Information for team candidates and parents.
Please complete the attached form (one form per member please) and return by 31st Marchto Catriona Bhatia if you would like to be considered for team selection. Your name will then be added to the team squad list and you will be informed of any training events (these are not rallies).
This is a wonderful opportunity to represent your Club and have fun; past team members have benefited from the magnificent team spirit either as part of the team or as an individual. We have also had some notable success when taking part in all thesecompetitions.
Parents, please be aware of the commitment and costs involved required for team events – a parent/guardian must be available to make sure the member attends any training sessions and there must be a parent/guardian with the member when they are competing and they must be able to travel south with the team if qualifying (please make sure horse has up to date flu vaccination).
In addition we need extra volunteers to assist with stewarding/jump judging at Area Dressage and Eventing. Each competing member will be required to provide one volunteer who is available to assist the organizing Pony Club for the full day (e.g. stewarding, jump judging). It is preferable that this is not a parent as it may mean you will not be able to watch your child compete.
There are strict eligibility rules for these competitions which can be found in each rulebook or can be downloaded from the Pony Club website. Could parents check very carefully that members meet the criteria for the team they wish to be considered for, as any breach of the rules can result in the individual or team being eliminated.
To ensure the safety and enjoyment for all competitors members will only be entered at the higher levels of Intermediate and Open at Showjumping and Eventing if they provide competition results to demonstrate that they are no longer eligible for Novice level. To be considered for Novice level Showjumping or Eventing evidence of competing consistently at the relevant heights will be required.
For higher Dressage levels evidence of competition results at either BD Novice/Elementary (unaffiliated with BD judges will suffice) and/or PC Intermediate/Open should be included.
Grassroots level is a great opportunity to start your Area competition journey and is now open to all ages, so please take a look at this level too.
If you have any queries about eligibility, rules or if you are unsure of anything please discuss with Conor or Catriona.
Remember, to represent the branch, you and your pony/horse need to have completed 3 working rallies from 1st July 2016 (camp counts as 1 rally).
One form per member, please return by 31st March
Please indicate the level you are currently competing at, with supporting information on recent results. For jumping, please include only heights that you currently jumping CLEAR.
You can also include competitions that you intend to compete at over next few months but please update us on results.
Currentcompetition level / 2016/17 competitions attended & results
Please fill out this section clearly and in full as information is used for entry forms.
Age (as at 1.1.17)……..…………
Pony: Height…………………….… Mare/Gelding Pony Age:……………………………..
Pony’s Name:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Pony’s Competition
I have read the eligibility rules and confirm that the above member meets with the PonyClub requirements, and understand the commitment required andwill be available for the Area Competition and available for the Championships ifqualifying.
Signed: ……………………………………………………………..…………………… Parent/Guardian
Date: …………………..……………
Return to: Catriona Bhatia, Kiltane, Eshiels, Peebles EH45 8LZ