19 December 2012

The first meeting of the Home Support Advisory Group meeting was held on 19th December 2012. The meeting dealt with establishment and operational issues so that the work of the group can commence in earnest as early in 2013 as possible.

The National Aged Care Alliance (NACA) appointed Mr Paul Sadler as the Chair of the Advisory Group. Paul represents the National Presbyterian Aged Care Network on NACA and has a long history in community care as the former CEO of the provider peak body – Aged & Community Services NSW & ACT Inc - and as a State Government official in the Home & Community Care Program.

The meeting discussed and proposed changes to the draft Terms of Reference (attached) which now have to be approved by NACA. The proposed changes include adding:

  • Providing advice on the role of Day Therapy Centre (DTC) and Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) in the Commonwealth Home Support Program; advising on the use of a wellness/reablement philosophy and approach in the program design; and
  • examining the relationship and interface of the Home Support Program with the National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP) and the Community Visitors Scheme.

The Advisory Group discussed its work plan and agreed that one of its first tasks is to develop principles to guide the creation of the Home Support Program.

A number of sub groups will need to be established to advance the priority review tasks, particularly the respite care review. A small sub group( which includes consumer, provider, union and health professional representation) will meet in January to undertake some preliminary work and establish the scope of the respite work for the Advisory Group to review at its February meeting.

Creating the Home Support Program will be a complex and challenging task. This meeting was designed to set the scene for the real work which will commence early in 2013. Communiqués will be provided after each meeting providing details on the issues being considered and progress of the work.

If you require further information you should feel free to contact your NACA representative or the NACA Secretariat – Aged Care Reform for more details on (03) 9909 7910 or at

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