rapahoe Ice Warriors Booster Club Meeting

September 9, 2014

President Robert Frasercalled the Arapahoe Ice Warriors Booster Club Meeting to order at 6:34pm on September 9, 2014.

The following members were present:Damie Berkey, Sarah Sinicki, Debbie Richard, Steve Sklar, Kathy Dosen, Cindy Holguin, LeAnn See, Lori Lomen, Valerie Johnson, Robert Fraser,and Jill Hanafee. The following Ice Office representatives were present: Hank Taylor.

The following teams were represented: PWAA, PWA Maize, PWB, Bantam AA, Bantam A-Navy, Bantam A-Maize, Bantam B, Midget Major AA, Midget A and Midget Minor AA.

Minutes from August 12,2014

MOTION: Lori Lomenmade a motion to approve the August 12, 2014, minutes. LeAnn Seeseconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

No report.

Fundraiser Opportunity:

Guest SpeakerAdam Sizemore of University of Denver (DU) presented a fundraising option for Arapahoe Hockey teams selling DU game tickets. Information flyers were distributed. Sell 20-99 tickets, and earn $3.00 per ticket. Sell over 99 tickets, and earn $5.00 per ticket. Also, Saturday, November 22, 2014, is Arapahoe night. DU plays Wisconsin. After the game, Arapahoe members are invited to skate on Magness Ice.

Old Business:

Snapbooster Texting Fundraising: The Booster Club will use one program code: AIWH. With all teams using the same code, the amount of money from SnapBooster should increase compared to last year. When Snapbooster sends a check to The Booster Club, the companyincludes a participant report. The Booster Club will distribute this money to the participating teams.

Zoola Rewards Fundraising: Zoola Rewards is a cash back loyalty rewards program. Set up your credit card with the company, shop at participating businesses, earn cash back, and designate the organization to donate your money to. Information on how to sign up will be available at the next meeting.

Early Bird Tournament:

Teams committed: Midget A, Bantam A, and Bantam AA divisions are all full with five, seven, and eight teams respectively.The PeeWee divisions are still accepting applications.

Ice Slots: Games will be played at South Suburban and Family Sports Center Wednesday, September 24 – Sunday, September 28, 2014.

Online Volunteer Sign Up Slots: Each team is required to volunteernumerous hours for this tournament as part of its Booster Club requirements. Teams will be notified in advance as to the number of volunteer hours and when Sign Up Genius is available.

Awards: Champion teams will receive a Championship Banner and individual lanyards with bag tags. The runner up teams will receive a Runner Up Banner. Shut out and hat trick pucks will also be awarded.

Vendors: Northwest Designs will sell t-shirts, Scott Krebs will sell ice packs, and Pawprintsz will sell dog tagz, tornado bandz and hair bandz.

The Proshop will offer a 15% off coupon during the tournament.

New Business:

CCYHL: Divisions and schedules are still being finalized. After the Midget A teams play six games each, the division will be tiered.

The new Electronic scoring system through Sports NGIN was discussed.

Booster Club Player Scholarship Deadline: October 15, 2014.

Booster Club Requirements: The membership dues are $40 per player. Each team writes one check for all of its players to the Booster Club. Each team must have at least one representative at every Booster Club Meeting. Each team must volunteer a pre-determined amount of hours at the EBT. In return, The Booster Club provides practice jerseys, helmet decals, C’s & A’s for game jerseys, plus team scholarships.

Team Bank Accounts: Teams should set up their bank accounts as a Sole Proprietor using a personal social security number. Teams cannot use the Booster Club tax ID number.

ADJOURNMENT: Kathy Dosenmoved to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 pm. Steve Sklar seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

NEXT MEETING: October 14, 2014