CJI Mid-Season Tournament Oct. 1, 2016
Chester-Joplin-Inverness Schools
PO Box 550
Chester, MT 59522
Home of the Hi-Line Hawks
Chester-Joplin-Inverness Schools will be hosting their annual Mid-Season Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, October 1, 2016 beginning at 9:00 am.
Teams Participating:
Belt, Big Sandy, Box Elder, Centerville, CJI, Heart Butte, Sunburst, and Valier
We have 8 teams playing and will utilize both gymnasiums.
Attached you will find the schedule for matches.
We will play 2 games to 25.
Each team will play 3 matches. The winners of each pool will play in the championship game at 3:00 in the main gym. While the 2nd place teams in each pool, will play each other in the old gym.
A 15 minute warm up with 5 min. common time on court, 4 min. each individual team and a 2 minute serving time.
Concessions and Hospitality:
A hospitality room will be available for coaches, referees, bus drivers, and administration.
Concessions will be available for all others.
We will also have the annual WABC bake sale. This is a free will offering. All proceeds go to WABC.
Line judges and Scorekeepers:
The first team listed on the schedule will provide the official scorekeeper for the match. Also each team will need to provide a line judge for the match. If you intend on using a libero, you must provide your own tracker.
Locker Rooms:
The locker rooms will be shared and it is your team’s responsibility to take care of your valuables. CJI is not responsible for any valuables left in the locker room. CJI, Big Sandy, and Belt will use the girl’s locker room off the main gym. Centerville, Box Elder, and Valier will use the boy’s locker room off the main gym. Heart Butte and Sunburst will use the girl’s locker room in the old gym. Towels will be provided for each team.
Admission Prices:
$6.00 for adults $4.00 for students. Pre-school students will be free as well as 65 and older. District passes will be honored.
Entry Fee:
An entry fee of $125 will be charged each school to cover cost of officials. Please make checks payable to Chester-Joplin-Inverness Schools. You may send the check before or bring it with your team.
We are looking forward to having you here for this tournament.
If you have questions, you may address them to me at the phone or email provided.
Rita Chvilicek
Chester-Joplin-Inverness Schools
PO Box 550
Chester, MT 59522