Pesticides and Lawns


Now we would like to ask you about the care of the areas outside your home. Does your home have a lawn that YOU or someone else in YOUR HOUSEHOLD is taking care of?

Interviewer: If required, do not count lawns taken care of by landlord,

the owner of the building, or by condo management office/company (i.e code as "no")

1 yes

5 no (incl. no lawn/no one in HH takes care of lawn)

8 don't know

9 refused

if <5,8,9> [goto exit_pbl]


Last year did you or someone else in your household HIRE OR PAY

a lawn care company to treat or take care of your lawn?

Interviewer: If required, lawn care companies include Landscaping Companies and hired/paid persons. Farmers' fields are not included - we are only asking about lawns.

1 yes (includes one or more companies / treatments)

5 no

7 does not care for lawn

8 don't know

9 refused

if <5>[goto pbl_8]

if <7,8,9> [goto exit_pbl]


Did the lawn care company use any pesticides on your lawn to kill weeds or insects?

Interviewer: If required, pesticides used to treat your lawn for weeds

such as dandelions, insects such as white grubs, or fungus such as dollar spot or snow mould?

If required, these pesticides include products such as Roundup, Killex,

Tri-kill, Trillium, Merit, Dimension Crab Grass Control, and Weed and Feed. If R says more than one treatment ask about the most recent one.

1 yes

5 no

7 R volunteers 'Someone else in HH takes care of this/deals with lawn care co/etc.'

8 don't know

9 refused

if <1,5> [goto pbl_6]

if <7,8,9> [goto pbl_8]


Did they OFFER to use any pesticide-free methods such as aeration, overseeding, hand weeding, or products such as corn gluten?

Interviewer: If R says they USED pesticide free methods then code next

question (pbl_7) also as "yes"

1 yes

5 no

8 don't know

9 refused

if <8,9>[goto pbl_8]


[if pbl_6 eq <5>][if not offered pesticide free methods...]

Did they use any pesticide-free methods?

[else][if offered pesticide free methods...]

And did they use it?

1 yes

5 no

8 not sure/don't know

9 refused


There are also many commercial pesticides available off the shelf, such as Roundup, Killex and Weed and Feed, for HOME AND GARDEN use. Now some questions about these types of pesticides.

[if pbl_2 eq <1>] [if hired/paid a lawn care company]

Besides the services provided by the lawn care company, last year,

have you or someone else in YOUR HOUSEHOLD used pesticides on your LAWN

to get rid of weeds or insects?

[else] [if not hired/paid a lawn care company]

Last year, have YOU or someone else in YOUR HOUSEHOLD used pesticides

on your LAWN to get rid of weeds or insects?

1 yes

5 no

7 R volunteers 'wouldn't know, someone else in HH takes care of this'

8 don't know

9 refused

if <5,7,8,9>[goto pbl_10]


Did you apply the pesticide to your whole lawn, treat individual weeds by spraying in specific areas or spots or did you do both?

1 whole lawn

5 individual weeds (spot treatment)

7 did both

8 don't know

9 refused


[if pbl_2 eq <1>][if hired/paid a lawn care company....]

Besides the services provided by the lawn care company, have YOU or

someone else in YOUR household used pesticide-free methods such as

hand weeding or used products such as corn gluten on your lawn?

[else][if not hired/paid a lawn care company...]

Last year, have YOU or someone else in YOUR household used

pesticide-free methods such as hand weeding or used products such as corn gluten on your lawn?

1 yes

5 no

8 don't know

9 refused

if <1,8,9> [goto pbl_12]


I am going to read you a list of reasons that people give for NOT using

pesticide-free methods or products.

Please tell me which of the following BEST DESCRIBES why you have NOT used pesticide-free methods...they cost too much, they don't work as well, they are harder to find, you don't know very much about them or is there some other reason?

1 cost too much

2 don't work as well

3 harder to find

4 don't know very much about them

5 other (specify)

8 don't know

9 refused

if <5>[specify]


If you wanted to get information on pesticide-free methods, how could

the [fill REGION] BEST get this information to you or your family?

Interviewer: DO NOT READ LIST. Enter 1 to all that apply

7 do not want/need information

2 pamphlet/flyer/brochure

1 mail

3 newspaper

9 television

12 radio

13 garden centre/hardware store or other retail outlet

6 telephone information help Line

4 information session

5 Internet/ web site

10 e-mail

11 library

8 other (specify)

If R says don’t know or refused the first response is coded as 8 for don’t know or 9 for refused

If [8]is coded as <1> [specify]
