Sample Investiture Ceremony for Brownies
New Brownies on one side of the room and Experienced Brownies on the other side.
New Brownies (NB) knock. “Knock Knock”
Experienced Brownies (EB) “Who’s there?”
NB - “We are little girls”
EB - “What do you want?”
NB - “We want to be Brownie Girl Scouts”
EB - “Well, come on In!”
(New Brownies walk over to stand next to the Experienced Brownies.)
EB1 - “ If you want to become Girl Scouts you must first promise to live by the Girl Scout Laws”
EB2 - “Are you ready to Make the Girl Scout Promise?”
NB - “Yes”
Becca - “Then let’s say it together” (All Brownies say the Girl Scout Promise together)
EB - “Are you ready to live by the Girl Scout Laws?”
NB - “Yes”
Leader - “Let’s tell our families and guests the Girl Scout Laws so they may help us remember to live by them every day”
All - (each girl recites her part of the Laws)
Aleshia - “Now that you are ready to be Girl Scouts are you ready to become Brownies?”
NB - “Yes”
EB - “Well Brownies are helpful little persons, so if a Brownie you will be, then follow my actions and recite with me.” (All the New Brownies form a half circle around the mirror)
All - “Twist me, Turn me, show me the elf, I looked in the water and saw, … MYSELF”
The girls then join hands and sing “The Brownie Smile Song” and then “Make New Friends”
Leader – Troop 494 now has a troop of ## Brownies. As Girl Scouts these girls are to “Do a Good Turn Daily.” As I give each new Brownie her Brownie pin, it will be pinned on upside down. After she has done a “Good Turn” she may then wear it right side up.
The girls may now go see their parents and guests and then after having done a good deed, each girl may turn her Brownie pin right side up.