Connecticut State Championships 2015
Friday, 18-September consolation results
Following top to bottom of each respective bracket
Main Draw Results A flight
Savio (SHU) defRozenstein (QU) 7-5,7-5
Bjerke(Marist) def Power (SHU) 6-4,6-4
Tanzer(Marist) def Dean(shu) 2-6,6-2,10-4
B flight main draw
Suprenant (shu) defBaker(Hartford) 6-1,6-2
Goldstein(Uconn) def Del Valle (Shu) 6-3,6-2
Motta (marist) defPilote (shu) 7-6,6-4
Van Biezen (Qu) defSantino 6-2,6-3
Romaine (Hartford) defseltman 6-3,7-6
Moreno( Marist ) def chapman 6-2,6-2
A flight doubles main draw
Appel and Orbandef Dean and Power 6-4
B flight doubles main draw
Savio and Chapman defAlper/Rozenstein (QU) 7-5
Pilote/Seltman(shu) defColliard/Pamich(FF) 6-1
Pilote/Seltman(shu) defRombola/Romaine(hartford) 6-4
Savio and Chapman defPilote/Seltman 6-3
Goldstein and Valentine (UCONN)def Del Valle/Narula (shu) 6-1
McEntee/Hill(Uconn) defSurprenant/Santino 6-3
“A” Doubles Consolation
Bjerke/Motta (Marist) def Dean/Power (SHU) 6-3
“B” Doubles Consolation
Narula/Del Valle (SHU) def White/Baker (Hartford) 6-2
Sharwarko/Molina (Hartford) defSantino/Suprenant (SHU) 6-2
“A” Singles Consolation
Solomon (FF) def Power (SHU) 6-3 6-3
Rodgers (FF) def Dean (SHU) 6-4 6-0
“B” Singles Consolation
Einstoss (Hartford) defNarula (SHU) 7-6(1) 6-4
Del Valle (SHU) def White (Hartford) 4-6 6-4 10-6
Pilote (SHU) def Max (Hartford) 6-2 6-4
Sharwarko (Hartford) defSantino (SHU) 6-3 6-4
McLister (UConn) defSeltman (SHU) 7-5 6-4
Connecticut State Championships 2015
Saturday, 19-September full results
Following order of play
“A” Doubles
Dean/Power (SHU) defDarrington/Dernic (Marist) 7-5
“B” Doubles
Sharwarko/Molina (Hartford) defNarula/Del Valle (SHU) 7-5
Santino/Suprenant (SHU) def White/Baker (Hartford) 6-2
“A” Singles
Morrow (Harvard) defSavio (SHU) 7-6(3) 6-0
Dean (SHU) defGinzberg (UConn) 6-4 6-2
Power (SHU) defRombola (Hartford) 6-1 6-1
“B” Singles
McEntee (UConn) defSuprenant (SHU) 6-2 6-3
Sharwarko (Hartford) def Del Valle (SHU) 6-3 6-4
Pilote (SHU) def Montes (Hartford) 6-2 6-4
Chapman (SHU) defMcLister (UConn) 6-1 6-2
Narula (SHU) def Baker (Hartford) 6-0 6-0
White (Hartford) def Santino (SHU) 6-0 6-2
Seltman (SHU) def Molina (Hartford) 6-3 3-6 10-8
“A” Flight Backdraw Matches
Chanthalangsy(Marist) def Dean 6-1 6-0
Power defAppel(Fairfield) 6-0 6-2
Darrington(Marist)defSavio 6-2 6-1
Gonzales (Harvard) defPilote 6-2 6-1
Molina(Hartford)defSuprenant 6-4 6-2
White(Hartford)defNarula 6-2 6-4
Santino def Baker 6-0 6-0
SUNDAY PLAY B doubles final