eFolio Faculty Participants / 2006-2007 / page 1

Faculty Participants, eFolio Project, 2006-2007

Faculty Member / Course Number, Section, and Title / Meeting time/place / Semester(s) / Brief Description of Project
Terry Bozeman
tbozeman / ADW 111 / 01 and 112 / MWF 9-9:50 a.m.
Cosby LL 27 / Fall and Spring / Students’ eFolios are composed of photographs and reflective writings that construct visual “essays” about their locations within the Diaspora.
Joanne Chu
jochu / Biology / Spring / Starting process for all students in Biology major to build eFolios to be sustained from their first required courses through the capstone.
Veta Goler
vgoler / Drama & Dance
“Contemplative Practices” / Spring / Focus on connecting multi-sensory/intuitive ways of knowing with academic ways of knowing.
Gertrude Gonzalez de Allen
gallen / “Methods in Philosophy and Religious Studies”
(not yet proposed) / Spring / Collaborative project with Nami Kim. Students will build eFolios to record and reflect upon their thinking processes as they write a major research paper.
Lisa Hibbard
lhibbard / Chemistry 101 / 01
“First Year Seminar in Chemistry” / T 12:00-12:50 p.m.
Tapley 119 / Fall / Students build eFolios containing resume, personal statement and video interviews; intent is to use it over their time at Spelman.
mhite / English 103/ 01 / MWF 8-8:50 a..m.
Cosby 326 / Fall
zjordan / English 103 / Spring / Student eFolios will demonstrate critical engagement with a social issue via written arguments, reflection, web design, etc.
ikearse / Computer Science 100 / 02 / Fall / Students build web sites to gather information about, and reflect on, potential career choices.
Nami Kim
nkim / “Methods in Philosophy and Religious Studies”
(not yet proposed) / Spring / Collaborative project with Gertrude Gonzalez de Allen. Students will build eFolios to record and reflect upon their thinking processes as they write a major research paper.
Rick Langhorst
flanghor / Spanish 307
Spanish Composition / Tues/Thur 1-2:15
Cosby 446 / Fall / Following scaffolded assignments, students create eFolios to include text and audio.
Sandra Patterson
spatters / Psychology 450
Senior Seminar / MWF 12:00 p.m.
Giles 106 / Fall / Students build web sites to present a profile of themselves for career purposes.
Kathleen Phillips-Lewis
klewis / History 453 / 01
“Victorian England” / Wed 4:30–7:00 pm
Cosby 439 / Fall / Students draft a bill on one social issue, with rationale and supporting evidence. Focus on research, critical thinking, historical analysis, and writing.
Larry Schenbeck
lschenbe / Music 350 and 351 / Tu/Th 8 a.m.
Fine Arts 107 / Fall and Spring / Students build eFolios to enhance, assemble, and present their research projects in music history.
Bruce Wade
bwade / ADW 111 / 14 and 112 / Tu/Th 1 p.m.
Cosby LL 27 / Fall and Spring / Focus on reflection, analysis and development of writing ability.
Anne Warner
awarner / English 331
“The Epic and Its Origins” / Spring