaluation process will be based on 60% quality and 40% price in accordance with the following criteria:
= Quality (60%)
An evaluation of the quality of bids will be based on information submitted in response to the tender specification.
Criteria / Rating (Maximum)
Details of appropriate industry standard qualifications, quality marks and relevant awards. / 30
The skills and expertise of those who will be involved in undertaking / 20
Details of previous relevant experience of your company in carrying out similar work and experience of working in a National Park setting and endorsement by referees / 30
Demonstration of the ability to deliver the brief to the required timetable / 20
Total / 100
The minimum quality score is 60. Submitted tenders which do not reach this threshold will be rejected and not considered further.
= Price (40%)
The lowest bid will score 40. The price score for other bids will be determined by dividing the lowest bid by that bid and multiplying by 40 (see example)
e.g. Contractor A makes lowest bid of £10,000 = score of 40
Contractor B makes a bid of £15,000 therefore (10/15) x 40 = score of 27
Aggregate Score
An aggregate rating on both quality and price will be calculated as shown below:
Quality score (multiplied by 0.6) + Price score = Aggregate score.
Subject to having achieved a minimum quality score of 60 and meeting all other approvals the contract will be awarded to the contractor with the highest aggregate score.
8 / Terms and conditions
8.1 / The contract will be subject to our standard conditions of contract, and will be on a fixed fee as quoted
9 / Invoicing arrangements
10 / We will pay all invoices prepared in accordance with the contract document within 30 days.


The following key documents are enclosed:
  • Draft questionnaire
  • Conditions of quotation
  • Quotation form
Available on request is:
  • Results from the 2013 survey

11 / Data Protection and Freedom of Information
11.1 / Each of the Parties undertakes to comply with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998, and in particular not to disclose any personal data as defined by that Act in relation to any individual unless the relevant conditions permitting such disclosure are met.
11.2 / The Parties acknowledge that the Authority is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and that this Agreement does not constitute or contain any obligation of confidentiality.
11.3 / In any case where the Authority receives a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Contractor shall on request take all reasonable steps to assist the Authority to comply with it in accordance with the law.
12 / Canvassing etc
Any Contractor who canvasses any member or officer of the Authority directly or indirectly relating to this contract will be disqualified.
Any Contractor who:
a)fixes or adjusts the amount of his bid by arrangement with any other person; or
b)communicates to any person other than the Authority the amount of the tender (except where made for insurance purposes); or
c)enters into any arrangement with other organisations or individuals to the effect that they will refrain from bidding or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted; or
d)offers or pays any sum of money to any person to induce such a person to accept the bid
then the contractor will be disqualified from presenting a tender and may be subject to both civil and criminal liability.

If you have any questions then please contact Mark Allum on 01756 751626, .

  1. Quote submission

(i) all tenders submitted in the form of hard copy must be in a sealed envelope, which shall bear the word “Quotation” followed by the subject to which it relates, but shall not bear any indication of the identity of the tenderer. Postal tenders should be addressed to The Contracts Manager, Yoredale, Bainbridge, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 3EL.

(ii) tenders may be submitted electronically. Electronic quotes should be identified as such, and e-mailed to , for opening no earlier than the date set for the end of the quotation process..

  1. The envelope should reach the Contracts Manager by:Noon, Monday29 May 2017.
  1. The quote envelope and its franking must not bear any indication of the Contractors identity and the envelope must only be marked "Quotation for Customer Survey 2017’’.
  1. Any quotation received after the specified time will be returned promptly to the firm concerned unless we are satisfied that there is evidence of posting in time for delivery by the due date in the normal course of post delivery and that the other quotations have not been opened. Late quotations will be opened for purposes of identification only and no details will be disclosed.
  1. Persons quoting will not be allowed to alter their quotes after the date fixed for the receipt of quotations but arithmetical errors may be corrected if found to have been made inadvertently.
  1. The National Park Authority is not bound to accept the lowest or any quotation.
  1. Quotations should be based on the complete specification and persons quoting should not make amendments to the specification.
  1. Where an appropriate British Standard Specification or British Standard Code of Practice issued by the British Standards Institution is current at the date of quotation, all goods and materials used or supplied and all workmanship shall be in accordance with that Standard.
  1. All persons quoting will be informed whether their quotation has been accepted or not within 15 days of the final date of its receipt.
  1. Successful contractors wishing to be exempt from tax at source must provide a copy of their exemption certificate (714).
  1. Successful contractors must provide evidence of suitable Public Liability Insurance cover before work commences.
  1. All contracts must adhere to Health & Safety regulations applicable to their particular method of operation. Risk assessments must be made available, to the National Park Authority, on request
  1. Where applicable successful contractors/consultants must provide agreed levels of Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover.

I/We the undersigned hereby submit a quotation for the specified works:

Customer Survey 2017

File Reference: Project Ref: Customer Survey 2017

In accordance with the conditions of quotation and specification provided, as follows:

Total cost
Design of questionnaire and preliminaries
Fieldwork in Yorkshire Dales National Park
Data analysis in Yorkshire Dales National Park
Report writing for Yorkshire Dales National Park



Telephone Number





Customer Survey - For Sites in the YorkshireDalesNational Park

Date:Name of Interviewer:

Location: Weather:

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority wants to find out more about what visitors think about this area. Could you spare a few minutes of your time to answer a few questions?

1. Which of the following describes your visit today?

1) Day Visit from home within the Yorkshire Dales National Park Go to Q3

2) Day Visit from home outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park Go to Q3

3) Staying overnight in the YorkshireDalesNational Park Go to Q2

4) Staying overnight outside the YorkshireDalesNational Park Go to Q2

2. If staying overnight, how many nights have you spent during your stay?


3. How many adults are in your group today?


4. How many children (under 16 yrs) are in your group today? (Please put zero if no children)


5. What is your home postcode? (For analysis purposes only) (If do not want to supply postcode, go to question 6. If do supply postcode, go to question 7)


6. Where do you live?(Town and County) (If overseas, please also state country)


7. How did you travel to this place today?(Please tick all that apply)

1) By private car/van5) Train

2) Motorbike6) Bicycle

3) Public bus/coach7) On foot

4) Private bus/coach8) On horse back

9) Other

8. Approximately how many times, (including today), have you visited the YorkshireDalesNational Park in the last 12 months?

1) Numerous times (please specify) …… 

2) Today is my first time in the last 12 months 

3) First trip ever 

9. What information did you refer to, to plan your visit? (Please tick all that apply)(PROMPT CARD 1)

1) OS or other Map8) National Park Centre

2) Leaflet9) Public transport information 

3) Magazine Article10) Didn’t use any information to plan visit

4) Guide Book11) Other website

5) Visitor Newspaper 201212) Information from friends/family 

6) Yorkshire Dales National 13) Smartphone application

Park Authority website14) Other

7) Radio/TV programme

10.With regards to the Yorkshire Dales National Park, what do you see as its special qualities? (Do not prompt)(If only one suggestion given by respondent interviewer to ask if anything else before moving onto next question)

1) Open space/freedom/remoteness9) Wildlife 

2) Natural Beauty/scenery/views10) Limestone scenery

3) Walks and walking11) Peaceful/ tranquil

4) Villages/traditional buildings12) Hills/dales/valleys 

5) Clean/ unpolluted13) Outdoor activities

6) Barns and Walls14) Hay meadows

7) Waterfalls15) Social history

8) Other (please state) ……………… 

11. What have you enjoyed about your visit to the Yorkshire Dales today? (Do not prompt)

1) Scenery/landscape9) Local people

2) Peace and tranquility10) Getting away from it all

3) Archaeology/ built heritage10) Clean/pollution free

4) Recreational opportunities12) Visitor facilities

5) Good walking13) Start of visit

6) Wildlife/flora fauna14) Don’t know

7) Farming15) Other (please state)...... 

8) Food and drink

12. Has anything spoiled the enjoyment of your visit to the Yorkshire Dales today? (Do not prompt)

1) Bad weather9) Motorbikes on road

2) Litter10) Toilet facilities 3) Too many people  11) Facilities at National Park Information Centre 

4) Lack of waymarking12) Condition of path after repair work

5) Start of visit13) Condition of path rutted/muddy/boggy 

6) Traffic congestion on road14) Condition of path rocky/stony 

7) Nothing15) Finding somewhere to park

8) Off road trail bike/4x4 noise 16) Other, please state ...... ………...... 

13. Taking into account what you have enjoyed about your visit and what (if anything) has spoilt your visit, on a scale of 1 - 6 (where 1 is not at all satisfied and 6 is very satisfied) how satisfied are you overall with your visit to the Yorkshire Dales National Park?

Not at allVery



14. Can you name the organisation that is responsible for looking after the natural environment of the Yorkshire Dales, including telling people about its special qualities and promoting the public's enjoyment of the Dales?(Do not prompt)

1) National Park Authority5) The Government

2) National Trust

6) Welcome To Yorkshire

3) District council7) Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust 

4) County Council8) Don’t know

5) Natural England9) Other, please state...... 

Now I would like to ask you a few questions about the YorkshireDalesNational Park Authority.