Why the salt aerosol must consist of salt particlesof a certain size?
The deposition of inhaled particles in the lung is primarily governed by the mechanisms of inertial impaction, gravitational sedimentation, Brownian diffusion, and, to a lesser extent, the mechanisms of electrostatic precipitation and interception. Deposition is minimal for particles in the size range 0.4–0.7μm that have minimal intrinsic mobility. Deposition of larger particles results from significant gravitational and inertial transport, whereas deposition of smaller particles is mainly due to diffusive transport. Data show that total lung deposition is a poor predictor of clinical outcome, and that regional deposition needs to be assessed to predict therapeutic effectiveness. The spatial distribution of deposited particles and, as a consequence, drug efficiency is strongly affected by particle size. Large particles (> 6 μm) tend to mainly deposit in the upper airway, limiting the amount of drugs that can be delivered to the lung. Small particles ( < 2 μm) deposit mainly in the alveolar region and are probably the most apt to act systemically, whereas the particle in the size range 2-6 μm are be best suited to treat the central and small airways.
In the figure 1 the size distributions of mass (red bars) and number (blue bars) of salt particles produced by generator IIRIS-136 are presented. It is seen that the most numerous are particles with diameter 0.3 μm, whereas the particles with diameter 3 μm have the largest mass portion of generated salt aerosol. It should be noted that when sodium chloride are introduced into the environment, where the relative humidity exceed 75%, the solid salt particles will turn into droplets of salt solution with size more than twice of solid size. Thus dry NaCl particles with diameters less than 0.5 μm grow to their maximum size in the first bronchi. Although it takes longer path in airways for more massive particle to grow they deposit predominately in the upper and central airways. The smaller more numerous particles assure more uniform coverage of alveolar and small airways surfaces by salt solution compared with larger more massive particle, but require longer exposition time to get equivalent mass of salt deposited. The deposition salt particle is enhanced due to electrical charges they
Figure 1.Number and mass distribution of salt particles generated by Iiris-136. Unlike to the total number density or total mass concentration of generated particle the form of their distribution by size is rather independent of the working regime of generator.
carry. The surfaces of fragments of salt crystals acquire charges of opposite sign during the grinding in generator. Measurements have shown that there are particle with both sign charges in salt aerosol that reaches patients in cocoon, but positively charged particles are dominant and salt aerosol has, therefore, positive space charge.
C. Darquenne, Particle deposition in the lung,
Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine, 2006, Pages 300–304
The deposition of inhaled particles in the lung is primarily governed by the mechanisms of inertial impaction, gravitational sedimentation, Brownian diffusion, and, to a lesser extent, the mechanisms of electrostatic precipitation and interception. Deposition is minimal for particles in the size range 0.4–0.7μm that have minimal intrinsic mobility. Deposition of larger particles results from significant gravitational and inertial transport, whereas deposition of smaller particles is mainly due to diffusive transport. Apart from particle size, several factors affect particle deposition, including particle characteristics, physiological and environmental factors, and lung anatomy.
Figure 1. Mechanisms of deposition of inhaled particles in the respiratory tract. The mechanisms of deposition are not restricted to the zone of the lung as shown in the figure. For example, deposition by sedimentation can also occur in the acinus (see text for details).
Figure 2.Typical curve showing the effect of particle size on total deposition in the human lung. Total deposition is expressed as a percentage of the total number of inhaled particles
Alan T. Cocks, Rohantha P. Fernando, The growth of sulphate aerosols in the human airways. Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 13, Issue 1, 1982, Pages 9-19.
Fundamental heat and mass transfer considerations have been used to estimate growth rates in the human airways for inhaled sulphuric acid, ammonium bisulphate and ammonium sulphate droplets with initial radii of 0.1 and 1 μm. Maxwell's equations for bulk diffusion and heat transfer, modified for the effects of molecular (Knudsen) flow, have been utilized and solutions to the growth expressions obtained numerically using interpolation of tabulated physical data. The calculations predict that equilibrium radii in the lungs will be between two and three times the initial radii and that droplets of initial radii of 0.1 μm will reach their equilibrium size in - 0.1 sec whereas 1 μm particles will take ≥ 10 sec. Similar growth curves are predicted for all three solutes and hence neutralization of inhaled H2SO4 aerosols by NH3 released in the respiratory system would be expected to have a negligible effect on the rate of growth of the droplets.
G.A. Ferron, B. Haider, W.G. Kreyling. A method for the approximation of the relative humidity in the upper human airways. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Volume 47, Issue 4, 1985, Pages 565-589.
In order to determine the growth of inhaled aerosol particles in the human respiratory tract the relative humidity in a lung model has been calculated using a numerical method. The computations take into account different types of airflows, enhanced transport mechanisms and an optimized wall temperature profile in the upper airways. These parameters are varied to fit experimental temperature data. Under certain conditions the corresponding relative humidity shows a maximum near the first bifurcation, which exceeds the final humidity in the alveoli. This high humidity forces dry NaCl particles with diameters less than 0.5 μm to grow to their maximum size in the first bronchi. Thereafter the droplets loose water and reach their final size in the terminal bronchioles.
Darquenne, C. Aerosol deposition in health and disease. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery.Volume 25, Issue 3, 1 June 2012, Pages 140-147.
The success of inhalation therapy is not only dependent upon the pharmacology of the drugs being inhaled but also upon the site and extent of deposition in the respiratory tract. This article reviews the main mechanisms affecting the transport and deposition of inhaled aerosol in the human lung. Aerosol deposition in both the healthy and diseased lung is described mainly based on the results of human studies using nonimaging techniques. This is followed by a discussion of the effect of flow regime on aerosol deposition. Finally, the link between therapeutic effects of inhaled drugs and their deposition pattern is briefly addressed. Data show that total lung deposition is a poor predictor of clinical outcome, and that regional deposition needs to be assessed to predict therapeutic effectiveness. Indeed, spatial distribution of deposited particles and, as a consequence, drug efficiency is strongly affected by particle size. Large particles (> 6 μm) tend to mainly deposit in the upper airway, limiting the amount of drugs that can be delivered to the lung. Small particles ( < 2 μm) deposit mainly in the alveolar region and are probably the most apt to act systemically, whereas the particle in the size range 2-6 μm are be best suited to treat the central and small airways.
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