Name of Department/Unit:
Date of departmental meeting when Annual Review was considered:
Dateof approval by Head of Department:
The Annual Review process is intended to stimulate reflection and analysis of:
- how academic standards are set and maintained
- programme design, content and delivery
- assessment practices and outcomes
- student retention and achievement
- student support
- quality enhancement.
This report should summarise the conclusions of this process of reflection and analysis rather than being purely narrative and factual.
It is expected that you will explore, reflect and comment on a range of qualitative and quantitative data including:
- PGR student submission data is incorporated as a report in the Student Demographics information organised under entry cohort and can be found at:
(last report on this webpage)
- any student feedback provided through staff/student or departmental committees or via student representatives
- PRES data, available at:
- the Lancaster Student Experience Survey.
Please also ensure that any equality and diversity issues which are highlighted by the data are considered and acted upon.
SECTION 1: INFORMATION1.1 List of programmes under review in 2015-16
Please include in the list all PGR programmes which ran in the year in question and for which you are the administering department, including doctoral degrees/programmes, collaborative/dual PhDs and Masters by Research
Qualification / Title
1.2 Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body accreditation
Please list any PSRB reviews or other accreditation events (e.g. interim/inspection visits) in which your department was involved during 2015/16 and/or any annual reports/data returns made to the PSRB.
If your department intends to submit for a new PSRB accreditation in the forthcoming year, please provide a note on this below, including the programme(s) involved and the name(s) of the relevant PSRB(s). Please also include details of the action to be taken in the Action Plan for the coming year (section 3.3)
2.1 PGR Students
Please provide data for the completed2015/16 academic year as detailed in the tables below
Doctoral Students / No.
Headcount of f/t doctoral students
Headcount of p/t doctoral students
Headcount of doctoral students “writing-up”
Headcount of doctoral students intercalating
Headcount of doctoral students withdrawn during 2015/16
Headcount of doctoral students examined during 2015/16
Percentage of on-time completion during 2015/16:
(on-time = within 4 years for full-time and within 6 years for part-time)
Masters by Research Students / No.
Headcount of f/t Masters by Research students
Headcount of p/t Masters by Research students
Headcount of students examined during 2015/16
Headcount of students withdrawn during 2015/16
Headcount of students failed during 2015/16
Please reflect on PGR admissions, progression, submissions, completions, failures and withdrawals during the year. Comparing this year’s data with those of previous years, and with relevant internal and external benchmarks, are there identifiable trends? If so, are you able to identify the contributory factors?
With regard to PGR student achievement, do the data indicate any anomalies in relation to students in protected groups as defined in the Equality Act 2010 (see e.g. If so, how do you plan to address any issues?
Please briefly summarise the induction procedures for new PGR students in your department. Please include induction procedures for students who do not arrive at the start of the academic year. Did the Department encounter any difficulties in helping its PGR students to settle in during the year under review?
Did all Doctoral students undergo progress review during the year as required by the University and is all paperwork up to date? If not, why not?
What processes has the department in place to ensure that Doctoral students, as far as possible, submit and complete on time?
How did the department support PGR students to develop a sense of being a part of an academic community?
Please reflect on the quality of support available to PGR students at supervisor, department, faculty and university level, particularly in relation to research training and learning support.
Does the department have any concerns over the level of support it is able to provide for PGR students?
The University has a legal duty to promote and consider equal opportunities in all areas of activity. Are you satisfied with your department’s practice in promoting equality and catering for the diversity of its PGR students (in relation to, for example, cultural and language background, disability/dyslexia support, gender, faith and age issues, FT and PT modes of delivery)? Please also mention any general problems associated with a diverse student body.
2.2 External comment/input (external examiners, employers, PSRBs etc.)
Did any PGR External Examiners raise any issues of concern beyond those relating to the individual student and his or her work? If so, what were they and how is the department responding?
What were the results of any PSRB reviews or interactions that took place during the year?
(a)include a note on any requirements/recommendations of the PSRB;
(b)include the date of the next visit/inspection;
(c)attach a copy of any PSRB reports received.
Please summarise any significant feedback received from employers.
2.3Employability and Employment
How does the department encourage its PGR students to reflect on their acquired skills and attributes in preparation for employment?
Has the department initiated or enhanced relationships with potential employers this year that may be of value to its PGR students?
What structured contact has the department had with the University Careers Office during the year that may be of benefit to its PGR students?
2.4Feedback from PGR students
Please summarise how your department has responded to any strengths and weaknesses identified in PGR student feedback.
Are there any issues identified by any PGR programme-level feedback that require attention? If yes, how do you plan to address them?
How are PGR students informed of responses/changes made to provision which follow from their feedback?
Please comment on the latest available PRES results relevant to the department within the broader context of this review.
2.5 Departmental contextPlease provide brief information about any relevant changes and/or developments during the academic year under review that have significantly affected teaching/training, learning provision, assessment activities and/or the student experience.
3.1 Identification and dissemination of effective practice
What changes have you introduced this year which worked particularly well and may be a useful guide to others? Did any planned improvements not work as expected and do you know why?
What other examples of effective practice within your Department might benefit others?
3.2 Changes to Programme Specifications
Please confirm that any revisions to the LUSI course database necessitated by changes made during the year to PGRprogramme content or structure, LTA methodologies, educational aims, learning outcomes etc.) have been made in order to ensure that Programme Specifications will remain up-to-date.
3.3 Rolling Action Plan
Please attach the current departmental Rolling Action Plan (RAP), providing a ‘snapshot’ of actions already in progress and incorporating any PGR actions identified through the AnnualReview process. Please ensure that the RAP:
(a)takes account of the impact on the student learning experience of any substantial changes proposed and that the University’s procedures for consulting with and informing students on major/minor revisions to programmes and modules are followed;[1]
(b)shows that consideration has been given as to how to implement proposed changes without impairing quality and standards and the quality of learning opportunities;
(c)shows that students will be given sufficient notice of any changes;
(d)shows that consideration has been given to the impact of any proposed changes upon students in groups with protected characteristics.
The RAP should include any actions carried over from last year’s Annual Review which have not been completed, with a report on progress to date on these actions.
[1]The University has a responsibility to ensure current cohorts of students are not adversely affected by changes to its programmes and modules. Revisions affecting current cohorts of students require careful consideration and consultation. The University’s procedures to be followed for revisions to programmes and modules are detailed in the Manual of Academic Regulations and Procedures.