Auto Wax1st March 2006


1st Gear Super Concentrated Auto Wax

1.Identification of the Substances and The Company

Product Name:1st Gear Auto Wax

Supplier:RBR Supplies

13 – 15 James Watt Place

College Milton

East Kilbride

G74 5HG

Telephone:01355 244344

2. General Composition / Information On Ingredients

A non-hazardous concentration of alkyl amine salts and natural mineral oil.

3.Hazard Identification

Eye Contact:Irritating but does not injure eye tissue if rinsed off.

Skin Contact:Prolonged contact may irritate or cause dermatitis by degreasing skin.

4.First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:Irrigate immediately with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention immediately.

Skin Contact:Wash thoroughly with soap & water. Remove contaminated clothing. If irritation occurs seek

Medical attention.

Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention.

Inhalation:Not a hazard

5.Fire Fighting Measures

Foam, Dry Powder, Carbon Dioxide or Water Spray.

6.Accidental Release Measures


Precautions:Keep away from water courses and soil.

Method of Clean Up:Contain spill with sand, soil or other suitable absorbent material.

Transfer into a suitable container for disposal according to local regulations.

7. Handling & Storage

Handling:Gloves recommended for prolonged use. Remove contaminated clothing.

Storage:Do not store in temperatures above 35ºC and below 0ºC.

Seal containers after use.

Store away from children.

8.Exposure Controls and Protection

Eye Protection:Wear goggles to prevent splashes in the eyes.

Hand Protection:Wear PVC gloves to prevent prolonged contact.

Skin Protection:Overalls recommended to prevent contact.

Respiratory Protection:Not necessary.

9.Physical and General Properties


OdourMild Detergent

Ph7 – 7.5

Boiling Point100ºC

Density1.04 Approx.


ViscositySlightly Viscous

Flash PointNot Applicable

10.Stability & Reactivity

Stability:Product is stable.

Hazardous Reactions:Incompatible with strong oxidising agents.

11.Toxicological Information

Eye Contact:Irritating but does not injure eye tissue if rinsed properly

Skin Contact:Frequent or prolonged contact may cause dermatitis.

Ingestion:Product could be harmful if enough is ingested.

Inhalation:Not a hazard.

12Ecological Information

Biodegradable to EEC standards, but do not allow to enter waterways.

13. Disposal Consideration

This product is not classified as a special waste. It may be disposed of by land fill or controlled incineration. Observe local and national regulations.

14.Transport Information

This product is not classified as dangerous for transport purposes.

  1. Regulatory Information.

Non HazardousFor Conveyance

Non HazardousFor Supply

16.Other Information

Legal Disclaimer: The above information is based on the present state of our knowledge of the product at the time of publication. It is given in good faith; no warranty is implied with respect to the quality or the specification of the product. The user must satisfy himself that the product is entirely suitable for his purpose

User Notes: For further information please contact:

RBR Supplies

13 – 15 James Watt Place

College Milton

East Kilbride

G74 5HG

Tel: (01355) 244344

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