Macquarie Fields TAFE Library

New Resources

September 2011

Community, Health & Personal Services / On the shelves at…
Mental health : the individual and society (DVD)
Running time: 29 minutes. Australian production. Program shows many aspects of mental health at a personal level, with steps and processes for recovering and maintaining wellbeing. Also explains how community structures play a crucial role in offering resources and systems of living that encourage mental wellbeing. / 362.2/MENT
Assess and respond to individuals at risk of suicide : CHCCS521A
A Jigsaw Publication learner guide. Describes basic competencies required by community service workers to provide sensitive and effective intervention where risk of self-harm or suicide has been identified. / 362.28/ASSE
Administer and monitor medications : CHCCS424A
A Jigsaw Publication learner guide. Describes the knowledge and skills required to responsibly administer and monitor prescribed medications to a person with stable health conditions in a range of settings under delegation from a health professional. / 615.58/ADMI
Providing good care at night for older people : practical approaches for use in nursing and care homes
Provides the knowledge and practical skills needed to provide appropriate care during the night. Topics covered include: nutrition and hydration, continence, challenging behaviour, medication, night-time checking, pain management, and end-of-life care. / 362.61/KERR
Mental health in Australia : collaborative community practice
2nd edition. 2 copies. A comprehensive overview of the issues, practice and policy affecting mental health in Australia. Includes: context and history of mental health in Australia, community responses, conceptual modes, global perspectives, research, evaluation of mental health care delivery, clinical practice, case management, and future directions. / 362.20994/MENT
Understanding troubled minds : a guide to mental illness and its treatment
2nd edition. A guide to the full range of mental illnesses and their treatment includes chapters dealing specifically with mental illnesses afflicting women, children, and the elderly. Stresses the partnerships between psychiatrists, patients and their families. / 616.891/BLOC
Aging and mental health
2nd edition. Discussion of mental health in later life supplemented by case material. Includes recent information on various types of mental disorders and effective therapeutic techniques for working with older adults. / 618.97689/AGIN
Work effectively in mental health settings, CHCMH401A
An Aspire publication. Describes the skills and knowledge required in the context and across the range of settings where mental health work occurs. Contains: learning content, practice tasks, and assessment activities. / 616.89/WORK
CHCMH301A, Work effectively in mental health
An Aspire publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required in the context within which mental health work occurs. It includes information on how to develop knowledge of the mental health sector, demonstrate commitment to the central philosophies and standards of the mental health sector, and work with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. / 362.2071/CHCM
Apply understanding of mental health issues and recovery processes : CHCMH402A
An Aspire publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required to contribute to the recovery of people affected by a mental illness. Includes: working within the context of different mental health diagnoses, applying knowledge of the impact of mental illness on people’s lives, applying an understanding of the impact of social determinants on health, and working with families, carer/s, friends and other networks to support people with mental illness. / 362.2/APPL
Facilitate community participation and inclusion, CHCDIS410A
An Aspire publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required to contribute to develop and facilitate strategies for individual participation. Includes: supporting a person with a disability to identify and engage in social networks, assisting a person with a disability and relevant others to develop and implement an individualised support plan, developing strategies to minimise social isolation, and determining risks associated with supporting community participation. / 362.6/FACI
CHCDIS411A, Communicate using augmentative and alternate communication strategies
An Aspire publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required to communicate with people who have complex communication needs. Includes: identifying current communication ability and needs, developing and implementing effective augmentative and alternative communication strategies, and monitoring, reporting, and reviewing communication strategies. / 362.196855/CHCD
CHCDIS405A, Facilitate skills development and maintenance
An Aspire publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required to develop, implement and review formal skills development/maintenance plans with a person with a disability. Includes: assessing learning ability and needs, developing and implementing a person-centred skills development/maintenance plan, evaluating skills development and reviewing the plan, and using incidental learning opportunities to enhance skills development. / 362.4048/CHCD
Introducing mental health nursing : a consumer-oriented approach
Offers a systematic overview of both the science and the art of caring for people experiencing mental health problems. It addresses the attitudes, knowledge and skills required to provide care for consumers across all health care settings, from specialist mental health services to general hospitals and community care. / 616.890231/INTR
Work collaboratively to support recovery process, CHCMH405A
A Jigsaw publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required to work collaboratively with clients to provide services to implement a range of strategies within the scope of an individual recovery plan for a person with a mental health condition. / 361.32/WORK
Conduct assessment and planning as part of the recovery process, CHCMH404A
A Jigsaw publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required to gather information so a plan can be negotiated that supports the consumer, carers and the families. The importance of including all key people, especially the consumer, is stressed so that an appropriate assessment is undertaken in order to support recovery. / 361.32/COND
Use targeted communication skills to build relationships, CHCCOM403A
A Jigsaw publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required to apply specific workplace communication techniques to build and maintain relationships with clients and colleagues based on respect and trust. / 361.994/USET
Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework, CHCCS400A
A Jigsaw publication. Describes the key concepts of the legal system and how an organisation’s policies and practices provide a framework for worker response. Considers: client rights, service delivery, unethical conduct, effective problem solving, identifying issues, indicators of abuse/neglect, complaints procedures, concept of legal guardian, and working within a job role and its responsibilities. / 361.994/WORK
Work effectively in mental health settings, CHCMH401A
A Jigsaw publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required in the context and across the range of settings where mental health occurs. / 616.89/WORK
Apply understanding of mental health issues and recovery processes, CHCMH402A
A Jigsaw publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required to contribute to the recovery of people affected by a mental illness in the context of the impact of mental illness on clients, their carer/s and families. / 362.2/APPL
Work effectively in the alcohol and other drugs sector, CHCAOD402A
An Aspire publication. Describes the knowledge and skills required by all those working with clients with alcohol and other drugs issues. Provides a basic introduction to values, services and approaches applied to work in this sector and includes information on how to: work within the sector, develop knowledge of the sector, develop knowledge of work requirements, demonstrate commitment to the central philosophies, communicate effectively and work ethically. / 362.29/WORK
Mental health across cultures : a practical guide for health professionals
The potential for confusions in communication and consequent problems are even greater in primary care mental health than in other areas. This guide for health professionals provides a model for working in mental health across cultures and outlines practical skills. / 362.2089/BENS
Death with dignity : ethical and practical considerations for caregivers of the terminally ill
Addresses the complex and confusing issues associated with end of life which over the twentieth century has shifted from occurring at home to increasingly occurring in hospital. / 362. 175/CLAR
Long-term caring : residential, home and community aged care
2nd edition. Australian publication. Provides information on all aspects of personal caring to prepare students for work in a range of aged care settings. The focus is on the delivery of long-term care that complements an individual’s needs and enhances quality of life. / 610.736099/LONG
Culture, communication and nursing
Discusses: differences between cultures and how these can enhance practical nursing, knowledge and skills about culture and challenges opinions through real-life case studies, and develops cultural sensitivity and culture-specific behaviour to look after the ‘whole person’. / 610.730699/BURN
Hot topics : Indigenous peoples / legal issues in plain language
A Legal Information Access Centre (LIAC) / State Library of NSW publication. Aims to give an accessible introduction to an area of law that is the subject of change or public debate. / 342.940872/BEHR
Landline : mental health in the bush (DVD)
Running time: 60 minutes. Research shows that men living in rural areas are not more susceptible to depression, but are disadvantaged by lack of services. Their situation is worsened by the added stigma of asking for help in the bush, where there is an unspoken but real expectation to “toughen it out”. / 362.204256/BATT
Insight : talking suicide (DVD)
Running time: 60 minutes. Do we need to change the way we talk about suicide? Should we treat suicide more like the road toll with billboards, ads and ongoing funding? Prominent mental health experts call for a widespread, ongoing campaign that very publicly draws attention to suicide. / 362.28/TALK
Insight : mental health (DVD)
Running time: 60 minutes. Insight looks at the election battle to claim the upper hand on mental health. With one in five Australians experiencing a mental health issue each year Insight examines this key election topic. / 616.89/MENT
Insight : minds at risk (DVD)
Running time: 60 minutes. Australian of the Year, Patrick McGorry speaks about the state of mental health and how he helps young Australians at risk. / 362.2083/MIND
Four corners : hidden voices (DVD)
Running time: 45 minutes. The story of an Australian town that holds a lesson for each and every person who’s been touched by mental illness. As an election campaign issue, who will bring our mental health services into line with the rest of the Western world? / 362.2/HIDD
Enough Rope with Andrew Denton : angels and demons (DVD)
Running time: 60 minutes. Andrew discovers what it feels like to lose your mind and get it back again. Program starts at the 2007Annual Mental Health Services Conference in Melbourne where Andrew meets people from many walks of life who have struggled with severe mental illness. / 362.20994/ANGE
Medical language for modern health care
2nd edition. Teaches medical language using an innovative, contextualized, real world approach. Organized by body system, this text is comprehensive in coverage. Visually engaging photos and illustrations enrich the text. Includes revision exercises. / 610.14/ALLA
Communicating at work : principles and practices for business and the professions
10th edition. Includes: at work – networks, face-to-face, cultural diversity, organizational culture, personal skills – listening, verbal/non-verbal, interpersonal skills, information gathering interviewing – planning, conducting, and ethics, working in groups – teams, problem solving, and effective meetings, presentations – planning, verbal and visual support, and delivery. / 658.45/ADLE
Medical-surgical nursing made incredibly easy!
3rd edition. A reference that cuts to the core of what must be known to provide safe, effective care. Covers: fundamentals, diseases, and evidence based research findings. Memory joggers and quick quizzes reinforce learning. / 617.0231/MEDI
Six key approaches to counselling and therapy
2nd edition. Provides an accessible introduction to the theory and practice of six of the most popular contemporary therapeutic approaches from four main schools of therapy practice: cognitive therapy, solution-focused therapy, person-centred therapy, and Freud’s psychoanalysis and Jung’s analytical therapy. / 361.06/NELS
Theory and practice of counselling and therapy
5th edition. Provides an essential introduction to the major theoretical approaches in counselling and psychotherapy today. Includes solution-focused therapy and narrative therapy. / 361.06/NELS
Cognitive therapy in a nutshell
2nd edition. For newcomers to the subject, this book provides an ideal place to start and a springboard to further study. / 361.06/NEEN
Person-centred counselling in a nutshell
Provides an accessible overview to many of the central tenets of person-centred practice and the philosophy that underpins it.. / 361.06/CASE
Psychodynamic counselling in a nutshell
For newcomers to the subject, this book provides an ideal place to start and a springboard to further study. / 361.06/HOWA
Counselling in a nutshell
Offers a down to earth introduction to the theory and practice of counselling which will serve to aid trainees. / 361.06/DRYD
The A to Z of mental health
A concise, comprehensive resource on all aspects of this challenging topic. This guide will help readers cut through a maze of professional jargon to understand definitions of theories, syndromes, treatments, and contemporary issues surrounding mental health and treatment for mental illness. / 616.89003/KAHN
Gambling problems
An Issues in Society publication. Contains previously published information sourced from newspapers, magazines, journals, government reports, surveys, websites and lobby group literature exploring a range of facts and opinions. / 363.420994/GAMB
Understanding mental illness
An Issues in Society publication. Contains previously published information sourced from newspapers, magazines, journals, government reports, surveys, websites and lobby group literature exploring a range of facts and opinions. / 616.89/UNDE
Alcohol and binge drinking
An Issues in Society publication. Contains previously published information sourced from newspapers, magazines, journals, government reports, surveys, websites and lobby group literature exploring a range of facts and opinions. / 362.292099/ALCO
Mosby’s essentials for nursing assistants
4th edition. Presents content in a clear, logical and highly visual format. Includes: delegation guidelines, essential skills, communication, preventing falls, safely moving patients, mental health problems, step-by-step procedures, and promoting safety and comfort. / 610.730698/SORR
Nursing assistant : a nursing process approach
10th edition. Covers essentials skills for acute care, home care, and long term care settings. This is a competency based resource for the latest trends and practices in nursing assistant education. / 610.730698/HEGN
Basic personal counselling : a training manual for counsellors
6th edition. A comprehensive and easy to read introduction to personal counselling. This Australian text is written for students learning to become professional or volunteer counsellors. / 361.06/GELD