Letter of Complaint 1

Letter of Complaint:

Malfunctioning Equipment





Sender Name

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July 13, 2016

Recipient Name

Recipient Title

Company Name

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Company Address Line 2

Dear Ms. Jones:

Recently, I purchased your company’s Zenith 24in high-definition computer monitor for my office work station. I was guaranteed exceptional resolution and superb equipment reliability, both of which were key criteria in my decision to purchase this high-end, top-of-the-line model. I informed the sales representative that the demand this equipment would be great, as my company operates 24 hours per day, six days a week. The monitor is in constant use during operating hours.

Unfortunately, the monitor has consistently failed to perform as promised. Within the first full day of use, there have been severe problems with image quality, along with the intermittent loss of power to the monitor. Multiple times each day, my staff or I must turn off the monitor and wait several minutes before the monitor will turn on and resume functioning again. This has a profoundly damaging effect on my business, as my staff and I depend upon ready access to the computer at all times in order to complete our work.

On multiple occasions, I have requested technical support to service this monitor; on two occasions, your technicians have cancelled within an hour of the appointment. Additionally, three service appointments have been completed, each with the technician assuring me that the problem was resolved at last. Sadly, those assurances turn out to have been wrong in every case. Nevertheless, my repeated requests for either a refund or a replacement monitor have been refused.

Now I am at a loss. I can seem to find no one who is capable of repairing this monitor and I can get neither a refund nor a replacement. I am stuck, instead, with a very expensive monitor, on which my business depends, and yet which works only roughly ¾ of the time. I am afraid that if we cannot reach a resolution in this matter within the next seven days, I will have no other options but to contact the Better Business Bureau and to consult with an attorney. I sincerely hope that such measures will not be required, however, and that we can resolve this matter to our mutual satisfaction. Please contact me before July 20, 2016 so that we may discuss this issue further.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing from you.




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