Initial Steps for Developing a North Dakota

Practice-Based Research Network

Meeting Notes

December 3, 2013

11:00 – 12:00 PM CST

Project Goal: Develop a North Dakota Practice-based Research Network.

Group Chair- Mary Wright

  1. Introductions- Mary Wright, Kelly Buettner-Schmidt, Susan Pederson, Julie Traynor, Glenda Lindseth, Patricia Moulton
  1. Status of list of additional of members:
  • Patricia did not have an update on adding members
  • Kelly- indicated that she would talk to Linda Patterson at Minot State to see if she would be interested
  1. Review October meeting notes (on website).

The group reviewed and approved the meeting minutes from the October meeting.

  1. Review final QI, EBP and Nursing Research document (on website). Slated to go in December 15th newsletter. Any changes?

The group thought the document looked good. Kelly indicated that it would be really useful to be able to forward the pdf to her students. Patricia indicated that she would emphasize that nurses should feel free to forward widely in the accompanying article for the December 15th newsletter.

  1. Review Research Network information Ideas document (on website)

Patricia indicated that there are many links to different nursing and non-nursing research networks on this group’s website. She reviewed each of these and developed this summary document with the major ideas that she found.

  • Each of the Sigma Theta Tau chapters have a research dissemination day each year, it would be great to link into that.
  • Patricia indicated that depending on what we develop, we could for example post the research posters/slides from these days.
  • Could partner with sigma theta tau- they have resources to support research dissemination- should find out what is available through Sigma Theta Tau International- some of it is hard to get too, might need an officer in one of the chapters to try and get to it
  • Each chapter has their scholarly day- each one is different- there is also regional Sigma Theta Tau and national opportunities for presentations
  • Might want to look at where nurses are sharing their research
  • Something at the state level would be good versus a regional level
  • There is a role for the Center to make sure there is a state level opportunity and that it is peer-reviewed.
  • It would be good to have a plan for ongoing education, I often apply to participate in 1-2 hour webinars.
  • Maybe every other year a summer institute or a 2 day workshop to bring in some out of state people talking about EBP, nursing research, some time for networking and problem solving with some people with some expertise
  • Opportunities for collaborative would be good.
  • It would be helpful to know what the educational outcome is for a student moving through a school’s curriculum- should they be ready to be a principal investigator or do they know how to use the research
  • A Research boot camp- some cross-pollinating- those that do qualitative and quantitative talking to each other about the different layers of research
  • From the University of Mexico, I get emails that are called the Qualitative café- Kelly- could find out more information
  • The NIH puts out calls for research trends.
  • So much research is on patient-centered care- that makes a lot of sense.
  • There will be trends that emerge with the health care changes.
  • It would be interesting to brainstorm about it- think about the future.
  • Within UND- we could forward our research newsletter. Patricia does get it and promotes events on when people have published items and shared grant funding links.
  1. Review IOWA model information (on website).

Mary indicated that during our last meeting that we had discussed the possibility of utilizing some resources from Iowa. Patricia indicated that the Hawaii Center for Nursing has had an evidence-based practice research program for a number of years that has been taught by the Iowa group. The program has been very successful and when people comment on the Center for Nursing making a difference, they always seem to talk about it. Below is an email from Laura Cullen from the Iowa Program:

I will provide a brief overview of support for the Hawaii center using a number of resources from Iowa. The center directors attended our Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of EBP. This is an emersion program for nurses responsible for leading EBP. Attendees are often clinical nurse specialists, directors of clinical research and EBP programs, faculty with clinical partnerships supporting EBP, nurse managers and occasionally staff nurses if they come with a nurse leader partner. The program is advanced, addressing the most challenging steps in the EBP process in more detail. We provide a guidebook with tools, tips and resources to attendees. There is more on this program in this citation (attached). That program includes a number of resources. We don’t focus on the Iowa Model but do use it as foundational information, the program is designed to go beyond a description of the Iowa Model. If you want to adopt the Iowa Model, you can access that by submitting a permission request on our website free of charge:

Once the leaders had these skills, training was done annually on-site (at the local organization in Hawaii). That training resembled the EBP Staff Nurse Internship. It provides training for how to use the Iowa Model while developing an EBP project (attached). That is a 3 day training program that includes work sessions throughout. This included consultation 2-3 times annually if the center director(s) wanted assistance.

They also got assistance developing an annual conference with keynote addresses, as a separate purchased resource. Other assistance could be provided as well, again with separate purchased assistance (e.g., assistance with writing for publication, grant consultation, etc.) if that is of interest.

Kirsten Hanrahan, DNP, ARNP is another EBP expert in our office and can assist you in your early planning. She has lots of expertise in EBP and research. She can assist you in doing program planning based on your discussion and identified needs. Kirsten and I can work together as needed. In case it is helpful, I am also attaching an article describing our journey in creating an infrastructure supporting EBP. There are some more recent publications but I think these are all among the first in print.

Patricia indicated that looking at their price list- that to have them come to ND and do this training would be $20,000. However, it looks like we could send someone through the training and then purchase the trainer manual for a total of about $3,500

  • People might jump at the chance to be the trainer as long as the expectations for what they need to do when they return is clear.
  • Even if they were only expected to give one train the trainer session when they return.
  • Patricia indicated that we could add a question about this on our survey

Patricia and Mary will find out more about the cost and the potential for the program in ND.

  1. Which are we going to focus on in our research network (QI, EBP, Nursing Research)? Or are we going to promote/network all three?- Patricia

The group discussed that we might have a better picture after the survey. Patricia indicated that one of the journal articles suggesting having a conference in which people were invited to present examples of research in all three from ND.

Patricia asked if anyone knows how much QI is going on in ND? Mary indicted that JACCHO requires that they do QI research.

  1. Review Draft Survey- slated to go out in January newsletter, other places it should be distributed?

Patricia indicated that the survey will go out with the January 15th enewsletter. She will also send the announcement and survey link to NDONE, the DONs, the ND CAH Quality Network and all of the nursing education program directors. She will ask the education programs to send it out to faculty, undergraduate and graduate students.

Changes to survey:

  • Add position- undergraduate, graduate student, faculty, nurse,
  • Edit Company to include school, organization
  • #4: add another question for those that are not actively involved in research to see if they are interested in any of the three areas
  • #4- on nursing research add the word discovery on evidence based practice add the word application
  • #5- Change the I have not collaborated to I have not had the opportunity to collaborate
  • #7- add currently or recently involved in nursing research in the last five years
  • #10- separate out methodology and statistics into separate questions and put webinars first
  • #10 add disseminate collaboratively at the regional and state level

Patricia has made the changes in the survey and will send it out to the group for final edits.

  1. Discuss idea for conference/summit that has been forwarded by work environment group. A meeting was included in original proposal.

Patricia indicated that our work environment group has been working on designing statewide interventions to priority strategies found in our hospital survey and pitched the idea of having a big summit/meeting to cover all of the priority strategies (or a subset of them) through inviting speakers and individuals in ND with best practices. They would like to align the meeting with another group to help increase attendance. They are currently looking at having it next to the NDNA fall meeting in 2014 (date not set yet). A meeting was originally pitched in the proposal for this project. How about having a meeting/conference/summit?

The group indicated that they would think about it. They would like to know if any of their topics provide any overlap. Patricia indicated that she would send out the priority document.

  1. Set up next meeting. February, March, April?

Meeting doodle for late February and early march- stay away from Spring break

Current Activity Plan

Year/Annual Goal / Activities / Month
Responsible Person(s) / Activity Completion Status
Identify current state of nursing research in ND. / Common definition draft document drafted. Comparison of research, quality improvement, evidence based practice.
Patricia will finalize and put in enewsletter along with a summary about our research network.
Disseminate document. / Patricia will compile the definitions document.
Workgroup review during October meeting then talk about dissemination.
October-November / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop questions for a survey to determine involvement and resources for research. Would send to universities and research groups at health care systems. Possible questions:
  • Resources needed (funding, personnel, mentoring, training on specific topics, statistician support, infrastructure, other ideas from other states).
  • Collaborative partnership- if they have one, multi-site, disciplines and are they interested
  • Determine what is the current state? is it this year, or back to other years. When was the study completed/analyzed?
  • Who would be interested in your results?
  • Where are you getting funding for your research (or is it in-kind)?
Group will look at draft survey, provide feedback and look at second draft during November meeting. / Workgroup suggest questions
Patricia develop online survey
October-December / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Collect survey by emailing to contacts at universities, health care facilities, organizations etc.
Collect data in January. Analyze in early February / Patricia collect and analyze survey results
January- February / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine next steps with results. / Workgroup and Patricia
February- April / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Examine need for resources. / Examine other programs/centers to see what resources/personnel they have for research networks or for increasing nursing research. List on website. / Patricia find resources
Workgroup review
October- December / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Include question regarding needed resources in survey. Examine survey results to determine needed resources. Added to survey. / Patricia and Workgroup
October- December / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine next steps for resources. / Workgroup
February / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine mechanism and infrastructure for setting up the network. / Examine models such as Rural Health Research Gateway and other state research networks at other centers for nursing and other entities.
Thoughts to keep in mind.
  • What is the return on investment- is there are things in the infrastructure that will foster the exchange or bridge. Put out a mechanism and help people use it.
  • What is our ultimate goal for developing this database. How will it help the practice of nursing in ND? Will they use our site?
  • What would a repository of research in the Center for Nursing do? Need to articulate it.
Inviting IOWA EBP Center to November meeting / Patricia will look for other models.
Workgroup will examine models during meeting.
October-December / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine next steps for setting up network. Should we host a researcher meeting? / Workgroup
February- April / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Starting to establish the collaborative partnership (Phase II).
Start to establish the research team (Phase III)