City of Seattle Invitation to Bid SCL_1189R
Addendum 6
Updated on: 01/06/14
The following is additional information regarding Invitation to Bid #1189R titled Power Transformer with No-Load Tap Changer for East Pine Substation Bank 95 Replacement released on 12/17/2013. The “NEW” due date and time for responses is 01/13/14 3:00 PM (Pacific). This addendum includes both questions from prospective proposers and the City’s answers, and revisions to the ITB. This addendum is hereby made part of the ITB and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a bid/proposal.
Item # / Date Received / Date Answered / Vendor’s Question / City’s Answer / RFP RevisionsAddendum 1
1 / 12/18/13 / 12/18/13 / 1. I searched the specification two times and did not see reference to the maximum length, width and height? Can you clarify what SCL is looking for with these dimensions?
2. The maximum oil quantity is 10,000 gallons for the tank and radiators. Since this transformer has a conservator please verify the oil quantity in the conservator is considered separate from the 10,000 maximum? / All answers to the questions are in the updated Specifications embedded below. An oversight was made by the City and the spec was not replaced when finalizing the solicitation packet. Please be sure to bid according to the Specification below: / Specifications Updated. Please reference the embedded specifications when responding to the bid.
2 / 12/17/13 / 12/18/13 / Multiple requests made to extend the bid due date. / No decision made yet regarding extension. As of this addendum, the due date is still 1/7/14.
Addendum 2
3 / 12/23/13 / Multiple requests made to extend the bid due date. / The due date for bids has been extended to January 13th 2014 at 3:00 PM Pacific.
The last date for questions is now January 6th 2014.
Addendum 3
4 / 12/30/13 / 12/31/13 / The impedance tolerance is +/- 10% according to IEEE Standards. The specifications requires +/- 5%. Can this tolerance be changed to +/- 7.5%. / SCL has specified its transformers with +/-5% impedance due to potential parallel operation of this standard specification transformer at other stations; 5% tolerance is required.
SCL will keep the specification same as issued, no change allowed.
5 / 12/30/13 / 12/31/13 / The front of wave test required is an old test and is no longer required by IEEE. Our plant and the testing equipment are very new and we don’t have the old testing equipment to conduct this test. Any up to date factory will have a problem conducting this very old test that is no longer required by IEEE. Can this requirement be removed? / As mentioned in section 4 of the specification, the latest IEEE standards shall apply; therefore SCL will allow exception asked in question 2 for front of wave test if applicable.
6 / 12/30/13 / 12/31/13 / Can your max. amount of oil be changed / Allowing higher oil volume means overall bigger size, and the ramifications are bigger oil containment along with physical dimensions, which is a problem at this site.
SCL will keep the specification same as issued, no change allowed.
7 / 12/30/13 / 12/31/13 / Can you raise the dimension limits to 241” by 445”? / SCL will keep the specification same as issued, no change allowed. (See Answer to #6 above.
Addendum 4
8 / Regarding Letter of Commitment: Our insurance company informed us they need a copy from the City of Seattle as they do not have such form. They can issue bid bond as a guarantee if awarded that the final bond will be issued. / The City does not have a form for bidder’s surety to use for submitting its letter of commitment. This is typically done on the Surety’s letter head. Per Section 6 of the ITB, “the Letter of Commitment shall be from a qualified Banking Institution as specified above, and confirm the willingness of the Banking Institution to provide a Letter of Credit in 50% of the contract value, should the Vendor win the award.”
Please refer to the Bond Instructions in section 6 of the ITB.
9 / On the addendum for previous bid, City of Seattle has indicated that bid bond is not required. In the 3 addenda that have been issued for the re-bid, City of Seattle has not indicated if bid bond is also not required for this re-bid. Can you confirm? / There is no Bid Bond required for this bid.
10 / 1/2/14 / 1/2/14 / Even though the bid form in the RFP specifies oil not exceeding 14,500 gallon and the “ITB#1189 CHANGES AS COMPARED TO THE ORIGINAL ADVERTISED BID” confirms so, the specifications attached to Addendum 1 specify “a total oil volume not to exceed 10,000 gallons.”, 6.11.19, page 46. The Change Summary Table says “This table is an aid to the bidders and still refer to the specifications and other bid documents to verify information.” as thus, please kindly verify. / The maximum oil volume allowed is 14,500 gallons (US).
11 / 1/2/14 / 1/2/14 / Please kindly advise if impact recorder without GPS function is acceptable. (Specification 8.1.) / The impact recorder shall have GPS function for location determination.
Addendum 5
12 / Can you please clarify the requirement for the “seismic test” specified on page 22 of 68. Our experience with all seismic requirements with customers on the West Coast is that a seismic analysis must be performed, which is accomplished by hiring a 3rd by engineering firm to perform this analysis. A report is then generated based on drawings and calculations. Will this be sufficient enough to meet the seismic requirement or is there a specific test that needs to be performed? / SCL will retain seismic qualifications as they are in the issued specification.
Per Section 6.11.2, sub-section “e” of the Specifications:
A Seismic Test – Qualification Report conforming to Section A.6 and Annex S shall be signed by a qualified specialist and submitted for review by Seattle City Light within 120 days of award of contract. The report (using English units) is to include; tests, test plan and results, calculations, seismic outline drawing, charts, and all records required in this specification.
2. A Seismic Analysis Report shall be signed by a qualified specialist and submitted for review by Seattle City Light within 120 days of award of contract. The report (using English units) is to include; calculations, seismic outline drawing, charts, and all records required in this specification.
Addendum 6
13 / 1/6/14 / 1/6/14 / Can we quote alternate pricing for hot dip galvanizing radiator instead of stainless steel radiator?
Per 6.11.17 Cooling System
1. Radiators – General
The radiators shall be constructed of stainless steel only. No painting of radiator surfaces is required / SCL has decided not to allow this change for various reasons. The specs remain as all stainless steel construction.
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