Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome back! I hope your summer was full of adventure. We are beginning a new and exciting school year at Orion, and I am excited about the activities we will be participating in together in class. With your cooperation, I know it will be a success. Please be aware that all Weber School District and Orion Junior High policies will be enforced, both of which are available in the office.
TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS: McDougal Littell Language and Literature and the Holt Elements of Literature textbooks will be used, along with multiple reading novels including Hound of the Baskervilles, The Odyssey, and Romeo and Juliet, September 11, Boys in the Boat, and numerous short stories. Each student will be issued a numbered textbook or novel and is required to return them in good condition at the end of each unit or fines will be assessed for damages. Students will also read two novels this year from the following list as a group project, so please don’t try to read them all ahead of time:
After the Fear Immortal City Of Poseidon
In the After Starters Shatter Me
I’ll be There Dangerous Invisibility
Troy High House of Secrets Pawn
The 100 Delirium Fault in Our Stars
5th Wave Slammed Brokenhearted
Wuthering Heights Paper Towns Uninvited
Conspiracy of Us Starcrossed
Students will be required to come to class EVERY DAY prepared with:
1-Black or Blue pens and a No. 2 Pencil
2-A reading book for independent reading time (Students will be required to read at least two novels outside of class each quarter.)
3- Loose leaf paper. Your neighbor is not responsible for providing you with paper. Bring your own.
4- A folder to keep your assignments clean and taken care of.
We will also be watching movies which will all be rated PG or lower. All films watched in class will be directly related to the unit we are working on. The movies we will be watching include but are not limited to Hound of the Baskervilles and Romeo and Juliet (1968 version).
ABSENCES AND TARDIES: All students are expected to be prepared, to attend class regularly, and to participate in the day’s activities. Each day roll will be taken at the beginning of class. Tardies are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Students who are tardy will not be allowed to participate in the warm up activity for the day, which will result in the loss of points for the day. Work missed due to any unexcused tardy or absence may not be made up. I do stand by this policy, and will not be lenient with the drop in citizenship grades. Tardies cannot be made up.
3 unexcused tardies or absences = N in citizenship / 5 unexcused tardies or absences = U in citizenship
EXTRA CREDIT: Will be available each quarter by completing the extra credit assignment available for that quarter. Possible extra credit points will be available during class participation, and will be handed out by the teacher. Extra credit will only be awarded to students who have turned in all of their assignments.
OUTSIDE READING: Two required assignments for every term will be independent reading projects. Each student will be required to take an oral exam on the novel they are reading at midterm, and create a specified project on a different novel they are reading at the end of the quarter. This will be explained in more detail as that time draws closer.
CITIZENSHIP: Any student whose name is written down by a substitute teacher will receive an automatic U in citizenship for the quarter, as well as a phone call or email home. Any student who is caught cheating will also receive an automatic U in citizenship as well as a zero on the assignment.
GRADING: The following grading scale will be used:
100------93 A 71------67 C
92------90 A- 66------63 C-
89------86 B+ 62------59 D+
85------80 B 58------54 D
79------76 B- 53------50 D-
75------72 C+ 49 and lower F
ABSENCES AND LATE WORK: It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed by checking with the teacher. Students are expected to stay on top of assignments and due dates. I will send home emails periodically to update parents on students of upcoming tests and due dates as well. I will not accept any late work within a week of the midterm or end of term deadline.
***If there is ever a concern or questions, please feel free to phone or email me at the school, and I would be happy to help with arrangements or explanations.
I have read and understand the material included in this disclosure statement, and will honor it.
Student’s Name (Please Print)
Student’s Signature Date
Parent’s Signature Date