Dear WCA Member,
For thirteen years, since 2002, All World Shipping Corp. (AWS) has been the only approved and designated neutral NVOCC working in conjunction with WCA.
An important WCA benefit is free membership in All World Shipping. Just click the link input your WCA user ID and password. Sign the AWS Agency Agreement and upload or email the document back to us.It is that easy. Your WCA user ID and password will be activated allowing you full access to themembers' section of the All World Shipping website.
Joining All World Shipping means you can issue the AWS on-line HBL which is U.S. FMC licensed and approved in China by the MOT. AWS is certified to file AMS as required for all shipments to the U.S. and certified to file AFR as required for all container shipments to Japan.
Joining All World Shipping provides you online access 24/7 to 15,000 rates that are 100% net/net and never marked up for our agents.
Again, for amember of WCA,joining AWS is a benefit that is currently provided free, without any additionalmembership fee.We currently have 2224AWS agents in 158 countries worldwide all of whom are WCA members. AWS does not move any cargo of our own or represent any shippers or individual agents. We spend all of our time and effort supporting our 2200+agents. AWS covers our costs by charging a modest fee to use our HBL.
With AWS you gain flexibility and you never sacrifice any of your independence or identity.If you already have a competitive rate, use it. Joining AWS never precludes you using your own rate. If AWS has a better rate, as an AWS agent you can easily use our rate. Thus AWS provides a good ‘second option’ to our agents without any risk or obligation on your part. Using the aggregate volume of our 2200+agents positions AWS to secure competitive rates that allow you to compete more effectively with the largest 3PLs.
As an AWS agent, you have full access to all seven benefits listed below. If you electto become a certified agent either now or at a later date, we offer additional benefits (A. – E.) for members exporting to the U.S.and requiring an U.S. HBLand AMS filing or members exporting to Japan who require AFR filing.
The AWS headquarters are located in Tampa, Florida USA and we have six regional service centers; Accra, Ghana; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Bangkok, Thailand; Istanbul, Turkey; Mumbai, Indiaand Shanghai, China.
1.Usage of AWS HBL
All World Shipping agents issue the AWS HBL from our on-line system for usealmost anywhere in the world. (The ability to issue the AWS HBL for shipments tothe USA or Japan is only available for certified AWS agents who join the refundable deposit program. Please see benefits A. - E. below)
The AWS HBL hasexcellentcoverage terms to protect its agents. When you usethe AWS HBL, you are protected for up to USD 1,000,000 for BOL Liabilityand for Errors & Omissions. Our standard insurance deductible is a low USD 1,000.
Our HBL fee is only USD 20 for LCL shipments, USD 21 for a single FCL and USD 25 for an HBL with two or more containers.
2.AWSServiceContracts in AWSWebsite
AWS agents canuse any of the 15,000 net/net rates available in our 15 global service contracts posted on our website and accessible online 24/7.
3.Listing in AWSRoster of Agents
As an AWS agent you will be listed on our website. We currently have 2224AWS agents in 158 different countries who use our website to find an overseas partner who is also an AWS agent.
4.Service Contract Look-up Aid
We maintain a database of over 15,000 rates that are updated weekly. This Excel spreadsheet caneasily be sorted by POL and POD and with a few clicks our agents can find thebase ocean rates they are interested in.
5. Ocean Schedules for Major Carriers
All World Shipping ocean schedules is powered by You input a POL and a POD and OceanSchedules will advise the carriers who service the port pair and their upcoming vessel schedules.
6.AWS Website
Our agents can use our website to downloadimportantdocuments such asthe AWSservice contracts,manuals for all AWS systems, AWS invoices andallAWS certificates (i.e. AWS FMC OTI License, FMC Bond, SCAC code certificate, etc.)
We also have information on 920 seaports in 105 countries, a glossary of shipping terms, a currency converter and other helpful tools.
7.Sales Leads
Your listing in the AWS roster on our website will help secure additional business routed through other AWS agents.
A.US FMCApprovedOnline B/L
These certified agents have the option tousethe AWS U.S. FMC approved electronic HBL from our on-line HBL system.The AWS U.S. FMC approved B/L also hasthe same protection of USD 1,000,000 for BOL Liability and for Errors & Omissions.The B/L Fees are identical to those listed under point 1. above.
B.AMS Transmission (Imports to U.S. Only)
AWS is an automated NVOCC and our agents transmit cargo declaration to U.S. Customs usingthe AWS Online B/L System. This means there is no need to disclose the shipper / consignee information to anyoutside party.
C.Rate Filing (U.S. Shipments Only)
This service is availableatonly USD 15.00 per filing for shipments to/from USA.
D. AFR Transmission (Imports to Japan Only)
Advance Filing Rules (AFR) for all container imports to Japan are now in effect. AWS supports your JP24 filing requirements when you issue our HBL to Japan and electronically submits to Japan Customs your cargo declaration no later than 24 hours before departure of the vessel from a port of loading.
E. Refundable Deposit Necessary to Become Certified Agent
The filing fee is only USD 17.50 per transmission based on posting a refundable deposit of USD 1,000. The filing fee is USD 19.50 per transmission if you post the smaller USD 250 refundable deposit.If you regularly have a large number of monthlyAMS and/or AFR filings, we offer our agents a third option of posting a refundable deposit higher than USD 1,000 and then paying a lower AMS or AFR filing fee.
Once an agent is certified, you are eligible to file either AMS (U.S.) and/or AFR (Japan). You only make one deposit to be certified for both services.
The AWS AMS and AFR fees above include the initial AMS or AFR filing, 24 hour customer service support and any additional updated filings for an HBL. There are no additional charges for amendments. Our fee compares very favorably toan industry norm of between USD 25 – 50 per transmission plus additional fees for amendments.
Please note that due to U.S. Government regulations regarding AMS filings and the Japanese Government regulations regarding JP24 AFR filings, All World Shippingagents thatchoosenottopost either the USD 250 or the USD1,000 refundable depositcannot utilizethe AWS HBL for shipments to the U.S. or Japan.
To becomean authorized agent of AWS, go to the agreement and send it back to us. It is completely free for WCA members to join AWS.
After receiving your completed AWS Agency Agreement, your WCA user ID and password will be activated allowing you to access themembers' section of the All World Shipping website.That is all there is to it. You can elect toadd the benefit of access to the U.S. house bill and U.S. AMS filing and/or the Japanesehouse bill and AFR filing now or anytime in the future. Please just advise that you want this benefit and we will send you the information on how to make therefundable deposit.
If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me. It is my pleasure to assist you.
Ross Stemmler
President& COO
All World Shipping Corp.