Reiki Practitioner Course

(including Reiki 1 and Reiki 2)

Information and Booking Form

This Practitioner Course is an approved Reiki Federation Practitioner Course. This means that the Reiki Federation have checked it against the Core Curriculum and National Occupational Standards for Reiki, and confirmed that it meets these requirements. As well as reassuring you as to the content of this practitioner course, this confirmation means you will be eligible to join the Reiki Federation as a Full Member and to register with the CNHC Regulatory body.

Course Structure

The Reiki Practitioner Course at the Gaia School of Natural Health consists of the following modules:

Reiki I£180

*Practitioner Skills Workshop£110

*Those wishing to progress to Reiki II must complete this workshop, unless they hold a recognised practitioner diploma which includes anatomy, physiology and pathology and client skills e.g. QCF Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology, in which case they are exempt from this day.

Reiki II£250

What will I learn?

Course Content: Reiki I: 15 hours

What is reiki?

Using energy.

The Aura and Chakras.

History and styles of reiki.

Reiki training structure

Reiki principles.

The importance of self-treatment, the self-cleansing process.


Attunement to reiki energy, and the importance of in person attunement.

Practical hand positions: self-treatment, seated treatment and couch treatment.

Reiki practice.

Reiki share.

Other ways of using reiki.

Reiki shower.

Giving reiki treatments: what can be treated, contraindications, cautions, consent etc.

Reflective practice.


If you wish to progress to Reiki II you must:

•complete the case studies. Case studies: 25 hours (e.g. 5 clients x 5 treatments) and a short assignment.

•attend at least one reiki share

•attend the Practitioner Skills workshop (unless exempt)

•leave a gap of 6 months between Reiki I and II.

Course Content: Practitioner Skills Workshop: 7.5 hours

Communication/ inter-personal skills

Basic anatomy, physiology and pathology


Health & safety

Legislative and professional issues

Introduction to business management

Treatment management: e.g. consent, client records etc

Course Content: Reiki II: 22.5 hours

Practice management: the reiki consultation, referrals, aftercare advice, treatment planning. Confidentiality.

Business skills

Breathing/ Meditation

The reiki symbols, and different ways of using them.


Space clearing, cleansing.

Energy cleansing techniques.

Distant healing.


Treatments on others.

Reflective practice.

Using crystals in reiki.


Case studies: 40 hours (e.g. 8 clients x 5 treatments, including some distance healing). You will also be observed giving reiki as part of the assessment procedure.


Please can you obtain a copy of the following:

Quest, P. (2010) The Reiki Manual: a training guide for reiki students, practitioners and masters. Piatkus.

How do I book?

Please complete and return the slip attached with your non refundabledeposit for £50to Gaia School of Natural Health. The deposit is non-refundable unless the course is cancelled by the Gaia School. The form can be e-mailed back, and the deposit can be paid online.


Please reserve me a place on:

Course / Date(s) / Tick
Reiki I
Course fee - £180 / Thursday 23rdand Friday 24th November 2017
9.45am - 4.15pm
Reiki I
Course fee - £180 / Thursday 24thand Friday 25th May 2018,
9.45am - 4.15pm
Reiki II
Course fee - £250 / Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Friday 29th June 2018
9.45am - 4.15pm
Reiki Practitioner workshop
Course fee - £110 / Tuesday 13th February, 2018
9.45am - 4.15pm

Please make a bank transfer for £50 non-refundabledeposit to “Gaia School of Natural Health”Sort code: 089299. Account No.: 69643259

Or please make cheques payable to “Gaia School of Natural Health”and send with booking form to 15 Grange Crescent, Childer Thornton, S. Wirral, CH66 5NA.

Phone No.:
Date of birth:

Please provide name and phone number of an Emergency Contact:


Are you trained in other therapies:
Current roles and responsibilities:
Highest level of educational attainment:
Previous experience of reiki:
Why do you wish to train in reiki?
Would you like to mention anything else e.g. health issues or learning needs that it would be useful for me to know about?

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