DHM Research Panel
Government Waste and Inefficiency
April 11–19, 2018
N=590; margin of error +/-2.4% to +/-4%
DHM Research
- All things considered, do you think Oregon is headed in the right direction, or off on the wrong track?
Response Category / n=590
Right direction / 45%
Wrong track / 40%
Don’t know / 15%
- When you think of waste in government, if you had to choose, does it mean:
Response Category / n=569
Money spent inefficiently on programs that are necessary / 63%
Money spent on programs that are simply unnecessary / 34%
Don’t know / 3%
- What percentage of the Oregon state budget unnecessary programs?(OPEN)
Response Category / n=526
Mean / 23.8%
The following are programs and services funded by state government. For each, indicate whether you think that program or service is necessary or unnecessary.
Response Category / Necessary / Unnecessary / Don’t know- Healthcare for low-income Oregon adults and children, including long-term care for seniors and people with mental or physical disabilities
- Low-income child care assistance
- Tax credits for low-income working people
- Emergency and disaster preparedness
- Public safety, like police and fire
- The justice system, like courts, jails, and prisons
- Public transportation, like buses and trains
- Economic development, like subsidies andtax breaks for business attraction or expansion
I’d like to ask about a few more programs and services funded by the state government.
The following are programs and services funded by state government. For each, indicate whether you think that program or service is necessary or unnecessary.
Response Category / Necessary / Unnecessary / Don’t know- Public schools from kindergarten to high school
- Vocational and technical training and re-training
- Community colleges
- Public four-year colleges and universities
- Road and highway maintenance
- New roads and highways
- Public facility infrastructure, like water and sewerlines
- Renewable energy incentives and investments
- Energy efficiency programs to promote conservation and use of energy efficient products
- Protection of water and air quality
- Protection of productive farm and forest land from development
These last questions are for demographic purposes only. Your responses are confidential.
- In what county do you live?
Response Category / n=540
Tri County / 44%
Willamette Valley / 28%
Rest of State / 28%
- What is your zip code? (OPEN)
- In what year were you born?
Response Category / n=540
18–34 / 11%
35–44 / 35%
45–54 / 17%
55-64 / 17%
65+ / 19%
- With which of the following gender identities do you identify? Check all that apply.
Response Category / n=537
Male / 49%
Female / 50%
Non-binary or gender non-conforming / 3%
Trans / --
Other / n=1
- With which of the following races and ethnicities do you identify? Check all that apply.
Response Category / n=531
Asian or Pacific Islander / 1%
Black or African American / n=3
Hispanic or Latino / n=2
Native American or Alaska Native / 6%
White or Caucasian / 94%
Other / 5%
- What is your party registration?
Response Category / n=538
Democrat / 43%
Republican / 22%
Independent Party of Oregon / 14%
Registered with some other party / 7%
Not registered as a member of party (non-affiliated voter) / 15%
Not registered to vote / n=1
- When it comes to politics and elections, are you….
Response Category / n=536
Very liberal / 26%
Somewhat liberal / 21%
Middle of the road / 27%
Somewhat conservative / 14%
Very conservative / 11%
- What is the highest level of education you have attained?
Response Category / n=534
Less than high school diploma / 1%
High school diploma or GED / 9%
2-year degree/some college/certificate / 63%
4-year degree / 14%
Graduate degree / 14%
- What was your total household income in 2017? Remember to include everyone and your best guess is okay.
Response Category / n=522
Less than $25,000 / 12%
$25,00- $49,999 / 19%
$50,000-$74,999 / 26%
$75,000-$99,999 / 18%
$100,000-$149,999 / 19%
$150,000 or more / 6%
DHM Research | DHM Panel Concussions & Government | April 2018