Down East Cyclists
ARTICLE I. Organization Name and Objective
The name of this organization shall be Down East Cyclists_.
The objective of this organization shall be to establish a group of likeminded people, promoting safe cycling for everyone.
"Road, Mountain, Touring & Triathlon; If it involves a Bike, We're Involved!".
ARTICLE II - Members
Section 1. Any persons 18 years of age or older shall be eligible for membership. Members under the age of 18 must be part of a Family Membership and accompanied by at least one parent or guardian at club events. No person shall be discriminated against because of race, color, creed, sex, age, disability, or national origin, sexual orientation, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination.
Section 2. Annual dues shall be 15 dollars per family, per year. The Treasurer will log and track all active paid members and their annual due date.
Section 3. No income derived from the activities of the club shall accrue to individual members except as reimbursements for club related expenses.
ARTICLE III – Organization Officers Nomination and Selection
Section 1. The officers of the organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the organization.
Section 2. The officers shall be elected by the membership to serve for one year or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin January 1st of the new year.
Section 3. No member shall hold more than one office at a time.
ARTICLE IV – Officer Duties and Responsibilities
Section 1. It shall be the duty of all officers to conduct the activities of the organization in an efficient and businesslike manner and to safeguard the interest of the PO at all times.
Section 2. The President shall preside at club meetings. He/she shall perform all other duties pertaining to his office, to include the following:
a. Submit annual requirement documentation in accordance with MCIEAST MCB CAMLEJO 5760.1 for continued operation aboard Camp Lejeune as a Private Organization (PO).
b. Submit required documentation and request letters to the MCCS Private Organization Coordinator for any special events to be held on board Camp Lejeune.
Section 3. The-Vice President shall act as President in the absence of that official. In the absence of both the President and Vice President at any regular meeting or special meeting, one of the remaining officers (Secretary or Treasurer) will preside.
Section 4. The Secretary shall conduct all correspondence at the direction of the Club or its officers, take the minutes of the meetings, make an accurate record of the proceedings and perform all other duties that properly pertain to this office. Specific duties pertaining to the office of Secretary are:
- Ensure all organizational records containing personally identifiable Information (PII) are stored in a secure location. PII is defined as information about a club member that identifies, links, relates, or is unique to, or describes him or her, e.g., a SSN; age; rank; grade; marital status; race; salary; home/office phone numbers; other demographic, biometric, personnel, medical or financial information.
- Acquire and retain a copy of a Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement signed by each member. Submit a copy of the waiver agreement signed by each member of the Executive Board to the AC/S MCCS, MCB Camp Lejeune (Attn: PO Coordinator).
- Maintain a list of current organizational officers and their personal contact information. Contact information should include the name, physical address, email address, and daytime phone number of each officer. Submit, in conjunction with the organizational president the list of officers and personal contact information to the AC/S MCCS, MCB Camp Lejeune (Attn: PO Coordinator) within ten days of the officer(s) assuming the duties of that office. The listing must remain current at all times. In the event of an officer change during the organizational year, the officer listing will be revised and re-submitted to base PO Coordinator within ten days of the new officer assuming his/her new duties.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all moneys received by and disbursed on behalf of the Club in accordance with generally accepted business practices which shall include at a minimum, provisions for the following:
a. Cash receipts shall be deposited in the PO's bank account the first banking day after the day of receipt. A duplicate deposit slip, authenticated by the bank, shall be retained as evidence of deposit.
b. Disbursements shall be made through the use of preprinted and pre-numbered checks. All checks or withdrawal slips must bear the signature of at least two members of the Board of Directors, one of whom shall be the Treasurer.
c. Bank statements shall be reconciled with the book balance each month. Such reconciliation's shall be accomplished in writing and shall be certified by the Treasurer and one other member of the Board.
d. All receipts and disbursements shall be supported by adequate receipts, bills, invoices, and other generally accepted accounting documents. Voucher files shall be maintained for all receipts and disbursements and cross-referenced to payments or deposits. Such vouchers shall contain a brief description of the income received or expense incurred and shall be signed by the Treasurer.
e. Accounting records shall be maintained on a current basis and all records and related documents preserved in such a manner as to be readily available for audits.
f. If the gross annual income of the PO exceeds $2,500, an audit will be conducted by a qualified and disinterested party who is not a member of the PO. The audit will be submitted to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS), Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune (AC/S, MCCS), Attention: PO Coordinator. Additional unscheduled audits may be performed during the course of the accounting year, such as the change of Treasurer. The cost of such audits shall be borne by the PO. If the gross annual income of the PO is $2,499 or less, an internal audit will be conducted by two members of the Executive Board.
g.A record of all PO property/equipment shall be maintained. This record shall describe the items of property/equipment, the date purchased and the original cost. A physical inventory shall be conducted of all PO property at least annually as of the close of the accounting year. This inventory shall be made a part of the PO official records.
- When the Treasurer is relieved, he/she shall invoice to his/her successor all funds, property, accounts and records of the PO. The successor shall receipt for them. For this purpose, a combined invoice and receipt shall be prepared in quadruplicate with all copies being signed by both parties. Distribution of the signed copies shall be as follows:
(1) Original - filed with financial statement
(2) Copy - to President
(3) Copy - to newly assigned Treasurer
(4) Copy - to relieving Treasurer
Section 6. The duties of the members shall be to attend all meetings; to conduct themselves in a proper and fitting manner; to uphold the dignity of the PO; and to observe all regulations governing the operation of the organization.
ARTICLE V – Meetings
Section 1. The regular meetings shall be held on the first Monday of each quarter (Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec) unless otherwise ordered by the organization.
Section 2. The regular meeting in December shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise.
Section 3. The officers shall be elected by the membership to serve for one year or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin on the first day of the new year (Jan 1st).
Section 4. No member shall hold more than one office at a time.
Section 1. Only members in good standing shall be allowed to vote on any matter requiring a vote and they shall be entitled to only one vote.
Section 2. There shall not be any voting by absentee or proxy.
Section 3. Passage of any resolution shall be a simple majority vote of those voting members present.
ARTICLE VIII – Personal Liability
Section 1. Total dues of all members, together with other income, shall be sufficient to cover insurance and other expenses. All members understand they are personally and equally liable, as provided by law, if the assets of the PO are insufficient to discharge all liabilities/obligations.
ARTICLE IX – Insurance and Liability
Section 1. Unless waivered by the base Commanding General, the organization will carry adequate and proper insurance at all times to protect against public liability and property damage claims or other legal actions that may arise as a result of activities of the organization or one or more of its members acting on its behalf, including the operation of any equipment, apparatus, or device under the control and responsibility of the PO.
Section 2. The liability insurance will be acquired at no expense to the government.
Section 3. All members of the organization will sign a Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement.
ARTICLE X – Additional MCIEAST Requirements/Acknowledgements
Section 1. The organization is not a government instrumentality and is therefore not entitled to the immunities and privileges afforded government agencies.
Section 2. The PO will not compete with MCCS revenue generating businesses or engage in retail activity except with the express written consent of the installation commander following consultation with the installation MCCS director and the MCCS Private Organization Coordinator. Organizational members will not sell, distribute, or possess alcoholic beverages on any MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ installation unless authorized to do so.
Section 3. The organization agrees to comply with all applicable fire and safety regulations; environmental laws, local, state, and Federal tax codes, and any other applicable statutes or regulations.
Section 4. The organization accepts financial responsible for all taxes, insurance, independent auditors, and employees/ volunteer background check fees. A 50 state background check will be conducted for all members working with children under the age of 18.
Section 5. The organization agrees to respond to all reporting requirements documented in MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ Order 5760.1.
Section 6. The organization understands the importance of ensuring club related activities do not appear to have official DoD sanction or support. Appropriate disclaimers, as required via MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ Order 5760.1will be utilized on all print and electronic media.
ARTICLE XI – Dissolution
Section 1. Dissolution of the organization shall be upon the initiative of the membership or a decision by the Commanding General, Camp Lejeune to withdraw local authorization to operate aboard the Base.
Section 2. Upon the liquidation of all indebtedness, residual assets will be disposed of as directed by the Board of Directors. Any remaining funds held in the club account will be donated to a local not for profit charity as directed by the voting membership.
Section 3. Upon disestablishment, the incumbent senior official shall notify the Commanding General, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune via the MCCS PO Coordinator, of impending action with certification that all indebtedness has been liquidated and residual assets disposed of. If upon dissolution, liabilities exceed assets, then the excess of liabilities over assets shall be paid by the membership. A member is defined as one whose name is carried on the active members roll as of the date of notification.
The membership is liable for organizational debts in the event the organization’s assets are insufficient to discharge liabilities. Distribution of residual funds and other assets must not accrue to the benefit of any individual member or the membership as a whole.
ARTICLE XII – Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order New Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and I which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.
ARTICLE XIII – Amendments of Changes
Section 1. Amendments or changes to these by-laws may be proposed by club officers or by any member in good standing who submits a written request to the President, using the exact wording of the proposed change. Notice of the proposed change shall be given to the membership at least ten days in advance of a business meeting called to consider the change.
Section 2. Proposed amendments or changes shall be adopted when two-thirds of the voting members approve the amendment, and shall become effective upon approval of the Commanding General, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune.
Section 3. Any amendments or changes to this document shall be forwarded to the MCCS PO Coordinator prior to implementation.