HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board

3/18/2013 Meeting


Attendees: Heide Port, Mary Edgington, Keiwana Jones, Rich Byers, Armani Beck, Cortlyn Hagman, Carlos Wiley, Rich Daly, Anand Ganjam, Nia Spicer

Call to Order – Mary Edgington

Welcome –

Mary Edgington welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Comments from the Public –


Approval of the Minutes –

A motion was made by Rich Byers to approve the minutes from the meeting of February 4, 2013 and a second was made by Rich Daly. The board voted in favor of accepting the minutes.

Mary requested that the agenda be inverted to elect a new chair for the board. Celiena Bady has stepped down from this role. A motion was made by Ed Sidwell to invert the agenda and a second was made by Anand Ganjam. All were in favor.

New Business-

Election of new chair– Mary shared that Celiena has resigned as the chair of the HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board. A new chair needs to be elected during this meeting. The chair is responsible for leading the meetings, meeting with Mary and Carlos to set up the agendas for the meetings, and leading the space allocation appeals meeting. Mary called for nominations. Rich Beyers and Rich Daly said they would be interested in the chair position. Both made brief remarks and then left the room during the paper ballot vote. Rich Daly was chosen as the next HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board chair.

Old Business -

Plaque Committee –

Ed shared that he is currently trying to track down the owners of two plaques. The committee is still working on this project. Rich asked what information were they seeking. Ed stated that three questions need answered from each of the plaques still under investigation.

1.  Are the awards still being given?

2.  Who is responsible for updating the plaques?

3.  Is there anywhere else that is more appropriate for the plaque to be located?

Space Allocation Committee –

Rich Byers stated that the committee has created a list of yes', maybes and no's and are still finalizing the list. The committee will share the final recommendations with the board soon.

Appliance Review Committee –

Mary shared that two meetings were scheduled with some students from this board to create this committee and no one showed up for the meetings. Mary asked for participation from the members of this board and has asked the HUB Green team to discuss this topic as well. The University is moving towards more sustainability measures and energy savings. There are many offices with appliances in the HUB and we would like to create a policy to be implemented for everyone in the building, including staff, as to how to reduce this use.

Cortlyn stated that ARSH does not use the appliances in their office. UPAC does use a fridge and microwave. Anand stated that UPUA uses both a fridge and microwave. Anand stated that they keep leftover food in the fridge and use the microwave to heat this food up when needed. Mary asked if they were ordering too much food for events and should this be addressed as a means of reducing leftover food. Armani stated that the Undertones do not have appliances and they are fine without them. Rich Byers stated that people do bring their lunches in and store in their fridges in CCSG. Mary asked the group which appliances would they choose if they could only have one. Everyone stated a fridge. UPUA has asked Food Services about putting a microwave in the main area on the Ground floor and they have continually said no. They have stated that microwaves are a fire hazard and no one cleans them when using them. There is currently no university policy on appliances. Should the HUB create our own? Mary stated that this would be a good time to make a change for next year. The information would be shared in the letters for new office space. More to come!

Update from the PRCC –

Carlos stated that there are events ongoing for theWorld Cultural festival during March 23rd - 29th. There are many activities throughout the week and a concert onWednesday night.

Update from USA –

Mary shared an update on the HUB expansion. The project will begin this summer. The trailers were to arrive this month but with the snow they will be postponed and arrive in April. We are working on a marketing plan to share with everyone about the project. There are some people who need to move their offices temporarily during the construction - Darcy, Jay and the UPAC office will be moved during construction. Several folks in the 125 suite have moved as well although these are permanent moves. Additional temporary moves for the building include: the Starbucks manager will move to room 235; the Food Service employment office will move to room 110; Dave Gingher will move to the trailers on the lawn; and the Copy Center will move to the current Computer Store area when it closes in June.

A crane will move in this summer to begin work. The project will go before the BOT for final approval in May. A final decision has not been made with regards to the Computer Store space that was in the original design but discussions are ongoing and a final decision will be made soon. Ed asked if there was any concern about receiving approval from the BOT. Mary stated that they will be meeting with the President in April and that once he approves the project, the BOT should follow suit.

Gilbane will provide a visual of the progression of work on the project. They are working on finalizing some details which will help with the completion of the budget. After this complete, Mary will share this slideshow to the board.
Mary shared that USA will begin to reserve space in Schwab in the fall. USA is in the process of a major renovation project for that area to bring it up to a safe and reasonable standard for more student orgs to use that facility. The building has been ignored for some time. There will be a full time manager in that facility and the area will be free for student groups to reserve. There will be some tech fees for services, etc.
USA will also be reserving the Executive Educational Building. Smeal used the building in the past but no longer will need it. This will be a great retreat space for student groups. The space is not ready for use, but should be ready within one month. As a note, there is no parking in this area. The only area for parking would be at the Nittany Lion garage. Students cannot park in the NLI parking lot.
There are some staff searches ongoing with USA: Assistant Director for FSL, 2 art gallery positions, the manager for Schwab, and the service program coordinator in Student Activities.
Mary just got back from the ACUI annual conference and a group from USA presented on the Sandusky Scandal. It was standing room only and people were very appreciative of the information provided and were very supportive of Penn State.

Open Discussion –

Heide will schedule the remaining meetings. There will be three.
The appeals meeting will be on 4/15 from 5 - 7 p.m. Each group appealing will be given 15 minutes and these will be scheduled through Heide prior to the 15th.
The next meeting will be March 25th at 3:30 p.m. for the space allocation committee to share their recommendations with the full board.

Heide will create the letters from the recommendations when approved by Mary and Carlos and those will be mailed the week of the 1st.

Meeting was adjourned.