Healthful Living
Department: Health/Physical Education Grade Level(s): 11th-12th
Length of Course: One Semester Prerequisite(s): Wellness 1 and 2
Course Description:Healthful Living is a course designed to aid students in the evaluation of life factors that can influence overall health. Healthful Living explores wellness (mental, physical, & social health), stress, relationships, body systems, nutrition, physical activity, drugs, and death and dying. Students will look at their life today and set goals for the path they plan to take in the future.
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to provide students with an understanding of how to stay healthy, how to practice health enhancing behaviors, why relationships are important, and why it is important to set goals for a healthy future.
Instructor:Mr. Bryan Geurts
Contact Info: (preferred)(503) 673-7815 ext. 4826
Class Period / Class Subject and LocationEarly Bird / Wellness II – Gym/C201
Period 1 / Wellness II- Gym/C201
Period 2 / Prep- Available By Appointment
Period 3 / Healthful Living- D202
Period 4 / Prep- Available By Appointment
Period 5 / Careers in Health- A203
Period 6 / Healthful Living- A203
After School / Available by appointment
Physical, Mental, and Social Health
Stress and Stress Management
Physical Activity
Death and Dying
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = 0-59%
Daily Assignments/Homework = 40%
Tests/Quizzes = 40%
Final Exam = 20%
Late Work Policy:Work is due at the beginning of class on the day that it is due. An assignment that is “done but not present” is still late. I do accept late work until the day before a unit exam. The highest score late work can receive is a 70% C. (EXCEPTION: Group and/or presentation work must be completed on time. If a student is absent and it is excused, they will not be penalized).
Participation / Arrive on time and bring required materials. Be willing and able to discuss.RESPECT / Value yourself & others. Appreciate others’ right to learn. Treat the classroom & materialswith care.
INTEGRITY / Be accountable for YOUR actions. Be honest. Do your own work.
DIVERSITY / Be open and accepting of others. Avoid language that stereotypes.
EXCELLENCE / Take chances. Have a positive attitude. Be the best version of YOU.
Refer to the 2016-2017 Student/Parent Handbook for behavior expectations and consequences. The school policy for tardies, electronics, etc. will be enforced.