NEXT WEEK: Our speaker on Tuesday, September1, will be our own Phil Price, Superintendent of the Mayfield City Schools. His topic will be “The Leadership Lessons of Harry Truman.”

COMING PROGRAMS: On Tuesday, September 8, we will hear from Radha White, the Director of Promisedland Orphanage USA, Inc. As previously announced, our program on September 15 will feature former Notre Dame Football Coach, Jerry Faust. On September 22, Ramesh Shah will speak to us on the “Medical Pilgrimage to India, January 2010” The month will conclude with a Club Assembly on September 29.

THANK YOU: Our thanks to Brian Giallombardo’s Heartland Quality Home Inspection, LLC for sponsoring this month’s programs.

HAPPY/SAD BUCKS: Phil Price was honored to be chosen as a judge at Unity Days. He also was very pleased that the Mayfield Schools state ranking jumped two categories and is now rated Excellent with Distinction. Other good news included the district receiving an interest-free loan of $10 million to be used for construction. Lynda Rossiter’s septic tank is working well, but she has decided to put off buying a new wash machine in the hopes that the government will begin a cash for clunker appliance program. After viewing her daughter’s party, Jackie Minotas has decided that 4th graders are the best age. Carol Ganaser said it was great to have her son home

from college all summer, but it was also great to take him back. She was pleased that her trip to New Jersey resulted in two good leads for selling AED’s. Darryl MacLeod said that his daughter’s birthday party has lasted about four months. Joe Kamiab is pleased that he was able to get a piano player for this year’s Taste. She is a senior at Brush High. Ted Bilton circulated the TOH signup sheet again. Because a 50-50 raffle has been established, he has three additional slots to fill.

LUNCH ACCOUNTING: Secretary Derek indicated that he would send attendance records for lunch payment purposes to each of us via email at the beginning of the month. If there is disagreement as to its accuracy, it must be straightened out by the end of that month. Be sure to turn in your make up tickets if you have them and be sure to request a refund if that’s what you want.

BREAKFAST/LUNCH?? Mike Johns, Jr. emphasized that no decision has been made regarding whether we have one club at lunch, one at breakfast, or two clubs. Mike Johns, Sr. pointed out that R. I. rules require a club vote before any changes of this kind can be made.

TASTE OF HILLCREST: Chair Tom Mugridge distributed 10 tickets to each member with the expectation that each of us sell a minimum of six. Postcards will be mailed to all who have attended

the Taste in past years, and letters to potential sponsors will also be going out soon.

CLAMBAKE: When asked about a clambake, not very many responded favorably.

SPAGHETTI DINNER: A dinner will be held at Richmond Hts. Kiwanis Lodge from 4-8:00 on Saturday, August 29. Cost is $10 and no reservations are necessary. It will raise money to support R. H. students who can’t afford to “pay to play.”

TASTE THANK YOU: The next dinner is scheduled to be at the Melting Pot at Legacy at 6:00 on Friday, August 28. Mike Johns, Jr. will email us either confirming or canceling this event based on the response he receives.

LYNDHURST HOME DAYS: They are September 11-13. Save the dates. A signup sheet will be circulated soon.

MAYFIELD HEIGHTS: Our speaker was Mayor Gregory Costabile who began by pointing out that he had participated in our Four-Way Test Speech Contest when he was a student at Mayfield.

He continued by listing several of the larger problems he faced when he assumed the mayor’s office. There was a lawsuit asking that the city pay $12 million for the delay the developers endured before being able to build Costco. Through negotiations, he managed to lower it to $2 1/2 net cost to the city. He also has had to contend with the problems caused by the widening and repaving of Mayfield Road. He got a $500,000 grant from the federal government and used it to speed construction. The project will finish ahead of schedule and under budget.

Accomplishments include adding 500 jobs to Landerhaven and continuing programs for all ages in the community.

ROTABUCK WINNER: George Schumacher