The Education Edge and Blackbaud Student Information System 7.86.93 Patche Readme
The patch readme lists the issues resolved in each patch. It’s updated one business day after the patch is released.
Last Updated June 30, 2014
Blackbaud, Inc.
7.86.93, patch 4
Admissions Office 7 (EE)
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object when selecting the Visits/Medications or Summary section on the Medical tab of Student Records
When attempting to view Visit/Medication or Summary information on the Medical tab, users receive multiple Errors. This occurs for Supervisor users as well.
Immunization dates are incorrect in Student/Applicant Medical Reports
When viewing a Medical Report in Admissions or Registrars Office and selecting to view immunizations and their dates, the immunization dates do not reflect what is on the student/applicant Medical tabs.
Registrar's Office 7 (EE)
Incorrect number of infractions calculated when running the Infraction Summary Report
The I<span style="font‑size: 11px; font‑family: 'Lucida Grande', Geneva, Arial, Verdana, sans‑serif; color: rgb(51,51,51); text‑align: left">nfraction Summary Report provides an overview of the infractions that occurred within a specified date range. When previewing this report, users see the Count and Total Units are calculating by the number of Consequences </span><span style="font‑size: 11px; font‑family: 'Lucida Grande', Geneva, Arial, Verdana, sans‑serif; color: rgb(51,51,51); text‑align: left">and the associated Units, </span><span style="font‑size: 11px; font‑family: 'Lu
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object when selecting the Visits/Medications or Summary section on the Medical tab of Student Records
When attempting to view Visit/Medication or Summary information on the Medical tab, users receive multiple Errors. This occurs for Supervisor users as well.
Medical Report fails to load when attempting to preview/run
In Registrar's Office > Reports > Student > Medical Report. The medical report hangs up in the loading page. After a few minutes the screen will freeze. We are then forced to shutdown the application through the task manager.
Table used for Attribute is missing from list of tables in Configuration
A table that is used for a Student attribute is not available in the list of tables in Configuration, Tables. However, when you enter the attribute on the Student record's Attributes tab, the description is a drop down with table entries.
Grade Report Freezes or Hangs when Processing
When running a grade report, we select to process or preview. We see 'Preparing Grade Report' but freezes/hangs at that point.
Error: Invalid field value: [Course Name] is not available for the School selected
When Importing Classes and only one School is defined in the database, you may receive the Error listed above.
Medical Report processes slowly when filtered on one student
When running a medical report filtered on a specific student, the report takes longer than 5 minutes to process.
Immunization dates are incorrect in Student/Applicant Medical Reports
When viewing a Medical Report in Admissions or Registrars Office and selecting to view immunizations and their dates, the immunization dates do not reflect what is on the student/applicant Medical tabs.
Default comments show out of order on report cards
When using default comments, they will be sorted on the report card based on their numeric order in Configuration, Registrar Setup. They display correctly in FAWeb and in the Grades module, but show out of order on report cards.
Student Billing 7
Error: A superset object with that key already exists. Use the sName parameter to uniquely id your query ‑ when posting
During the posting process one or more of the following messages may appear:
<em>Error: A superset object with that key already exists. Use the sName parameter to uniquely id your query.
Error: The specified record could not be found. The records has either been deleted or you do not have rights to view it</em>
Financial Aid Credit Missing when Combining Fully Paid Transactions into One Summary Line
When transactions are being distributed between payers, marking the option to combine fully paid transactions onto one summary line on statements causes a financial aid credit to not appear in the details section of the statement for a payer.
Error: An error has occurred in the application. You can do one of the following: Click the 'Back' button on the browser
Users may receive an Error when submitting payments in NetClassroom using the Bill Pay option.
7.86.93, patch 3
Registrar's Office 7 (EE)
Allergy/Condition medical information is encrypted in query results
When a user with rights to the medical information on a student record includes Allergy/Condition fields in query output, the Allergy/Condition fields are encrypted. This also occurs when including comments from the Medical tab in the query output.
7.86.93, patch 2
Admissions Office 7 (EE)
Blank error message when saving a new record
A blank error message will occur when a new record is saved. The user who is creating the new applicant record does not have rights to the medical tab and is using a default set to populate some fields. The default set does not contain any information for the medical tab.
Error: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out‑of‑range value. Native error:242 when running Medical Report
When the date format in the Regional and Language setting in Windows is set to dd/MM/yyyy, the following error message appears when viewing the Medical Report in Admissions. Error: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out‑of‑range value. Native error:242
Registrar's Office 7 (EE)
Error: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.Native error:145[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The cursor was not declared. Native error:16945 when running Course Waiting List Report
Error: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
Native error:145
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The cursor was not declared.
Native error:16945
Query too complex. General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. Native error:512 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The cursor was not declared. Native error: 16945
Query too complex. General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. Native error:512 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The cursor was not declared. Native error: 16945
The error occurs when the outputs of Degree or Concentration/Focus are used in a query.
Student Profile Report sorts Emergency Contacts in Medical by Alpha Relationship
When running a Student Profile Report, the Emergency Medical Contacts are sort alphabetically in some cases.
Error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Pattern when saving Medical tab
After making changes to the Medical tab, you receive an Error when Saving the Record. This does not occur for users that are supervisors.
Other errors that may appear are:
Run time error 0
Value can not be null. Parameter name: pattern
Automation error The callee ( server[not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call may have executed.
active X component can't create object
Abnormal termination BBElasitc: 1 Interface references(s) were not removed. Interfaces for the following objects still exists: Obje
Student Billing 7
Error: Error in Main Page Load. Unable to load this page. Please try accessing the page again. An unexpected error has occurred when running plug‑in
Error: Error in Main Page Load. Unable to load this page. Please try accessing the page again. An unexpected error has occurred.
Error description : 'Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface'
Error: Error in Main Page Load 'C:\Program Files\Blackbaud\The Financial Edge\PlugIns\CR302635.vbd' Error number : 430
'Error: You must specify a Project for Transactions in Fund [Fund ID]' when committing records through FAST with Online Express Bill Pay
User receives error: 'Error: You must specify a Project for Transactions in Fund [Fund ID]' when committing deposits through FAST in the Online Express Bill Pay Module. This occurs even when there is a Project specified for a Fund within General Ledger, Configuration, Funds.
'Error: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. Native error: 512' when generating 1098T data
In Student Billing, when attempting to generate 1098T data for students, users receive the following error:
'Error: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. Native error: 512'
1098T Export Error: the sequence number of your record that is not in ascending numerical sequence.
When exporting 1098T Information for electronic filing to the IRS, export received error message:
'578 is the sequence number of your record that is not in ascending numerical sequence. This is the first record where we detected an error in the sequence. The sequence number is located in positions
500‑507 of each record. Please review your entire file for this error.'
7.86.93, patch 1
Integration (EE)
Error: [Record Name] cannot be added as a nonconstituent until one of the related constituents listed below is added
When adding nonconstituent records to The Raiser's Edge through the linking grid, this error appears but there are no constituents listed below the message.
Parent of current student is added as nonconstituent when spouse is a current teacher
When the individual spouse of a faculty/staff record is also a current parent, the individual is added to Raiser's Edge as a nonconstituent instead of a constituent even though both parents in a spouse pair are set up to be added as constituents.
Registrar's Office 7 (EE)
Error: Runtime error '0' when accessing Schedule Setup
When selecting Schedule Setup in Registrar's Office, Configuration, NetClassroom, users receive the error: Run‑time error '0'.
When running course average calculations it takes a long time to process
When running course average calculations by grade level it can take anywhere from 10 minutes to a hour for the process to complete.
Error: Run time error "0"‑when entering attendance by student
When editing day attendance for a student, the run time error appears after saving the newly entered day attendance for the student.
Unable to save changes made to a report
Changes to a report do not save. When the user Saves and closes the report after changes are made, and reopens the report, the original settings are restored.
Student Billing 7
1098Ts Generate for the Incorrect Amount
When generating 1098Ts the amount does not match what is included the activity tab for the records when adding all charges that are included in 1098T tuition qualified tuition and expenses.