English-Sudanese Arabic Dictionary

Draft: August 2007


a (= per)\per [j] fiy (fy)

a lot of sugar (e.g. in tea)\much sugar (e.g. in tea)\sugar; a lot of s. (e.g. in tea) [ng] sukkar ziyaada (zyd)

a lot of sugar (e.g. in tea)\much sugar (e.g. in tea)\sugar; a lot of s. (e.g. in tea) [ng] sukkar tagiyl (skr)

a lot of sugar (e.g. in tea)\much sugar (e.g. in tea)\sugar; a lot of s. (e.g. in tea) [ng] sukkar ziyaada (skr)

a; a banana\single; a s. banana [n] Habbat mawz ? (Hb;)

a; a banana\single; a s. banana [n] giT9at mawz ? (gT9)

abandon (totally) [vt] hammal yihammil (hml)

abandon; a.ed (totally)\neglect; totally n.ed [a] haamil –iyn (hml)

abandon\neglect totally [vt] hammal yihammil (hml)

abandoned object? [n] hamala (hml)

abash; a.ed\ashame; a.d\shamefaced [a] xajlaan –iyn (xjl)

able; be a. to\can"\power; have the p. to [vtz+] gidir yagdar (gdr)

able\capable (of doing something) [ajz] gaadir (9alay ∫iy) –iyn? (gdr)

ablution (before prayers)\wash; ritual w.ing [n] waDuw (wDa)

abolish\cancel\annul? [vt] baTTal yibaTTil (bTl)

abortive\unsuccessful\fail; f.ed/f.ing? [o ?] maa naajiH (ma)

abortive\unsuccessful\fail; f.ed/f.ing? [a ?] maa naajiH (njH)

about to\point; on the p. of\verge; on the v. of [az?] daayir –iyn (dwr)

about to\point; on the p. of\verge; on the v. of [az?] daayir –iyn (dwr)

about\concerning [j] 9an (9n)

about\concerning [j] min (mn)

above\over\on\top; on t. of\more than?\beyond? [j] fawg (fwg)

abridge\summarize\sum up [vt] laxxaS yilaxxiS (lxS)

absence (in school +?) [n] #iyaab (#yb)

absent; he's a. (e.g. at school) [vtjm] maa jaa (jy)

absent; she's a.\away; she's a. [o] maa fiy∫a (fy)

absent; she's a.\away; she's a. [o] maa fiy∫a (ma)

absent; they're a.\away; they're a. [o] maa fiy∫iyn (ma)

absent; they're a.\away; they're a. [o] maa fiy∫iyn (ma)

absent\away [o] maa fiy (fy)

absent\away [o] maa fiy (ma)

absent\present; not p.\there; not t. [a] #aayib –iyn (#yb)

absent–minded (by dispositi[1]on) \inattentive (by disposition) [a] #abyaan –iyn (not *[#abaaya]) (#ba)

abstain from (food/drink/sex)\fast [vj] Saam 9an yaSuwm (Swm)

abstract\summary [n] mulaxxaS –aat (lxS)

abuse; piece of abuse\insult [nsv] nabza –aat (nbz)

abuse; pieces of abuse\insult/insults [ngv] nabaz coll (nbz)

abuse\insult [n] ∫atiyma ∫ataayim (∫tm)

abuse\insult [n] nabiy∫a nabaayi∫? (nb∫)

abuse\insult/i.s [ngv?] nabiz (less common than [nabaz]) coll (nbz)

Abyssinia\Ethiopia [nx] al–Haba∫a (Hb∫)

accent; foreign a.\foreign accent [n] lakana ? (lkn)

accent\dialect\vernacular language [n] lahja –aat (lhj)

acceptable\reasonable\satisfactory\please; p.ing [a] magbuwl (gbl)

acceptance\consent?\assent?\approval? [n] gubuwl (gbl)

accident\mishap [n] Haadsa Hawaadis (Hds)

accommodation [a] maHall jaahiz –aat jaahza? (jhz)

accommodation [n] maHall jaahiz –aat jaahza (Hl;)

according to"\in …'s opinion"\opinion; in …'s o."\view; in …'s view" [vt+] iftakar yaftakir (fkr)

according to\in …'s opinion\opinion; in …'s o.\view; in …'s view [j] fiy Raay … (r'a)

according to\in …'s opinion\opinion; in …'s o.\view; in …'s view [j] fiy Raay … (fy)

according to\in accordance with\depending on [j] Hasab (Hsb)

accountant\bookkeeper\auditor [n] muHaasib –iyn (Hsb)

accurate; a.ly?\precise; p.ly\punctual; p.ly?\exact; e.ly [n] biD–DabT (DbT)

accuse (wrongly) of [vtj] bahat bay yabhat (bht)

accustom; get a.ed to [vj] it9awwad 9ala yit9awwad (9wd)

accustom; get a.ed to [vt] it9awwad yit9awwad (9wd)

accustom\habituate\condition\used; get u. to [vd] 9awwad yi9awwid (9wd)

accustom\habituate\condition\used; get u. to [vtj] 9awwad 9ala yi9awwid (9wd)

acquaint; bc. a.ed with\know; get to k.\get to know [vj] it9arraf 9alay yit9arraf (9rf)

action (normally bad)\deed (normally bad)\act (normally bad)\bad deed/act [n] fi9la –aat\fi9al (f9l)

action\deed [n] 9amal a9maal (9ml)

active (in positive sense)\enthusiastic\plucky (prepared to have a go at things) [a] Harbiy (Hrb)

active (moves around a lot)\lively (moves around a lot) [a] Harakiy –iyn (Hrk)

active (of market)\bustling (of market) [a] Haarr (Hr;)

active (of market)\bustling (of market) [a] gaayim (gwm)

active\energetic\enterprising\busy [a/] na∫iyT –iyn\nu∫aaT (n∫T)

actor [n] mimassil –iyn (msl)

actor (female)\actress [n] mimassila –aat (msl)

add (in maths)\plus [vi] zaad yaziyd (zyd)

add (liquid, etc.) to\put (liquid, etc.) in [04] adda yaddiy (d;a)

add/add to\increase [vt] zaad yaziyd (zyd)

add\plus\and (in additions only) [a?] zaayid (zyd)

addict; bc. an a.\addicted; get a. [vi] adman yadmin (dmn)

addition (in maths) [n] ziyaada (zyd)

addition (mathematics)\integration (maths) [n/] jami9 (jm9)

address (a letter) [vt] 9alwan yi9alwin (9lwn)

address (a letter) [vt] 9anwan yi9anwin (9nwn)

address/public a. (normally in a mosque)\sermon (in a mosque) [n] xuTba xuTab (xTb)

address/public a. (normally in a mosque)\sermon (in a mosque) [n] xuTba xuTab (xTb)

address\speak to\talk to [vtj] kallam yikallim (klm)

address\title (of book etc)\heading\headline? [n] 9ulwaan 9alaawiyn (9lwn)

address\title (of book etc)\heading\headline? [n] 9inwaan 9anaawiyn (9nwn)

address\title (of book, etc.)\heading\headline? [n] 9anwaan 9anaawiyn (9nwn)

adhere?\cling?\cleave?\stick [vi] lizig yalzag (lzg)

adhere?\cling?\cleave?\stick [vi] liSig yalSag (lSg)

adjourn?\delay\postpone\put off\defer [vt] ajjal (passive: [it–]) yi'ajjil/yiajjil ('jl)

administrator\headmaster\boss\manager [n] mudiyr –iyn (dwr)

admiration (expression of a.) [n] yaa salaam (slm)

admiration (expression of a.) [o] yaa salaam (ya)

admiration; – expresses admiration [n] yaa salaam (slm)

admiration; – expresses admiration [o] yaa salaam (ya)

admission (e.g. to university)\reception? [n] gubuwl (gbl)

admission\acceptance?\acknowledgement? [n] i9tiraaf ? (9rf)

admit (under duress)\acknowledge?\confess? [vj+] garra bay yagirr (gr;)

admit\allow to enter\enter; allow to e. [vdm] xa∫∫a∫ fiy/OBJ. yixa∫∫i∫ (x∫;)

admit\allow to enter\enter; allow to e. [vtjm] xa∫∫a∫ fiy/OBJ. yixa∫∫i∫ (x∫;)

adopt (as a son +daughter?) [vt] itbanna yitbanna (bna)

adversary\antagonist?\opponent? [n] xaSiym xuSama (xSm)

adversary\antagonist?\opponent? [n] xaSiym *–iyn\*xuSuwm (xSm)

advertisement\advertise; a.ing [n] di9aaya –aat (d9a)

advice; ask for/seek a.\consult\counsel; take c. [vt+] ∫aawar yi∫aawir (∫wr)

advice; ask for/seek a.\consult\counsel; take c. [vt+] ista∫aar yasta∫iyr (∫wr)

advice; piece of a.\counsel\exhortation\admonishment [n] naSiyHa naSaayiH (nSH)

advise against/not to\counsel against/not to\admonish not to\exhort not to [vtj+] naSaH (zawl, min Haaja) yanSaH (nSH)

advise\counsel\admonish\exhort [vtj+] naSaH (zawl, bay Haaja) yanSaH (nSH)

aeroplane\aircraft [n] Tayyaara –aat (Tyr)

affable\cheerful\amiable [a] ba∫uw∫ –iyn (b∫;)

affect?\feign?\simulate?\pretend?\purport? [vt+] idda9a yaddi9iy (d9a)

affection\love (affection) [n] Hanaan (Hn;)

affix?\stick (on?)\paste (on?) [vt] lazag yalzig (lzg)

affix?\stick (on?)\paste (on?) [vt] laSag yalSig (lSg)

afraid of\frighten; f.ed of\scare; s.d of [aj] xaayif min –iyn (xwf)

afraid; be a. of [vj+] xaaf min yaxaaf (xwf)

Africa [nx] afriyqiya ('frg)

Africa [nx] ifriyqiya ('frg)

African [ax] afriyqiy –iyn\afaarqa ('frg)

African [ax] ifriyqiy –iyn\afaarqa ('frg)

after [j/] ba9ad (b9d)

after [j] ba9ad maa (b9d)

after [j] ba9di maa (b9d)

after [c] ba9ad (b9d)

after [c] ba9di (b9d)

after [o] ba9ad maa (ma)

after [o] ba9di maa (ma)

after; the day a. tomorrow\day; the d. after tom. [j] ba9ad bukra (b9d)

afternoon (four pm. to dusk?) [n/] 9aSur (9Sr)

afternoon; in the a. [j] ba9d aD–Duhur (b9d)

afternoon; in the a. [j] ba9d aD–Duhur (b9d)

afternoon; in the a. [n/] ba9d aD–Duhur (Dhr)

afternoon; in the a. [n/] ba9d aD–Duhur (Dhr)

afternoon; in the a. [n/] bil–9aSur (9Sr)

afternoon; in the a. [n/] fil–9aSur (9Sr)

afternoon; in the a. [n/] ma9a l–9aSur (9Sr)

afternoon; in the a./this a.? [n/] al–9aSur (9Sr)

again\once more\more; once m. [n] maRRa taanya (mr;)

against [j ] fiy (fy)

against (= opposed to) [j] Didd (Dd;)

against; advise/counsel against [j] naSaH (zawl, min Haaja) yanSaH (min)

agent (commercial representative) [n] wakiyl wukala (wkl)

agent (for security forces [amn], or intelligence service [muxaabaraat]) [n] muxbir –iyn (xbr)

agitate; a.d\trouble; t.d?\disturb; d.ed? [a] mubahdal –iyn (bhdl)

agree (with oa.)/come to/reach an agreement [vr] ittafaguw 9ala/*fiy/*fawg yattafiguw (wfg)

agree with [vt+?] riDa yarDa (rDa)

agree with about\concur with about [vtj] waafag 9ala/*fiy/*fawg yiwaafig (wfg)

agree with\concur with [vt] Taawa9 yiTaawi9 (Tw9)

agree\approve of\consent to\assent to [vt+] gibil yagbal (gbl)

agreed with\agree with”\support” [j] ma9a (m9a)

agreed\idea; that's a good i.\fine\okay\good [a] kalaam jamiyl (jml)

agreed\idea; that's a good i.\fine\okay\good [a/] kalaam samiH (smH)

agreed\idea; that's a good i.\fine\okay\good [n] kalaam Hiluw (klm)

agreed\idea; that's a good i.\fine\okay\good [n] kalaam jamiyl (klm)

agreed\idea; that's a good i.\fine\okay\good [n] kalaam kiwaiyis (klm)

agreed\idea; that's a good i.\fine\okay\good [n] kalaam maZbuwT (klm)

agreed\idea; that's a good i.\fine\okay\good [n] kalaam samiH (klm)

agreed\idea; that's a good i.\fine\okay\good [n] kalaam tamaam (klm)

agreement [n] ittifaag –aat (wfg)

agreement to meet [n] maW9id mawaa9id (w9d)

agreement; in a. [a] muwaafig –iyn (wfg)

agreement; in a. (on part of all people/parties)\agree; a. ing (all people/parties) [a] mittafig –iyn (wfg)

agreement; in a. (on part of single person/party)\agree; a. ing (single person/party) [a] muwaafig –iyn (wfg)

agricultural\agrarian\farm– (in compounds) [a] ziraa9iy ? (zr9)

agriculture\till; t.age/t.ing\farm; f.ing [n] ziraa9a *–aat (zr9)

ahead; a. (of you)\distance; in the d. (ahead) [d] giddaam (gdm)

aid (as part of emergency relief, development, etc.) [n] i#aasa (#ws)

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) [n] aydz ('ydz)

aim [n] niyya –aat (nwa)

aim for/at [vt] gaSad yagSud (gSd)

air cooler/conditioner [n] mukayyif hawa –aat hawa (hwa)

air\atmosphere\wind\draught\weather?\climate? [nm] hawa hiwyaat (hwa)

airfield?\airport\aerodrome? [n] maTaar –aat (Tyr)

alcohol (any a.ic drink)\drink (alcoholic) [n] xamra xumuwr (xmr)

alcohol (technical) [n] alkuHuwl ('lkH)

Algeria/Algiers [nxp] aj–jazaayir (jzr)

Algerian [ax] jazaayriy –iyn (jzr)

all of us [n] kulla–na (kl;)

all; (not) at all (with neg. verb) [d] xaaliS (xlS)

all; at all\altogether\complete; c.ly\whatsoever [n?] kull-uw kull-uw (kl;)

all; not at all (with neg. verb) [d] xaaliS xaaliS (xlS)

allege\claim\maintain [vt+?] idda9a yaddi9iy (d9a)

allow (so.)\permit (so.)\give permission to\permission; give permission to [n/] adda izin ('zn)

allow; a.ed\permissable\admissable\lawful\legal [a] Halaal none (Hl;)

allow\let\permit\empower?\authorize? [vjj+] samaH (lay zawl bay Haaja) yasmaH (smH)

allow\permit\authorize?\empower? [vj+] samaH (lay zawl bay Haaja) yasmaH\yasmiH (smH)

allowance; housing a. [n] badal sakan –aat sakan (bdl)

allowance; housing a. [n] badal sakan –aat sakan (bdl)

allowance; housing a. [n] badal sakan –aat sakan (skn)

allowance; travelling a. [n] badal safar –aat safar (bdl)

allowance; travelling a. [n] badal safar –aat safar (bdl)

allowance; travelling a. [n] badal safar –aat safar (sfr)

alms (Muslim; two and a half per cent alms tax on income) [n] zaka° –aat\*zakaawiy (zka)

alms (voluntary in Islam)\charity (gift) [n] Sadaga –aat (Sdg)

alms/almsgiving?\charity?\tax; alms tax(Islamic) [n] zaka° –aat\*zakaawiy (zka)

alone\lonely\only [a] waHiyd –iyn (wHd)

alone\only [d] bass (bs;)

alone\own; on o.’s o. [j] baraa +PRONOUN SUFFIXES (bra)

already?\before (now) [n/] gabli kida (gbl)

already?\before (now) [d] gabli kida (kda)

alseep\sleep; s.ing\slumber; s.ing [a] naayim –iyn (nwm)

also\too\addition; in a.\well; as w.\as well [d] kamaan (kmn)

also\too\as well\well; as w. [d] barD-uw (brD)

also\too\as well\well; as w. [d] burD-uw (brD)

alter\change [vt] #ayyar yi#ayyir (#yr)

alter\modify?\different; make d.\change [vt] #ayyar yi#ayyir (#yr)

always [d] daayman (dwm)

ambassador (diplomatic) [n] safiyr sufara (sfr)

ambulance [n] 9arabiyyat is9aaf 9arabaat is9aaf?\9arabiyyaat is9aaf? (s9f)

ambulance [n] is9aaf ? (s9f)

ambulance [n] 9arabiyyat is9aaf 9arabaat is9aaf?\9arabiyyaat is9aaf? (9rb)

America [nx] amriyka ('mrk)

America [nx] imriyka ('mrk)

America [nx] amayrika ('mrk)

America [nx] amiyrika ('mrk)

American [ax] amriykiy –iyn ('mrk)

American [ax] imriykiy –iyn ('mrk)

American (people only?) [ax] amriykaaniy amriykaan ('mrk)

American (people only?) [ax] imriykaaniy imriykaan ('mrk)

amiable\pleasant\amicable\charm; c.ing?\polite? [a] laTiyf –iyn (lTf)

amount (of money only?)\sum (of money) [n] mabla# mabaali# (bl#)

amount to?\cost\come to? [vt] saawa yisaawiy (swa)

amount\quantity\magnitude [n] kimmiyya –aat (km;)

amuse; a.ing (of people and things)\funny (of people and things)\comical (of people and things)\laughable? (of people and things)\ridiculous (of people and things; in negative sense) [a] muDHik –iyn? (DHk)

amuse; a.ing (of people and things)\funny (of people and things)\comical (of people and things)\laughable? (of people and things)\ridiculous (of people and things; in negative sense) [a] muDHik –iyn (DHk)

amuse; a.ing\entertain; e.ing [a] musalliy (sla)

amuse\entertain [vt] salla yisalliy (sla)

ancestor\forefather [n] jidd *ajdaad\juduwd (jd;)

and [c] uw (w)

and [c] wa (w)

and/and then/and so\then/and then\so/and so [c] fa (fa)

and\also?\too? [c] wa\uw (w)

anger; easily a.ed\cross; easy to make c. [a] Hargaan –iyn (Hrg)

anger\enrage? [vt] za99al yiza99il (z9l)

anger\fury?\rage? [n/?] za9al (z9l)

angle [n] zaawiya –aat (zwa)

angle\corner?\nook? [n] zaawya zawaaya\*ziwiy? (zwa)

angry (= normally a.)\cross (tending to be c.) [a] Hargaan –iyn (Hrg)

angry (by nature)/easily a.ed (by nature)\annoy; easily a.ed (by nature)\irascible [a] aHmag Hamga (= [maHmuwg], [mitHammig] (Jameel [LA78.4]) Humug (Hmg)

angry (temporary state)\annoy; a.ed (temporary state)\engrage; e.d (temporary state)?\infuriate; i.d (temporary state) [a] Hamgaan –iyn\Hamaaga (Hmg)

angry (very)\furious\enrage; e.d [a] maHruwg –iyn (Hrg)

angry (very)\furious\enrage; e.d\irate [a] ma#yuwZ –iyn (#yZ)

angry (very)\furious\enrage; e.d\irate [a] mit#aaZ/mut#aaZ –iyn (#yZ)

angry with\cross with\annoy; a.ed with [aj] za9laan min –iyn (z9l)

angry; get a. with\annoy; get a. with\feel (come to f.) angry\annoyed with [vj+] zi9il min yaz9al (z9l)

angry?\cross?\furious? [a] maHruwg –iyn? (Hrg)

angry\furious?\infuriate; i.d?\enrage; e.d? [a] #aDbaan –iyn (\[#aDaaba] – possibly; rural (#Db)

angry\furious\enrage; e.d [a] maHmuwg (= [aHmag], [mitHammig] (Jameel [LA78.4]) (Hmg)

angry\furious\enrage; e.d [a] mitHammig (= [aHmag], [maHmuwg] (Jameel [LA78.4]) –iyn (Hmg)

animal\beast\creature [n] Haywaan\HaYwaan –aat (Hya)

animal\beast\creature (big animal only; small animals are [Ha∫ara] [n] Haywaan\HaYwaan –aat (Hya)

annoy (deliberately) [vt] 9aakas yi9aakis (9ks)

annoy YES\irritate\trouble?\bother?\worry? [vt] Daayag yiDaayig (Dyg)

annoy; a.ed with\irritate; i.d with\fed up with\sick (and tired) of\bored with (implying also annoyance/anger) [aj] zahjaan min –iyn (zhj)

annoy?\exasperate?\anger\enrage?\infuriate [vt] #aDDab yi#aDDib (#Db)

annoy\irritate? [vt] za99al yiza99il (z9l)

annoy\irritate? [vt] 9aakas yi9aakis (9ks)

annoyance\irritation\trouble?\inconvenience?\disturbance [n] daW∫a (dw∫)

annoyance\irritation\trouble?\inconvenience?\disturbance [n] iz9aaj –aat (z9j)

annoying\troublesome\irksome\nuisance" [a] muz9ij –iyn (z9j)

annoying\troublesome\irksome\nuisance" [a] fagriy –iyn\*fagaariy\fagaara (fgr)

another [a] taaniy –iyn ([taaniyn], or [taaniyiyn]) (tna)

another; one a.\each other\other; each o. [n/?] ba9áD–um ba9aD (b9D)

answer\reply\respond [vd] jaawab 9ala yijaawib (jwb)

answer\reply\respond [vtj] jaawab 9ala yijaawib (jwb)

ant (insect) [ns] namla –aat (nml)

ant/a.s (insect) [ng] namil coll (nml)

antiquity; a.ies [np] aasaar ('sr)

anxiety\apprehension\fear?\worry\concern [n] galag (glg)

anxious [a] galgaan (= [migallig]) –iyn (glg)

any [o] ayyi +GEN ('y;)

any; at a. time\anytime\whenever? [o] fiy ayyi wakit ('y;)

any; at a. time\anytime\whenever? [o] ayyi wakit ('y;)

any; at a. time\anytime\whenever? [n/] fiy ayyi wakit (wkt)

anybody\anyone\everybody\everyone [n/?] ayyi baniy aadam ('bn)

anybody\anyone\everybody\everyone [nx?] ayyi baniy aadam ('dm)

anybody\anyone\everybody\everyone [o ?] ayyi baniy aadam ('y;)

anyhow\any; by a. means/in a. way [n] bay ayyi Tariyga (Trg)

anyhow\means; by any m.\way; in any way [n] bay ayyi Tariyga (Trg)

anyone\anybody [n] waaHid (wHd)

anyone\anybody\everyone\everybody [o] ayyi Hadd ('y;)

anyone\anybody\everyone\everybody [o] ayyi waaHid ('y;)

anyone\anybody\everyone\everybody [o] ayyi zawl ('y;)

anyone\anybody\everyone\everybody [w] ayyi Hadd (Hd;)

anyone\anybody\everyone\everybody [n] ayyi zawl (zwl)

anyone\anybody\everyone\everybody [a] ayyi waaHid (wHd)

anything [o] ayyi Haaja ('y;)

anything [o] ayyi ∫iy (also [ayyu ∫i] – or perhaps [aYYu ∫i]) ('y;)

anything [n] ayyi Haaja (Hwj)

anything [n] ayyi ∫iy (∫y)

anything (spoken about) [o] ayyi kalaam ('y;)

anything (spoken about) [n] ayyi kalaam (klm)

anyway\rate; at any r.\anyhow\whatever (the case) [o] 9ala ayyi Haal ('y;)

anyway\rate; at any r.\anyhow\whatever (the case) [n] 9ala ayyi Haal (Hwl)

anyway\rate; at any r.\anyhow\whatever (the case) [n] 9ala kullu Haal (Hwl)

anyway\rate; at any r.\anyhow\whatever (the case) [j] 9ala ayyi Haal (9la)

anyway\rate; at any r.\anyhow\whatever (the case) [j] 9ala kullu Haal (9la)

anyway\rate; at any r.\anyhow\whatever (the case) [n] 9ala kullu Haal (kl;)

anywhere\everywhere [o] fiy ayyi Hitta ('y;)

anywhere\everywhere [o] fiy ayyi maHall ('y;)

anywhere\everywhere [o] ayyi makaan ('y;)

anywhere\everywhere [o] ayyi Hitta ('y;)

anywhere\everywhere [o] ayyi maHall ('y;)

anywhere\everywhere [n] fiy ayyi Hitta (Ht;)

anywhere\everywhere [n] ayyi Hitta (Ht;)

anywhere\everywhere [n] ayyi maHall (Hl;)

anywhere\everywhere [n] fiy ayyi maHall (Hl;)

anywhere\everywhere [d]? ayyi maHall (Hl;)

anywhere\everywhere [d]? ayyi makaan (kwn)

anywhere\everywhere [n] fiy ayyi makaan (kwn)

apart from [o?] #ayr (#yr)

apartment\flat\compartment (in a train)? [n] ∫igga\∫agga\∫ugga ∫igag\∫ugag (∫g;)

apartment\flat\compartment (in a train)? [n] ∫igga\∫agga\∫ugga ∫igag\∫ugag (∫g;)

apology [n/] 9uzur a9zaar (9zr)

apology (asking for permission to do st.) [n] isti'zaan ('zn)

apology\excuse\plea? [n] i9tizaar –aat (9zr)

appeal (legal) [n] isti'naaf –aat ('nf)

appear (i.e. come/be made to come into being) [vi] HaSal yaHSal (HSl)

appear (publication)\come out (publication)\publish; be p.ed [vi] Sadar yaSdur (Sdr)

appear (publication)\come out (publication)\publish; be p.ed [vi] Tala9 yaTla9 (Tl9)

appear\seem [vi] Zahar yaZhar (Zhr)

appearance [n/] ∫akil a∫kaal (∫kl)

appearance [n] maZhar maZaahir (Zhr)

appendix (to a book) [n] mulHaq –aat\malaaHiq (lHg)

appetite [n/] nafis nufuws\anfus(Standard, surely) (nfs)

appetite [n] ∫ahiyya none (∫ha)

application\use\employment\utilisation [n] isti9maal (9ml)

apply (specifically) to\concern\regard [vt] xaSSa yaxuSS (xS;)

apply for [nj?] gaddam Talab 9an yigaddim (Tlb)

apply for [vj] gaddam lay yigaddim (gdm)

apprehend\arrest [vj]/[vt] gabaD (9alay) yagbuD (gbD)

approach\get near\come near\near; get/come n. [vjm] garrab min/lay yigarrib (grb)

approach\get near\come near\near; get/come n. [vjm] garrab min/lay yigarrib (grb)

appropriate; be a. for [vt] naasab yinaasib (nsb)

appropriate; be a.\fit; be f.for?\suitable; be s.for [vt?] ∫ibih ya∫bah (∫bh)

approximate; a.ly\around\about\rough; r.ly [j] Hawaalay (Hwl)

Arab [a] 9arabiy 9arab (9rb)

Arab (A.ic–speaking nomad) [a] 9arabiy 9arab (9rb)

Arab (i.e. Sudanese; used as insult) [n] 9arbájiy –iyya (9rb)

Arab; non–Arab (anyone who doesn’t pronounce Arabic properly; used as insult)\foreigner? anyone who doesn’t pronounce Arabic properly; used as insult) [n] 9ajamiy –iyn\9ajam (9jm)

Arab; non–Arab anyone who doesn’t pronounce Arabic properly; used as insult)\foreigner? anyone who doesn’t pronounce Arabic properly; used as insult) [n] 9ajamiy 9ujum (9jm)

Arab; the A. world [ax] al–9aalam al–9arabiy (9rb)

Arabic [a?] kalaam al–9arab (9rb)