St. Lawrence County Recreational Trails Advisory Board Meeting
St. Lawrence County Soil and Water Conservation District Office
DRAFT Minutes for June 19, 2012
Present:Dawn Howard,Roger Bennett, Wm Swafford, Warren Irwin,Art Wilson, Danny Collins,Stanley Hewlett, Deb Christy, Bill Dashnaw, Scott Sutherland,Alex MacKinnon, Judy Wendt, Schyler Shea, David Irish, Kermit Blanchard, Tony Arquiett, Hank Ford,Spencer Thew,and Walt Paul.
Guests: Charles Schloer, Dahl McCormick, Mark Peets, John Keenan, and John Manson.
Excused: Russell Martin,Tom Ortmeyer, and Bill Lutz.
1. Meeting was called to order at 7:01PM by Chairman Roger Bennett.
2. Quorum present.
3. Warren Irwin moved,and Deb Christy seconded, to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2012 meeting with one correction. Danny Collins was excused, but was present. He was listed in both places in the minutes. All were in favor.
4. No guest speakers were present.
5. Reports of Committees:
- Executive – Roger Bennett.
-Roger Bennett will not be here for the July meting as he is scheduled for left knee
replacement surgery that day. Vice Chair Alex MacKinnon will run the meeting.
- Board of Legislators – Alex MacKinnon, Scott Sutherland, and Tony Arquiett.
-Alex MacKinnon said that the statement of interest for the Trail Coordinator has been published. It is open until 6/29. A selection committee will review the applications and hopefully have a recommendation by the July 9th BOL meeting. Judy Wendt asked who was on that selection committee and Alex MacKinnon replied it was Bill Dashnaw and himself. Judy Wendt also had a question on the one year funding dates – this July to next July or only July to this December? Alex MacKinnon said that at the end of the fiscal year the County will roll unspent money from the capital account over. This is flexable. May get 1.5 years with the addition of half a year’s more funds.
-Tony Arquiett reported that a group is going to Albany next week re the compact money to see what can be brought back. He thanked Alex MacKinnon for the work done and also asked to be on the selection committee. Tony Arquiett also said there is a NYS DEC meeting tomorrow night from 6:00 to 9:00 pm re the St. Lawrence Flatlands UMP. Written comments may carry more weight. Dawn Howard said there will be a second meeting on Saturday morning at the Madrid-Waddington school.
-Scott Sutherland said there was $2.5 million outstanding in compact monies.
- Oversight – Tom Ortmeyer and Kermit Blanchard. No report.
- Finance and Insurance –Dawn Howard. No report.
- Grant Search – Judy Wendt. No report exceptLewis County has received lots of equipment through Yamaha grants. Alex MacKinnon added that the North Country Regional Economic Development Council RFP is out and he will go through the process of reapplying. The deadline is July 16.
- Enforcement,Safety, and Education – Judy Wendt. No report.
- SEQR – Alex MacKinnon and Erik Backlund. No report. Bill Dashnaw said we are currently waiting for the Trail Development Plan so the two can be submitted together.
6. Unfinished Business.
- Trail Coordinator - Alex MacKinnon talked about the County budget situation. Art Wilson was concerned about funds for the Coordinator for next year. Alex MacKinnon said there must be eight legislators in favor.
- Judy Wendt asked to address the rumor of Bill Dashnaw applying for the Trail Coordinator position. Bill Dashnaw reported that there are ethic rules about retirees working for the County within a one year span of time.
- Hank Ford reported that the NYS Senate has passed the registration bill for machines up to 2000lbs. This is the fourth time it has passed, but the bill probably will not be brought out of Assembly Committee this year. Tony Arquiett said they are working on getting this moved forward. There are APA and enforcement issues. Judy Wendt and Alex MacKinnon have pictures of good ATV trails and also very poor hiking trails in the high peak area.
- Hank Ford introduced Brasher Town Councilmen John Keenan and Mark Peets.
7. New Business.
- Tony Arquiett suggested a letter from this group be sent to the NYS DEC re favoring ATV Trails in the new UMP. Hank Ford made a motion to do this, Judy Wendt seconded, and all were in favor. A copy should be sent to our state representatives. Roger Bennett asked for volunteers and Judy Wendt said she would put something together by August 31. She was asked to bring this to the next meeting for review by the group.
- Walt Paul attended a Forest Preserve Advisory Committee meeting re the draft DEC ATV policy. This has been brought back on the table. Mostly ATVs are not allowed. 500 feet on roads inside and 2 mile connectors outside. Some other things are pulled like Sportsmen use. Other states have ATV regulations right in their game regs. Usually size determines where you can go in the regs. We need to look at other states and bring some thoughts to the table here.
- Walt Paul reported that APA meetings are streamed live and there are also videos that can be reviewed. The APA discussed the future of the State Land Master Plan at their last meeting. Tony Arquiett reviewed his presentation to the Transportation subcommittee and is responding to comments made at the APA meeting.
- Danny Collins had a questionregarding construction of a Long Pond easement parking lot. It was suggested this be passed on to the DEC. Alex MacKinnon moved we draft a letter to the DEC and DOT to request an area be cleared while there is equipment there. Walt Paul seconded and all were in favor. Walt Paul will draft the letter and send it to Bill Dashnaw to review. The equipment will be on site at the end of June for 2 months. Bill Dashnaw will call Mark at the DOT and Walt Paul will see Judy Drabicki of the DEC on Thursday. Scott Sunderland asked for the info also as he may also see Judy Drabicki.
- Art Wilson introduced Dale McCormick, a Town Council member from the Town of Pierrepont. The Town is looking at opening roads. Board members were asked to attend their meeting at 7:30 pm next Monday night. Scott Sutherland will be talking to the County Attorney about opening County highways.
8. Announcements.
- Judy Wendt reported there will be a new addition to her family – a new puppy.
9. The next meeting is scheduled for 7/17/12 at 7:00 pm in the SWCD office.
10. Hearings and Comments.
- Dale McCormick talked about Pierrepont opening their roads and there was a discussion by the Board. The Board asked what the roads were connecting.
11. Dave Irishmade a motion to adjourn, seconded by Warren Irwin. All were in favor. Meeting adjournedat 8:11 PM.
Minutes by Dawn Howard