7163 – Aust Electrical & Mechanical Mining & Boring Company

John Currie was born about 1896 the son of William and Maggie Currie in Kilmacolm, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. In 1901 the family were residing at 55 North Street, Alexandria, Dunbarton, Scotland and the household was William (37) a Gas Works Manager born in Paisley and Maggie (36) born in Glasgow, Mary T. (8), John (5) and servant Mary Anne Sharp (20).

The family came to Australia and his father was manager at the Gas Works in Geraldton, W.A. Military experience was gained by serving with ‘D Coy’ Geraldton Reinforcement to the 88th (Perth) Infantry for three years and was still a member (no. 1895) handing back all his equipment when he enlisted for active service abroad.

At the Geraldton recruiting depot on September 28, 1917 the twenty-one year old electrician applied to enlist and passed the medical examination. Personal particulars taken reveal his address was at Durlacher Street, Geraldton and was 171cms (5ft 7¼ins) tall with a chest expansion of 76-83cms (30-33½ins) and had good vision. Declared fit for service his application was accepted by the recruiting officer.

Attestation Forms were completed describing him with a medium complexion, grey eyes and brown hair. Distinctive mark was a vaccination scar from infancy on his right arm and gave Presbyterian as his religious denomination. Next-of-kin was his father Mr William Currie of Durlacher Street, Geraldton, W.A. and he signed and took the ‘Oath of Enlistment’ the same day.

Service commenced at Blackboy Hill camp, near Perth, W.A. on October 18, 1916 for training with the 88th Depot Battalion until November 12 then moved to the Xth Depot Battalion. On November 21 was transferred to the Tunnelling Reinforcements in the rank of Sapper with the regimental number 7163. Promoted to the rank of Corporal on January 26, 1917 and transferred to the Tunnellers’ Training Camp at Seymour, Victoria on February 23, 1917. Assigned to the February Reinforcements on February 27 they trained until May 10.

In preparation for departure it was noted that his Will had been lodged with his father Mr William Currie, Gas Works, Geraldton, W.A.

The transport HMAT A9 Shropshire embarked from Melbourne, Vic on May 11, 1917 with 168 members of the February Reinforcements on board. For the ‘voyage only’ he was appointed Acting E.D.P. Corporal [extra duty pay] in the Ship’s Order No. 2. Leaving Australian waters from Fremantle harbour crossed the Indian Ocean and docked at Durban, South Africa. Next Port-of-call was Capetown to refuel about June 21, followed by another stopover at an unrecorded harbour would have completed the trip-sheet. After being at sea for 70 days the voyage terminated at Plymouth, England on July 19, 1917.

The three officers and 165 other ranks were detrained to Tidworth while two were hospitalised at Plymouth and marched in to the Aust Details camp at Parkhouse for further training for the front.

The next day he reverted to the rank of Sapper. Later that day, he was appointed E.D.P. Corporal at Parkhouse camp until the Reinforcements proceeded to France from Southampton on August 18, 1917. A day later they marched into the Aust General Base Depot at Rouelles.

His civil career of electrician was important to the Aust Electrical & Mechanical Mining & Boring Company and on September 9, 1917 marched out to join this unit. Two days later was taken on Supernumeracy strength in the field pending absorption.

Service continued without incident until he was issued with Blue Chevrons to wear on his uniform for twelve months service.

He wrote home telling of his work with the A.E.M.M.B.C. in the field which was published in the:

Leave was granted from February 12, 1918 and he rejoined his unit on February 26.

On June 19, 1918 he was taken on strength with the company in the field.

Meanwhile in his home town a list of volunteers was being prepared for the district’s Roll of Honour and the preliminary roll was published with his name appearing under Geraldton in the:

He was with his company when Peace was declared and they remained on the front assisting with the rehabilitation of their area by continuing to generate electricity and supply and service pumps and engines.

Leave was granted from New Year’s Day, 1919 and returned on January 15.

Orders were received to prepare for Educational Leave on March 18, 1919 and marched out to Havre on March 24 crossing the English Channel arriving at the Aust Army Service Corps training depot at Parkhouse two days later.

An extension of leave from March 28 until April 4 was issued in London being taken on strength with A.I.F. Headquarters in London from April 2.

Sapper was granted leave from April 2 until October 2, 1919 with pay and subsistence to attend British Thompson Houston Ltd, Coventry for engineering training.

On September 11, 1919 he was retransferred to the A.E.M.M.B. Company on return of cancellation of leave and marched out to the Deputy Assistant Adjutant General’s office, London.

The H.T. Mahana embarked on September 25, 1919 with Sapper Currie on board for the voyage to Australia. Base Records advised his father that he was on his way. This news was published in the:

The ship arrived in Fremantle, W.A. (5th M.D.) and was reported in:

Military Discharge was issued in Perth, W.A. (5th M.D.) on December 11, 1919 on termination of his period of enlistment.

He married in 1922 to Myrtle Ada Turnor with their marriage registered in Perth, W.A.

The British War Medal (18817) and the Victory Medal (18113) were issued to Sapper 7163 John Currie, Aust Electrical & Mechanical Mining & Boring Company for service for his country.

These medals were not collected from the designated barracks and returned to Base Records on September 30, 1924. A letter was sent care of his father on October 11, 1924 advising him of this.

Their residence from 1925 onwards was 36 Francis Street, Geraldton with his occupation listed as electrician.

His Returned Service Badge (242252) was returned to Base Records on July 7, 1938 by the 5th Military District Depot Battalion.

He was manager of the Geraldton Municipal Electricity Department and a report was given when they converted the power system from direct to alternating current. The report was published in the:

John Currie was still living at the same address in 1980.

World War II

His son John Malcolm Currie was born in Geraldton, W.A. on 15/10/1923 and enlisted with the Aust Army on July 19, 1942 with the 3rd Reinforcement Regiment. His service number was WX25490. Next-of-kin was J. Currie. Discharge was issued on October 4, 1942. Two days later on October 6, 1942 he re-enlisted with the Royal Aust Air Force in Perth, W.A. Service number was 427806. Next-of-kin was J. Currie. His posting was Flight Lieutenant with the 9 Air Crew Holding Unit, W.A. and was discharged on February 22, 1946.

© Donna Baldey 2012