Do Christians Have The Right To Practice Self-Defense?
Kenneth D. Sils – continued from the front
But, what about us individually? There are many, many passages that insist that we be loving, peaceable and sacrificial, even to the point of dying for the cause of Christ. That is so true, yet for this specific topic, there are some New Testament passages that are worthy of consideration. Paul said to the Christians in Rome, “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men, Romans 12:18.” Have you ever realized that this passage alludes to the possibility that peace isn’t always possible with men? What are we to do when others are determined to destroy that peace?
There are murderers, rapist, thieves and violently wicked people all about us today and that was also the culture of the 1st century as well. Jesus sent out His disciples to preach the gospel among a violent world. The situation fromLuke 22:35-38is quite applicable to our question in this article. Luke recounts the story, “And He said to them, ‘When I sent you without money bag, knapsack and sandals, do you lack anything?’ So they said, ‘Nothing.’ Then He said to them, ‘But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He will numbered among the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.’ So they said, ‘Lord, look, here are two swords,and He said to them, ‘It is enough.’” What exactly is Jesus referring to here? They were reminded of the time that He sent them out to preach in a rather helpless and defenseless position. That was a tremendous test of their faith, recognizing that God would provide and protect them, although Jesus wasn’t “physically” with them on those journeys. However, the time was rapidly approaching that Jesus would no longer be “in arm reach” as He was about to die, be buried and raised and then, ascend into heaven and… they would be on earth, alone! The mission of Jesus on earth was coming to an end and soon, they would have to take their place with their mission. They would need to basically “stand on their own two feet”. They would need money, they would need to seek their own shelter and provisions AND… they would need to protect themselves from vicious animals and men! That is where the two swords came in! Swords, spears, guns… weaponry… to be used in self-defense!
Some immediately run to Jesus’ statement in the garden, condemning all uses of “the sword” by quoting, “Put your sword it in place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword, Matthew 26:52.” Talk about abusing the text! Jesus stopped Peter’s attempt to fight “for the cause” and allow them to arrest Him. A brief reading of the text expresses that fact quickly! And, further application makes it clear to Christians that we are not a “warring” people in the image of Old Testament Israel. We are not to marshal ourselves together as “vigilante troops” to go to war against oppressors. That is what God appointed governments for! This passage was not intended as a directive to always keep our weapons holstered! There is a huge difference in protecting ourselves in a self-defense posture and some advance for“the cause” or mission through an offensive, violent physical altercation.
When we practice “self-defense” or the defense of “our own” as Paul ordered Timothy to preach in 1 Timothy 5:8, we are not sinning! If we come to some moment when we can’t “live peaceably” due to the violence that others pose against us, we may have to take some drastic measures that we would never want to take, but must take to protect ourselves. If that defense results in killing the attacker, we have not murdered anyone. The commandment that states, “Thou shalt not kill” readily translated correctly to the concept of “murdering” someone. If we kill someone in “self-defense” or if the authorities kill according to jurisprudence of law, we know that this is not murder! Our attempt to save our life or the lives of others in a defensive posture is not murder and it never will be, whether in the United States code of law or the New Testament laws of Jesus Christ.
Church, we should be aware of all the recent shootings and other violent acts that have been perpetuated by the atheistic wicked upon the innocent, whether it’s occurring in various political situations or in religious assemblies. If Jesus encouraged His closest disciples to “arm up” in Luke 22, surely we can “arm up” in the view of defending ourselves from violence that the wicked may bring on ourselves, our family and yes, the congregation we are members of. Christians, we never want to take an action that may harm another! We always want to live peaceably with all men and we strive to do such in every occasion. But, sometimes… it’s simply not possible. Pray, be humble and be alert… the devil and his children desire our demise. We don’t have to let them win!