If It Doesn T Meet Nutrient Requirements Try to Adjust Recipe
- Open Discussion
- Nutrient Analysis
- Make sure you are checking the nutrient analysis on a recipe before you make it.
- If it doesn’t meet nutrient requirements try to adjust recipe.
- If recipe is beyond repair don’t be afraid to ask Odessa to trash it.
- Export your nutrition label in jpg format not bitmap
- Instagram Stories
- We are going to be posting more Instagram stories, if you would like to be tagged in the one’s that are yours, make sure you follow the DT Instagram.
- Hashtags
- It is your responsibility to provide Courtney and myself with hashtags in your “blurbs”.
- Newsletter “From”
- The newsletter says it is “from Odessa Appel” when you look at it on your phone but not on a desktop.
- No way we can see to fix it at this time because the account has to be tied to an email.
- We will always ensure we are doing everything to the best of our ability to make sure it is coming “from” Dinner Tonight.
- Throwing out recipes
- Recipes that exist on the website can be thrown out if they don’t meet nutrition requirements or if they are terrible recipes.
- Write on the calendar that you want it thrown out so we all can keep track of what is going on with that recipe.
- How To Videos
- We have gotten into a habit of doing fewer how to videos, when possible we need to be doing them.
- Keep in mind these videos may be something you are already filming!!! i.e. Michelle’s kale de-stemming video (it was a video clip from her recipe video that doubled as a ‘how-to’)
- Research Based vs. Non Research based
- When we talk about food safety or nutrition information or statistics we always need to use a reliable source (preferably government and edu websites only), you as team members are responsible for providing the link to that resource so we can give credit and maintain credibility.
- When we are discussing other things like what is a quiche vs. what is a frittata we can use non-research based sources but they still need to have a good reputation that we can refer back to – Bon appetit or similar is my recommendation.
- Stock Photos & IOW
- Try not to accidentally remove files from the folder! It can happen easily with the desktop version, be sure you are always copying something to a new folder instead of dragging it.
- We will work on renaming the stock photos so they are easier to sort through.
- Graphics from other sources
- On several occasions we have had team members submit (very cool and fun!) graphics from sources such as the USDA, but they are in a long or awkward shape. For these types of graphics we still need you to provide us with a canva title card to post on social media.
- Renaming Recipes
- We discussed renaming recipes when appropriate here are a few suggestions when renaming
- Don’t rename just for the sake of renaming, it is a lot less work if we don’t have to
- Only rename recipes that don’t describe (or overly describe) the dish i.e. Easy Minestrone Pasta should be shortened to Minestrone Pasta, the “easy” is more distracting than it is helpful, all of our dishes should be easy.
- When to use Syncplicity vs. Calendar
- Think of syncplicity as your file storage tool and the calendar as your communication tool.
- Try and avoid storing files in the calendar.
- Descriptive words added to team resource page
- Holiday Features/Recipe Booklets for 2019/PTTP
- We reminded everyone who has what holiday’s and in theory a new team member will take over Julie’s Halloween content.
- Dinner Tonight Recipe Calendar
- Discussed new giveaways for 2019
- Meal planning sheets
- Magnets
- Recipe Booklet Themes
- Mindful eating – limit waste
- Meal Planning
- It all starts with Ag
- “Create Your Own” – Nebraska Extension
- Perforated vs. not
- Give me feedback you here!!!
- Recipe Booklet Recipes
- Open call to all agents across the state to submit recipes
- Elaine, Hannah, Kelli, Odessa final reviewers
- Volunteers for Assisting with potential PTTP/DT crossover videos
- Kelli, Hannah
- Odessa took recommendations for the Instapot Team
- Names will be omitted to protect privacy
- Food Photography Lessons
- Resources will be emailed out and place on DT Team Resource webpage
- Content 2018-2019
- Focus on priority recipes! Recipes without pictures, nutrition labels
- Emily has made a list of top priority recipes, start referencing that list when choosing upcoming recipes! When you choose a new recipe you are responsible for updating both spreadsheets to indicate that recipe is taken
- If you decide to use a different recipe than the one that is currently on the calendar, it is your responsibility to check to make sure no one else has already reserved the recipe and to update the calendar and spreadsheets
- Took recommendations for potential new members!!!
- Names will be omitted to protect privacy
- We also discussed a desire to partner with the Beef Cattle Short course and I will pursue that.