
Instructions: This review process is a response to a suggestion made by DPI that Council members examine a select number of past recommendation and prioritize a small number (3-5) that when implemented, will make a noticeable difference in helping American Indian students in grades K-12 thrive and succeed in school. Given this request, please read the following 23 recommendations and respond to the question that follows each one. The final step (last page) is to indicate one recommendationfrom the total number and be prepared to discuss your choice when the Council meets in Raleigh on February 17,2012. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Olivia Holmes Oxendine at 910-315-8983, or send your questions to

NOTE: Because the Council has been informed of the improbability of having an Indian education position funded by the Department of Public Instruction, such recommendations do not appear in this material, hence two reporting years(2006 and 2007) begin with recommendation # 2.

2006 Report: Tribes, and Communities:

Education Minds to Move Beyond

Recommendation 2

Request the State Board of Education strengthen high quality teacher an administrator preparation for NC public schools by requiring these education professionals to acquireinstruction in American Indian history and culture in order to be licensed or recertified in the State of North Carolina.

  • Identify acceptable programs/resources/institutions/online courses that willsatisfy the specific AI studies requirement.
  • Assign a specific number of course hours to satisfy the AI studies requirement
  • Identify a time frame whereby teachers and administrators (in-serviceprofessionals) would have to satisfy the requirement.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 3

Continue to improve the quality and quantity of data available regardingAmerican Indian students and their educational trajectories.

  • Include data on attendance, grades, and placement in Honors, and Advance Placement programs.
  • Request that all schools actively use the information, data, and strategies profiled in the2002-2003 Models for Improving Student Achievement developed by the North CarolinaDepartment of Public Instruction, Curriculum and School Reform Services area.
  • Request that enrollment data in advanced courses be disaggregated and reportedfor American Indian students, particularly on the Statewide School and District Report Card for all LEAs.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 4

Actively support initiatives that nurture and encourage American Indianstudents toward successful completion of high school, appropriate preparation for enrollment inhigher education, community colleges or universities, and job preparation.

  • Support the State Board of Education’s mandate that all students graduate from arigorous, relevant academic program to succeed in both post-secondary educationand 21st Century careers. Classroom teachers should enrich instruction withchildren’s experiential learning and affinities. School systems, tribal elders, localbusinesses, and chambers of commerce should develop relationships amongschool systems to ensure academic preparation perpetually incorporates job skillrequirements for various careers.
  • Develop and support advisor/advisee programs (or comparable programs) to buildrelationships with students that strengthen their personal, social and academic goals.
  • Request educators to cultivate positive relationships with American Indian students,parents, and tribal communities.
  • Develop formal partnerships among school guidance departments, Title VII IndianEducation program directors and offices of higher education aimed at aligningAmerican Indian student course taking and academic preparation with the skillrequirements for careers students are interested in seeking.
  • Request that all LEAs build a comprehensive school counseling program thatregularlyconducts sessions on dropout rates, improved academic achievement, thevalue of post-secondary education, understanding between education and postsecondary preparation, improved attendance, and selection of course study,including the benefits of advanced course-taking.
  • Request that LEAs ensure students entering high school are assigned the sameguidance counselor throughout their high school career, as a way to foster strongrelationships between students and counselors.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 5

Continue to support professional development for teachers to enhancetheir knowledge of American Indian history and culture.

  • Request that the American Indian online course of study entitled American Indiansin North Carolina be included as one of the required credits for teachercertification/renewal.
  • Follow the directive of Recommendation Eleven included in The North CarolinaCommission on Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps Reportapproved by the State Board of Education in 2001.
  • Request all schools provide systemic professional development to cultivate a climatein which all educators examine their own belief systems toward children and learning and whether they expect that all children can learn and achieve at high levels.
  • Encourage school systems to invest in educational materials that promote thetraditions, cultures, histories of state-recognized tribes.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 6

Request that the State Advisory Council on Indian Education develop anaction plan to assist responsible parties in their implementation of the recommendations in thisreport and monitor the plan annually to assess the effectiveness of each recommendation.

  • Determine the data to be collect

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

2007 Report: Seeking New Pathways for Student Success: The Vision and the Reality of American Indian Student Achievement

Recommendation 2

Encourage school systems to expand the use of valid indicators in the identificationof American Indian students for placement in Academically and Intellectually Giftedprograms, honors and Advanced Placement courses and exceptional programs forstudents with disabilities. School systems should use innovative practices for identifying American Indianstudents for placement in Exceptional Programs, such as Academically andIntellectually Gifted programs and other exceptionalities.

Recommendation 3

Support the collaborative efforts among the State Advisory Council on IndianEducation, the Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps Section, and American Indiancommunities to address current educational policies and issues, such as decreasingdropout rates and increasing graduation rates.

These efforts will identify and share strategies that empower education stakeholders tomake informed decisions about the education and future of American Indian students.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

2008 Report: Tribes, Communities, Schools: Fostering Student Success

Through Partnerships

Recommendation 1

Actively support pre-service preparation and professional development for teachers and other schoolprofessionals to enhance their knowledge of American Indian history, language and culture.

  • Request that Schools of Education incorporate ways to help non-Native school professionals becomeaware of the world views of American Indian people. Teacher education and school administratorprograms should help these individuals develop an appreciation of the history, language and culture ofAmerican Indians, particularly those of North Carolina.
  • Expand opportunities for professional development that provide teachers methods of integratinglessons of American Indian history into subject areas such as literature, science and health.
  • Actively seek business and foundation partners who are willing to provide annual sponsorship grants toeducators and others who are interested in becoming more expert on North Carolina American Indianhistory, language, culture and current affairs.
  • Continue efforts that require all public school administrators and local boards of education to review theirpolicies and procedures toward the use of American Indian sports mascots, logos and all demeaningimagery; and educate public school personnel about the educational, curricular, and psychological effects ofusing American Indian sports mascots and logos.
  • Provide professional development opportunities for staff within the Department of Public Instruction,particularly for those involved in state and regional work of Comprehensive School Support. It is critical forthese individuals to develop an appreciation of the history, language and culture of American Indiancommunities as well as an understanding of the contemporary education issues of American Indian students.
  • Engage tribal organizations such as the Museum of the Cherokee Indian and the Native American ResourceCenter to provide professional development opportunities for school districts across the state.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 2

Foster partnerships between high schools, post-secondary education institutions, local business communityand tribal communities with a specific focus on American Indian students’ preparation for college and/orattainment of skilled employment.

  • Develop formal partnerships between school guidance departments and Title VII Indian Education programdirectors aimed at aligning American Indian student course taking and academic preparation for post-secondaryeducation and/or with the skill requirements for jobs or professions students are interested in seeking.
  • Invite representatives from local chambers of commerce, local job services or employment offices and localhuman resources professionals to work with Title VII Indian Education program coordinators, guidancecounselors and tribal communities to review current job markets, determine in what sectors American Indiansare currently employed and to explore ways to broaden employment opportunities, particularly within tribalcommunities. In addition, ask groups to work with school professionals to formulate action plans forstrengthening American Indian students’ preparation for future education and employment opportunities.0 2008 SACIE Report / Communities and Schools.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 3

Serve as the catalyst for both state and local coordination in supporting and expanding programs thatstrengthen the education of American Indian students.

  • Include representation from the American Indian community on state-level boards, committees orcommissions and in the work of the Department of Public Instruction in reviewing and/or developingeducation policy, curriculum and standards.
  • Encourage and support through technical assistance eligible school districts in applying for Title VII IndianEducation grants and in establishing Indian education programs designed to meet the unique educationaland culturally related academic needs of American Indians.
  • Revise current State Board Policy EEO-B-001 to reflect the partnership and roles of the Department ofPublic Instruction, the State Advisory Council on Indian Education and local districts in strengthening Indianeducation.
  • Develop a research agenda and seek ways to enhance capacity for conducting research on the academicachievement of American Indian students in North Carolina through partnerships and/or collaborations withuniversities and other research organizations. A comprehensive research agenda for American Indianeducation should 1) establish baseline data on academic achievement and retention in order to monitorimprovement; 2) evaluate promising practices used with American Indian students; and 3) evaluate the role of native language and culture in the development of educational strategies.
  • Facilitate outreach strategies in partnership with other state agencies and organizations to compileappropriate resources geared towards assisting school districts, Title VII Indian education programs andtribal communities in supporting American Indian students. Publish and disseminate these materials foruse by tribal organizations, American Indian churches and schools serving relatively large populations ofAmerican Indian students.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes___ No___

Recommendation 4

Improve the quality and quantity of data available regarding American Indian students and theireducational trajectories.

  • Add required data for completing the Title VII Indian Education Eligibility Form (506 Form).
  • Add required data for completing the Title VII Indian Education Eligibility Form (506 Form) to the NC WISEstudent information system to help school districts identify eligible students and generate reports moreeffectively and efficiently.
  • Develop a partnership among the University of North Carolina system, the North Carolina CommunityCollege system and the Department of Public Instruction to develop the capability to link PK-20 datasources. This would allow a review of American Indian enrollment, retention and graduation rates and areview of the courses of study and degree programs American Indian students pursue in higher education.

Information from this review will be provided to the State Advisory Council on Indian Education who willdisseminate its findings to Tribal governments, Title VII Indian Education program directors, LEAsuperintendents, and academic officers of institutions of higher education statewide.

  • Utilize data from the National Indian Education Study to gauge and monitor the performance of NorthCarolina’s American Indian students in relation to American Indian students in other states with significantAmerican Indian populations.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes___ No___

2009 Report: Weaving Innovative Educational Opportunities

for American Indian Students

Recommendation 1

Establish and implement a broad array of innovative high school reform programs to providerigorous academic experiences for American Indian students and aggressively identify, enroll, andmonitor all students who would benefit from participation in such programs.

The state and local districts must strengthen and broaden identification and enrollment practices in order toeffectively and efficiently meet the needs of American Indian students who would benefit from participationin innovative educational initiatives. Reliable and accurate data systems are critical in the successfulimplementation of these practices and must be developed in a deliberate and purposeful manner. Also, carefulconsideration must be given to disaggregation of data to ensure equitable participation of all eligible students.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 2

Develop and implement nontraditional outreach and communication strategies to effectively reach all American Indian families.

Although the state and local districts regularly disseminate education-related information, traditionalcommunication strategies appear to be ineffective in reaching all American Indian students and parents. Consequently, parents are uninformed and are unable to support their child’s participation in programs thatwould positively impact future success.

Many Native parents regularly attend tribal-sponsored meetings butdo not attend school meetings; therefore, it is imperative that districts develop alternative, nontraditionalstrategies to maximize communication. For example, to increase communication capacity, districts couldpartner with existing Indian education programs and tribal organizations that provide support services toAmerican Indian families and children. Districts could include educational information in tribal newsletters,on tribal websites, and during community cultural events, such as powwows.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 3

Integrate accurate information regarding native culture in all aspects of the curriculum.

Research supports the assertion that American Indian students demonstrate higher levels of academicperformance when their cultural identity and heritage are acknowledged and validated. As the driving forcefor instruction across all disciplines and grade levels, state curricula standards must be rigorous andculturally-based in order to meet the unique academic needs of Native students. Instructional materials,including textbooks, must accurately reflect the historical and contemporary presence of American Indiansin North Carolina, with particular emphasis on topics such as tribal histories and languages. Through highquality professional development, educators must be provided information relative to best instructionalpractices for teaching American Indian students. For this to occur, the SBE should support and expand theexisting resources previously developed in partnership with LEARN NC.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 4

Establish supportive and caring school environments for all American Indian students.

It is reasonable to expect state and local districts to establish supportive and caring school environmentsfor all students, including all American Indians. A prevalent theme emerged from the interviews regardingthe importance of positive student-teacher relationships. Meaningful interactions between educators andstudents are essential for student success. During the site visits, positive relationships seemed to be atleast partly enhanced by small school size given that students appeared to be more comfortable andempowered to approach teachers and administrators with questions and concerns. Students stronglyemphasized the importance of having access to successful Native adult role models who could favorablyimpact their intrinsic motivation to establish high goals for their own success. The SBE and the Departmentof Public Instruction should partner with the state’s tribal organizations to develop and disseminate anup-to-date database of Native individuals who could serve as guest presenters on a variety of topics.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in a school system: Yes ____ No ____

Recommendation 5

Identify and eliminate barriers that inhibit the participation of American Indian students in innovative educational opportunities.

In order for American Indian students to participate in innovative educational programs,barriers that impede their participation must be identified and minimized or completely eliminated. Limited or no access to computers and/or the Internet outside the school setting surfaced in the interviewsas a key barrier for many students. To minimize or eliminate this barrier, districts must seek additionalresources to provide students with access to technology. The interview responses also cited barrierscreated by inflexible transportation policies and inadequate funding to support student transportation. The SBE could review existing transportation policies and identify those which unintentionally serve asdisincentives to school districts. For example, policies related to efficiency ratings could be reviewed andrevised to allow greater flexibility as needed by districts in the provision of transportation.

High priority____

Important, but not my priority _____

Aware of implementation in school system: Yes ____ No __