Robert B. Glenn High School

Ms. Wagner

Room 414

2013/2014 School Year

Spanish students will concentrate on the four skills pertinent to language acquisition: reading, writing, listening-comprehension, and speaking. Students will work towards proficiency through communicative activities as well as reading and writing in the target language on a daily basis.

This packet contains all the information you will need for the year.

It contains the rules and procedures for the course. You will refer back to

this packet at all times as it will provide youand remind you of all the rules,

procedures and activities for the class.

You will find information about:

  1. School Mission Statement
  2. Classroom rules and consequences
  3. Important Spanish Note
  4. Materials needed
  5. Classroom procedures
  6. Special Classroom activities
  7. Grades
  8. Contact information sheet
  9. Parents/Guardians sign sheet

Mission Statement

The entire learning community of Robert B. Glenn High School will strive for high performance, academic excellence, success, and awareness of social and civil responsibilities to become the hub of our community.

Classroom rules


E- Excellent attitude

S- Support all classmates

P-Prepare and be attentive

A-Ask permission

Ñ-Network and electronic devices off


L-Listen and Learn

Rules are necessary so our time together runs efficiently and to maintain appropriate behavior for a learning environment.

  1. Have a positive attitude about all classroom activities, they are designed to help you
  2. Be polite to your teacher and classmates, support everyone in learning their second language
  3. Be one time, have all materials and homework ready to go, follow instructions
  4. Refrain from using all electronic devices.
  5. Respect the room by keeping everything clean and organized
  6. Respect everything and everyone around you so the class can listen and learn without any distractions.

If any of these rules are broke

  1. First time: Teacher will give you a verbal warning and call home
  2. Second time: teacher will issue a detention and call home
  3. Third Time: Teacher will ask for conference with your parents
  4. Fourth time: Teacher will issue a Referral

Note: Vulgar and obscene language or disrespect to teacher or any other person in the classroom will result in an immediate referral, call home and removal from class.

Important Spanish Note

Always keep in mind that the goal of this class is to help you develop your Spanish skills, speaking, writing and listening. It does not matter if you have never spoken Spanish before; what matters is that you’ll try and improve as days go by. With time you will see improvements.



1 Subject notebook to keep in Classroom! (to be left in the room)

Spiral index cards


1 three-ring binder/dividers

Loose leaf paper

1 highlighter (any color)

2 pens (blue or black ink only)

We are in need of the following supplies for the Classroom:

  • Copy paper
  • Tissue paper boxes (one box per student)
  • Expo Markers
  • Lysol Wipes
  • Paper towels
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Candy 

Classroom procedures

Daily Procedures

  1. Before entering all electronics are put away and out of sight
  2. Check the board for agenda and bell work, get materials out, bags under desk
  3. Pencil sharpening/trash disposal are to be done during classwork time ONLY
  4. Hall passes will follow school wide policy. Students will only leave the room in an emergency or with permission. Bathroom/drinks are allowed in emergency ONLY.
  5. Using computers and other equipment will be by permission only. Computers are ONLY used when a class assignment requires the use.
  6. Students who are absent must check Power School OR School website, talk to me before/after school, email, or talk to me during work time ONLY. Students who are turning in make-up work will put the work in the assigned tray. (All late work will be noted on Power School).

Special Class Activities

Learning a foreign language can be a fun adventure and because the students learn everything all over again starting with days of the week, colors, body parts etc. At times the classroom may feel like elementary school. I think this is a great way to break away from the normal school day. This environment is created so the students can have fun and learn at the same time. The following activities are designed to help create the best learning environment for the student and to try and have them acquire as much language as possible.

  1. Spelling test- these will be run as they do in elementary school. The students will know the spelling words at the beginning of the week and are responsible for spelling the words correctly on Friday. These lists will be posted on the website. The test will be said in Spanish and the words will be written in Spanish with accent marks if needed. The spelling list will correspond with the chapter and vocabulary.
  1. Kindergarten Day- I will be selecting a children’s story to read in Spanish. The students will gather around on the floor as I read them a story book with colorful pictures asking them questions along the way. (stuffed animal optional)
  1. TPRStorytelling- (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) This is a method of second-language teaching that uses highly-interactive stories to provide comprehensible input and create immersion in the classroom.
  1. Games- We play many games from jeopardy, around the world, fly swatter, etc. These are great ways to test understanding and have some fun competition in the classroom.


“Realidades” textbook series


The following scale will be used:

90%-100% = A70%-76% = C

87%-89% = B+ 67%-69% = D+

80%-86% = B60%- 66%= D

77%-79% = C+ 59% and below

The quarterly grade will be computed using the following breakdown:





Absences and Tardies:

Students will refer to the Robert B. Glenn absence/tardy policies.

Students who have 3 or more tardies in this class will be docked point in participation which is 20% of your entire grade.

Make-up Work:

Students are given two days per day absent to make up work. Make up work may be obtained on line or by finding out from a classmate what was missed.


I will make myself available for extra help, but students must make an appointment with me.

Syllabus verification form_ Spanish I- Señorita Wagner

I have received and read the syllabus for this course. I understand my responsibilities and my teacher’s expectations and I will do my best to succeed in this course.

Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature



A note to parents/guardians

I would like to ask you to include your e-mail address and your phone number here, so I can contact you if the need arises.

Name: ______

E-mail: ______Telephone: ______

Students Scheduleclassroom #teacher


Counselor’s Name______