In the name of God, most Compassionate, most Merciful
Al Ihsan School of Excellence
2016-2017 Supply List for 3rd Grade - Parma
ITEM / QUANTITYBook bag / 1
Lunch box (no paper or plastic bags) / 1
#2 pencils – 12 count / 5 packs
1 inch binder – hard cover, no Trapper Keepers / 1
Composition notebook / 1
Dividers for binders with pockets (5 pack) / 1
Elmer’s glue stick / 1 pack
Elmer’s washable school glue / 1
Expo dry erase markers (4-pack) / 2 packs
Large hard plastic supply box / 1
Large pink eraser / 2
Lined 3x5 index cards (white) / 2 packs
Markers / 8 count
Pencil sharpener / 1
Wide ruled notebook paper / 2 packs
Bounty/Sparkle paper towels / 2 rolls
Kleenex tissue / 2 boxes
Clorox/Lysol Disinfecting wipes (35 count or more) / 3 containers
Ziploc bags Gallon size (girls) / 1 box
Ziploc bags Quart size (boys) / 1 box
For grades 3rd – 8th
3 prongs folder / 1
3 ring 1 inch binder / 1
Composition notebooks / 2
Expo dry erase markers / 2
Old magazines and newspapers for cutting pictures when projects are given
Posters, glue, scissors, crayons, markers
4600 Rocky River Drive Cleveland, OH 44135 Telephone: (216) 676-5006 Fax: (216) 676-2777
6055 W. 130th Street Parma, OH 44130 Telephone: (440) 799-4875 Fax: (440) 799-4876
6055 W. 130th Street (Plaza) Parma, OH 44130 Telephone: (216) 712-6906 Fax: (216) 712-6907