South Whidbey High School
P.O. Box 390 Langley, WA 98260
221-6808 ext 5219
Subject: Algebra
Instructor: Tim Durbin (Room 219) e-mail:
My planning period: 3rd period 11:25-12:55 (if you need to contact me during 1st, 2nd, or 4th periods, please e-mail me and I will try to check them during 3rd period)
Course description: This year-long algebra course will continue to build on what we started in the first semester. We will take a look at exponential functions, quadratic functions, absolute and rational functions. We will try to finish up with some probability.
Required materials for optimal success:
· Textbook – Discovering Algebra: An Investigative Approach
· Graphing Calculator - TI-83plus, TI-84 plus or TI-84 plus C silver edition (for use at
home and school)
· Three ring binder with dividers (1” is sufficient)
· Notebook paper, pencils, red(or any color) pen for correcting, graph paper
Hall Passes for the Bathroom: You will have 5 free passes for the semester. No more than 2 people may use a pass at a time. These can be used for the bathroom, getting a drink (bring a water bottle), going to get something when you forgot it, etc. To use one, just sign out on the sheet on top of the yellow cabinet. I want students in class, so please take care of issues before class starts. You may not use a pass to cover a tardy.
Attendance: Regular attendance is a must for success in this class, as it is in any class. With each class being 90 minutes long, you may assume that excessive absences will adversely affect your grade.
Tardies can also affect your grade, as well as disrupt the learning for others. Attendance and tardies will be dealt with according to the school’s handbook and progressive discipline plan.
Homework: It is expected that students will have homework every night. This may well be the assigned work or additional work and review of previous assignments to maintain their skills. Homework will be corrected on a regular basis and students are expected to make the necessary corrections to prepare themselves for the tests.
Evaluation: Your grade will be based on the following three categories, with each category weighted as indicated below:
· Tests: Tests will follow each chapter and there will be a final at the end of the semester that will be worth the equivalent of 2 tests.
The test category will be worth 60% of your overall grade.
· Homework and quizzes: As previously stated, you will have homework or something to review every day. The intent of the homework is for it to be completed by the next day, unless otherwise stated. It is the student’s responsibility to make corrections when needed and to get extra help when catch up is needed. I will grade homework on a random basis using homework quizzes or checks so the student needs to be well-organized and keep their homework in one section of their three-ring binder. Quizzes will also fall into this category. Quizzes may be in the form of an entry or exit task to a more formal quiz. The homework/quiz category will be worth 35% of your overall grade.
· Participation: Students will have the opportunity to earn 10 points for each day of class. A student should be able to earn 10 points a day by having their homework done to the best of their ability, being a positive contributor in class, and following directions.
The participation category will be worth 5% of your overall grade.
On-Line Grading: Please keep up with your student’s grade using the on-line system on Skyward. If you do not have a password, contact the registrar. I try to update their grades as often as possible. The first update will follow their first test and then regular updates will follow. Please email or call me with any concerns as soon as possible.
Grading Scale: A 92-100% C+ 78-80%
A- 90-92% C 72-78%
B+ 88-90% C- 70-72% **percentages will not be
B 82-88% D+ 66-70% rounded up
B- 80-82% D 60-66%
F below 60%
Classroom rules:
1. Be responsible for yourself.
-be on time and prepared to start working immediately.
-be respectful and considerate of others.
-listen, think, ask questions, take notes, participation is the key.
-during tests keep your attention on your work at hand.
2. No food in the classroom, just water please.
3. Work hard until the bell rings.
4. Leave your area as clean, or cleaner, than it was when you arrived.
5. By school rule: cell phones, head phones or music devices are not to be used during
class and can be confiscated.
6. Rules not found here will fall under the guide of the school handbook.
Parent Contact Sheet
Here is their first assignment. By returning this sheet, I assume you have read your child’s syllabus. I believe it is important that we keep in contact to assure your child has a positive learning experience. (If you want to opt out of receiving emails or calls from me, please check the blank next to the opt out statement) **If your student had me for the first term, and your information hasn’t changed, just sign the form in the parent signature spot and that will be good.
Since I see about 90 children a day, I ask that parents keep tabs on their child’s grade on-line on skyward and contact me as soon as they have a question or concern. I will try to get a hold of parents when I think there is a problem, but your expectations may be different than mine. I expect every student can pass this class with a C- or better, but some students will need to work harder than others. This may require them to come in for help before or after school, do extra problems at home, or seek assistance from peers or other resources. I truly believe any student who wants to be successful in math, and is willing to work hard, will succeed and thrive in this class. Here’s to a wonderful semester.
Student’s Name: (please print) ______
Student’s email: (if they want to receive the emails too-print clearly)______
Parents, please provide me some information so I can contact you:
Parent’s Name(s): (please print) ______
Parent’s Signature(s): ______
____ I don’t want to receive emails or phone calls, please communicate directly with my student.
Phone: Please give me one or all. If I don’t see a phone number I will assume email is your preferred way to communicate.
(Home) ______
Email address: (please print clearly) ______
(I don’t like to email parents with a major problem, but I like to shoot off emails to remind parents and students of important information. If you do not have an email address, you will miss out on this information)