St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier Bulletin July 8th & 9th, 2017 Pastor: Fr. Harry Tully .
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our King comes, not in the glory of earthly rulers, but as a humble poor man. Jesus tells us how God works in the world. Paul reminds us that we are not debtors to the flesh, but we are free people, liberated to be our best selves, to serve God and each other with humility and joy.
How do we live out this freedom of ours? Many of the world’s poor live in severe poverty, their nations’ economies weighed down by the yoke and burden of debt. This crushing debt is owed to the wealthy countries of the world, their banks and their investors. Our affluence rests in some measure on the back-breaking poverty of our brothers and sisters.
It is good to contemplate what we can do to relieve or forgive these debts that have been paid many times over, because interest payments are counted first. Pope John Paul II called for forgiveness of such debts, and some progress has been made, yet much suffering remains.
The promise of Jesus is good news indeed. God has hidden the knowledge of the reign of God from the learned and the wise, those who say that the poor are responsible for their own plight, and that nothing can be done for them. Jesus turns such human wisdom on its head, proclaiming instead that God works differently. We are poor in spirit if we follow Jesus in lifting the yoke of the law and slavery to the flesh, freeing the burdened of their crushing load. It may cost our economy some of its profits, but we can believe that our burdens will also be lifted and our work made light. What seems impossible to the learned is known to the humble. When we rest in Christ, laying down the burden of our preoccupation with “things,” we can rejoice with all people at the coming of our meek and humble Lord, who brings holy rest to an anxious and materialistic world.
Today’s Readings: Zechariah 9:9–10; Psalm 145:1–2, 8–11, 13–14; Romans 8:9, 11–13; Matthew 11:25–30
Fr. Harry Tully, PastorEmergency #812-218-9219 or 502-931-1499
Website - E-Mail -
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111 Ph. 812-256-3200
Office Hours – 9:00 am-1:30 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN47126, Ph. 812-294-4682
Office Hours – Thursday 10:30am-2:00pm
Reconciliation – 5:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Must be a practicing/registered member for three months. Please contact the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Father Tully
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing by Tuesday evening.
Los Enfermos Es muy importante comunicarse con el Padre (debido a las leyes privadas, los hospitales no se comunican con las iglesias).
Doctrina Cristiana: Las clases de educación religiosa para niños son cada domingo de 9:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. en la escuela. Recuerden que la Arquidiócesis requiere que los que van a recibir los sacramentos estén inscritos en las clases de religión.
Monaguillos: Los niños que quieran ayudar como monaguillos en el altar tienen su ensayo el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la misa de 11:00 a.m. Estos niños y niñas tienen que haberhecho la Primera Comunión. Los interesados comunicarse con Pbro.
Mass Schedule Mass Intentions
St. M / 7/10 / Mon / No MassSt. FX
St. M / 7/11 / Tue / No Mass
St. FX
St. M / 7/12 / Wed / 5:00 PM / Mass
St. FX / 7/13 / Thurs / 4:30PM / Mass
St. M / 7/14 / Friday / 12:00PM / Mass
St. M / 7/15 / Sat / 5:30PM / Evelyn Goode
St FX / 7/16 / Sun / 9:00AM / For the People of St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier
St. M / 11:00 AM / Mary & Robert Brusca
12:30PM / En Español
St. Michael and St. Francis Xavier
New Parish App Available!
It is for Apple or Android products. You can download it for free in the App Store or Google Play Store by searching (Northern Clark County Catholics). For questions you can call the Rectory 812-256-3200. We are very excited to be able to offer this to everyone; it is full of helpful information and updates for both Parishes! We hope you will sign up and enjoy the App!
The Rosary is said at St. Michael at 5:00 before Saturday Evening Mass and at 10:30 before Sunday Mass.
The Rosary is said at St. Michael for Vision of our Lady of Guadalupe on the 12thof each month.
Sat – 5:30 pm
Sun – 11:00 am
La Misa en Español
Domingo – 12:30 pm
Mass Intentions
Saturday Evening: For the People of St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier
Sunday 11:00 am: Nancy Richardson
Gift Bearers for this week’s Masses:
5:30 Tim Baltz Family
11:00 Robert Mueller Family
Faith Formation Information & Calendar:
Special Thanks!
The goal of VBS is to strengthen the Catholic identity of the children and volunteers by encouraging the faith growth in our church through crafts, games, songs, stories and activities. Thanks to all who gave of their time and talent to make our 21st VBS a great success. We had 68 registered students. Our first thanks goes to all the adults who helped and supported us: Gene Murphy, Nancy Kinder, Carolyn Eickholtz, Glenda Minnick, Cathy Peek, Joann Ettel, Hannah Huber, Margie Cox, Rhonda McGary, Betty Cole, Carol DeVary, Wanda Lindenmayer, Terri Poff, Candace Meador, Jennifer Lynch, Jamie Lynch, Becky Everhart, Jenny Lathem, Sherry Buit, Barbara Sharpensteen, and Kim Stamper. Secondly, we say a big thanks to the youth assistants: Suzann Dumeyer, Stephen Dumeyer, Amanda Hernandez, Karina Hernandez, Autumn Lynch, Farrah Everhart, BrendenSharpensteen, Jacob Minnick, Jason Minnick, Alejandro Carrillo, Brisedi Hernandez, and Maria Ashley Rios.
Catechists Pitch –in Dinner Meeting is Thursday, August 3th at 6:30 p.m. in Rectory basement. Please bring a covered dish.
Youth Ministry is offering a Workshop on “Developing your Youth Leadership Team” on July 19th at 9:00am – 4:00 pm. Let Juliann know if you are interested.
Faith Formation classes are held on Sunday mornings for children three years for children three years of age up through high school. If your child does not attend a Catholic school, they should be enrolled in the FF Program. Registration forms are available on the parish website. We will begin classes August 13th Registration will be the last of July. The fee is $20.00 per child if you sign up before July 31st. After the end of July the fee will be $25.00 per child. We provide a minimum of thirty instruction hours, which is the Archdiocese’s minimum standard. It is our hope that participants (parents & children) will attend all the sessions provided. However, we do realize that illness and special family events (death and weddings, for example) do happen. Have a blessed and safe summer.
CYO Camp Rancho Brochures are now available in Church Lobby for this summer’s various camps for youth ages 7-19.
Our service project each week is to collect perishable canned goods for the North Clark Outreach Center.
Bible Study- We are meeting on the Rectory Meeting Room on Mondays at 6:30pm -8:00pm. Discussion starts at 6:30 and the video starts at 7:00. Please come and check it out!
St. Michael Ministries Schedule
Sat. July 15,5:30pm– St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: M. P. Beach & C. Ledbetter
Servers: J. Worley
Gift Bearers: Hugh Willeford Family
Cantor: S/S Buit
Musician: Carolyn Eickholtz
Lector: Carolyn Stauffer
Sun. July 16,11:00 am – St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: J. Dean, J. Kinder & M. Cox
Servers: Volunteer
Gift Bearers: Doug Roederer Family
Cantors: J/M Wafford
Musician: Nancy Kinder
Lector: Michael Howard
We ask parishioners to please bring a non perishable item to be donated to the North Clark Outreach Center. There is a wooden box for donations in the church lobby. Thank you for your contribution.
Sunday 9:00am
SundayMass Intention:
Betty Bach
Gift Bearers for this week’s Mass:
Jack & Kathy Cleveland Family
July 1 & 2
St. Michael $ 2,653.00
St Francis Xavier $ 1,267.00
St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule
Sun. July 16, 9:00am
Eucharistic Ministers: Darlene Reul, Lawrence Yochum & Dan Young
Servers: Samantha Smith, Kate Smith & Allison Smith
Ushers: Anthony Harbeson & Mike Harbeson
Gift Bearers: Troy Charlotte Coomes Family
Lectors: Jack Murphy
Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Theme: We are called to evangelize.
Ordinary Time: For a large part of the liturgical year, we devote ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects unfolded as we seek God’s truth and understanding.
Step 1: As you hear this reading what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart?
Step 2: Look into your life.
Children: How do you let others know about your faith?
Youth & Adults: Jesus sent his disciples out into the world but told them that it wouldn’t be an easy job. How have you shared your faith with others this past week? What were the risks for you?
812-256-3503 Rita Poff Director
Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Infant & Toddler Care: starting at 6 weeks
Childcare: 6 weeks - 12 years old
Before & After Care and Summer Camp: KG - 5th grade
Preschool, Pre Kindergarten & Kindergarten 2017-2018 School Registration now in progress.
Preschool: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
8:15 am - 11:15 am & 12:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Pre-Kindergarten: Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 11:30 am & 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Kindergarten: Monday – Friday 8:20 am - 3:00 pm
Sacrament Preparation: The Faith Formation Commission, the Pastor, and the Archdiocese state that a child must be enrolled and attend classes a year before receiving the Sacrament of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation.
Special Information: The 5th Sunday Collection Envelope donations are to support the North Clark Outreach Center in Charlestown and the Community Care Project in Henryville. Our communities need your support. Thank you for your support.
Pilgrimage to the Franciscan sponsored Shrine of our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio; Sept. 10th. Departs from Mount St. Francis. Contact Mary Ann Kollros at 812-923-5592.
To everything there is a season and a time to every
purpose under heaven a time to be born a time to love a time to heal a time to die and a time of peace.”
PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALTH & STRENGTH: Della Allen, Sherry Buit, Glen Cole, Liz Cooper, Ted Dean, Bernice Donahue, Gordon Dragoon, Daniel Dunn, Jeanette Drury, Doug Geesaman, Mike Galligan, Barbara Garrett, Jan Hardy, Chris Harvey, Bill Hawkins, Shannon Hawkins, Dan Hayden, Luis Hernandez, Sandy Hostettler, Brenda Karns, Jim Kinder, Raymond Kopp, James Korty, Joe Ledbetter, Kay Ledbetter, Jerry Lemmons, Jennifer Lynch, Terry Lynn Maples, Mary Ann Mattingly, Terry Mattingly, Jeanie McCartin, Mary McMillen, Andy Meek, Michael Murphy, Esther Toby Nelson, Ian Newland, Mitch Newland, Larry Oberlies, Dylan Patton, Bobby Perdue, Katelyn Phillips, David Puzon, Ashley Rapier, Nancy Rash, Carroll Schafer, Clarence Schaftlein,Dave Schlageter, Estelle Scott, Michael Shipley Family, Spear Family, Dorothy Smith, Miriam State, Isabella ‘Izzy” Stepp, Sarah Stengel, Jane Synovec, Mark Thise, Bonnie Uptain, Joseph Douglas VanDyke JR., Joseph Douglas VanDyke Sr.,Melissa Villegas, Lynn Vogt, Isabell Wade, Chris Wafford, Flo Wessel, Logan Westerhouse, George Wimsett, Rose Wimsett, Kay Yotter, Emma Yount. Names will remain on the list for 6 months unless you tell us to remove them or request that they be kept longer.
CYM Calendar of Events!
Bible Studyfor College Age Young Adults.Summer college bible study, led by Emily Navilleand Rachel Navillewill be onWednesdaynights at7pm,Enter through the end door of the CYM Offices, located in the lower level of the Youth Center at Mount St Francis. r call812-923-8355for more information.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH -Would you like to experience a hands-on week of service to your local community?FAITH IN ACTION, July 9-13, 2017,gives participants a chance to make concrete connections between love of God and love of neighbor. Work alongside other deanery youth in the community on projects promoting human dignity, service, spiritual formation, community, and good, clean fun. Cost is $245.00, which includes lodging and meals. Register online and pay entire fee, or download a registration form deadline is June 26th. For more information, contact Deanery Catholic Youth Ministries .
BELLE CARNEVALE– OH LA, LA!LET’S CRUISE! All ages! Come join us for a carnival cruise on Tuesday, July 18thon the Belle Louisville. Tickets are $20 per person by July 12th. Order through your youth minister or directly with CYM. Boarding starts at5:30 pmand the cruise is from6:00pm - 9:00pm. Be the parish with the most paid registrations and win a 9 Square in the Air!Contact the CYM office at812-923-8355ornadyouth.orgfor info.
COACHES ORIENTATION-Callingall coaches for the 2017-18 NADCYM and SIC athletic seasons. The first Coaches Orientation for Catholic Sports will beSunday, July 9thin the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cafeteria at6:30 PM. This one-time program is for all, new and returning coaches that have yet to complete this coaching requirement. Pre-registration can be completed by contacting Jenn Murphy at812-923-8355or by . If you are planning on coaching football, cheer, or volleyball this upcoming season, please take a moment to register and complete this program before practices begin.
Fiesta Fridays College Gatherings- All College-Age young adults are invited to join us for Fiesta Fridays - an opportunity to gather with Catholic young adults for faith, fun, food, and a fiesta! Summer Fridays, July 7, 21, & August 11 at the Kraft’s’, 2823 Old Hill Rd, Floyds Knobs (off of Paoli Pike). Pool and Patio opens at 4PM, dinner is served at 5pm. $3 donation would be appreciated. For more info
Explanation of our Special Collection Peter's Pence:The Peter Pence Collection drives its name from an ancient custom. In the ninth-century England, King Alfred the Great collected money, a “pence” from landowners as financial support for the Pope. Today, the Peter’s Pence Collection supports the Pope’s philanthropy by giving the Holy Father means to provide emergency assistance to those in need because of natural disaster, war, oppression and disease.
Prayer for Our Troops”
Dear Lord… We thank you for the lives and service of our men and women in the Armed Forces. Strengthen them and give them guidance as they stand in harm’s way to protect our nation and way of life. May they face each day of their service the same way Your Son Jesus did: with courage dignity and faith. And if it be Your will when their work is through bring them safely home. Lord please also bless the families of our troops. Reward them generously for their sacrifices which are known only to You. May we never forget those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom and safety: those who have died in the service of our country. May they rest in peace forever with You in Your kingdom. Amen