Christ our Hope Pastoral Cluster Council Minutes
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Protivin Community Center, Protivin, Iowa
The Pastoral Cluster Council of six parishes: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Little Turkey (ABVM), Holy Trinity in Protivin (HT), Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Lawler (OLMC), St. John Nepomucene in Fort Atkinson (SJN), St. Luke in St. Lucas (SL), and St. Mary in Waucoma (SM) held its meeting on Thursday, June 2, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Protivin Central Office across form the Community Center in Protivin, Iowa. Attendance is below.
Attendance: *2 – Denotes they are no longer eligible for re-election.
/ Member / 8/6/15 / 9/3/15 / 10/1/15 / 11/5/15 / 2/18/16 / 4/14/16 / 6/2/16 /SL / 2016-2 / Franzen, Jim – Chair / P / P / P / P / A / P / P /
OLMC / 2016 / Sheridan, Patrick - Vice-Pres. / P / A / P / A / P / P / P /
OLMC / 2017 / Kout, Julianne, Secretary / P / P / P / P / P / P / P /
ABVM / 2016 / Barloon, Gary / P / P / A / P / P / A / A /
ABVM / 2017 / Busta, Steve / P / P / P / A / P / A / P /
ABVM / 2018 / Reicks, Chris / P / P / A / P / P / A / A /
HT / 2018 / Humpal, Edith / P / P / P / A / A / P / A /
HT / 2016-2 / Swestka, Joan / P / P / P / P / P / P / P /
HT / 2017-2 / Dietzenbach, Donna / P / P / P / P / P / A / P /
OLMC / 2018 / Loftus, Jeanne / P / P / P / P / P / P / P /
SJN / 2018 / Kuennen, Adrian / P / P / P / P / A / P / P /
SJN / 2016 / Schmitt, Steve / P / A / A / P / P / P / P /
SJN / 2017 / Vsetecka, Barb / P / P / P / P / P / P / P /
SL / 2018 / Bodensteiner, Melvin / P / P / P / P / P / P / P /
SL / 2017 / Larson, Pete / P / P / P / A / P / p / P /
SM / 2018 / Adams, Bruce / P / P / A / P / P / P / P /
SM / 2016-2 / Hemesath, Ken / P / A / P / A / P / P / P /
SM / 2017 / Schmitt, Wayne / P / P / P / P / P / P / P /
SM / 2016 / Klimesh, Dave / P / A / A / P / A / A / P /
Others Present were:
Rev. Nick March, Pastoral Minister: Grace Arnes.
The meeting opened with a prayer led by Rev. March at 7:00 p.m.
The pastoral cluster council reviewed the minutes. No changes were noted.
First on agenda: Father March asked Grace Arnes to open meeting on discussion of status of our new directory, Caregivers fellowship, and Year of Mercy plans. New directory will be shipping out this June 24, 2016.A lot of changes happened with shaping book in great detail.
A great outcome showed for~ “Caregiver Fellowship’s” gathering. Participation was in need, of expressing feelings, praying together, and sharing individuals’ testimonies. In future, group plans to meet again. Note: please check Bulletin for dates. All is welcome.
July 9th, July10th~”Year of Mercy” will be participating in a Clothing Drive. As a Cluster, each parish will be asked to participate with St. Vincent de Paul in Waterloo. A truck will load up new and or slightly used clothing from here, to Cedar Falls. This is a great way for our Catholic Charities to get involved with our underprivileged individual’s. A list of items is now being researched by Grace.
2. Jim Franzen –Chair, Updated the Council on the Farewell status for Father Nick March; and discussions of welcoming of our new Priest Father Kyle Digman. The Farewell gathering will be held July 7th at the Waucoma’s Event Center. Open House will be 4-8P.M. Tasks were split up randomly though out our six parishes.
ABVM: Salads. HTP: Deserts. OLMC: Decorations. STL: Serving Food, guests. SMW: Clean Up. SJN: Games. *Lynches BBQ will be catering pork sandwiches, Chips, Lemonade. Coffee will be present. Jim will purchase coffee separately. Estimated amount of 650 people will be attending. The thought process behind this number was potentially 100 people from each parish, with a little extra food just in case. No invitations will be sent out. The bulletin will be the source of invite, along with all to spread the word. “Farewell to Father March”.
The Welcoming of our new priest Kyle Digmann will be up to each parish. Why individually? We as a Council thought perhaps this would be easier to learn faces names and people at home churches. Father March and staff are trying to make transmission as easiest as possible. Our new Priest starts July 12, 2016. Father March has spoken to Father Kyle Digmann on a couple of occasions. Father March is trying to organize currant meeting schedules in advance for Father Kyle Digmann..
3. Archbishop Jackels on Mission Priority #2: Enhancing “The Sunday Assembly for Holy Mass”. Thoughts expressed by Archbishop Jackels on the Four Mission Priorities of the Archdiocese: Father March presented the ongoing education of Faith video and opened a discussion. Council members watched #2 part of video on “Enhancing the Sunday Assembly of Holy Mass”. Archbishop Jackels quoted; “We participate in Holy Mass on Sundays with our community, not only to offer worship to God, but to be transformed, and to be agents of transformation.”
Discussions & Examples: being present weekly, singing, follow along in our church books; recite out loud “The Lord’s Prayer”, our Father response’s. Show up early, reciting the rosary, go to confession. Stressed that looking out into our church pews not all participate?
We cannot stand by as passive out lookers, or expect someone else to do it. There is something each of us can do. But, first ultimately, we have to get people in the pews, and ensure that they will want to return. To do that, we have to offer an experience that is spiritually-speaking by attention to what is called the four H’s:
Homily, and
How we celebrate Holy Mass.
What can we do? Be present, be present to others there, and present to the Divine Presence; listen for the nugget from the readings and homily; and sing! Quote: If you’re bored, you’re boring”.
The following members accepted roles as officers for the 2016-2017 year:
* Chair: Pete Larson of St. Lucas.
* Vice president; Steve Busta.
* Secretary; Julianne Kout
4. Cluster Budget: Father March presented the Profit and Loss year Comparisons July 1, 2015 ~ June 2, 2016. Noted; All 6 parishes are doing well. Increased budget for Medical Insurance by 5.62%. Increased salaries of Office staff by 2%. Terra although, decreased her hours by a day. Zero money used for mission budget, speaker cost this year. Funds were not used for post card mailings at Easter, and or Christmas. Excited & thankful for placement of T.V.’s installed for our Youth at the Father Morran Center. Family in need cluster budget has been disputed. This, is the Acts of Mercy, with in our own parishes.
The meeting was adjourned after a closing prayer at 8:00. Members stayed after, just to get Farewell party in order. Father was sent away.
Next meeting scheduled to be determined.
In the order stated,
Julianne Kout