Auto Wax1st March 2006
1st Gear Super Concentrated Auto Wax
1.Identification of the Substances and The Company
Product Name:1st Gear Auto Wax
Supplier:RBR Supplies
13 – 15 James Watt Place
College Milton
East Kilbride
G74 5HG
Telephone:01355 244344
2. General Composition / Information On Ingredients
A non-hazardous concentration of alkyl amine salts and natural mineral oil.
3.Hazard Identification
Eye Contact:Irritating but does not injure eye tissue if rinsed off.
Skin Contact:Prolonged contact may irritate or cause dermatitis by degreasing skin.
4.First Aid Measures
Eye Contact:Irrigate immediately with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention immediately.
Skin Contact:Wash thoroughly with soap & water. Remove contaminated clothing. If irritation occurs seek
Medical attention.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation:Not a hazard
5.Fire Fighting Measures
Foam, Dry Powder, Carbon Dioxide or Water Spray.
6.Accidental Release Measures
Precautions:Keep away from water courses and soil.
Method of Clean Up:Contain spill with sand, soil or other suitable absorbent material.
Transfer into a suitable container for disposal according to local regulations.
7. Handling & Storage
Handling:Gloves recommended for prolonged use. Remove contaminated clothing.
Storage:Do not store in temperatures above 35ºC and below 0ºC.
Seal containers after use.
Store away from children.
8.Exposure Controls and Protection
Eye Protection:Wear goggles to prevent splashes in the eyes.
Hand Protection:Wear PVC gloves to prevent prolonged contact.
Skin Protection:Overalls recommended to prevent contact.
Respiratory Protection:Not necessary.
9.Physical and General Properties
OdourMild Detergent
Ph7 – 7.5
Boiling Point100ºC
Density1.04 Approx.
ViscositySlightly Viscous
Flash PointNot Applicable
10.Stability & Reactivity
Stability:Product is stable.
Hazardous Reactions:Incompatible with strong oxidising agents.
11.Toxicological Information
Eye Contact:Irritating but does not injure eye tissue if rinsed properly
Skin Contact:Frequent or prolonged contact may cause dermatitis.
Ingestion:Product could be harmful if enough is ingested.
Inhalation:Not a hazard.
12Ecological Information
Biodegradable to EEC standards, but do not allow to enter waterways.
13. Disposal Consideration
This product is not classified as a special waste. It may be disposed of by land fill or controlled incineration. Observe local and national regulations.
14.Transport Information
This product is not classified as dangerous for transport purposes.
- Regulatory Information.
Non HazardousFor Conveyance
Non HazardousFor Supply
16.Other Information
Legal Disclaimer: The above information is based on the present state of our knowledge of the product at the time of publication. It is given in good faith; no warranty is implied with respect to the quality or the specification of the product. The user must satisfy himself that the product is entirely suitable for his purpose
User Notes: For further information please contact:
RBR Supplies
13 – 15 James Watt Place
College Milton
East Kilbride
G74 5HG
Tel: (01355) 244344
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