2018-19winter league
Open To High school level (possibly A & B divs). We will attempt to classify groups of teams according to skill level/age.
(suggested max of 20-man teams; players CAN and do join independently of their school teamsif their school program does not have a full team join. We group together with other independent players of similar experience)
Dates8 Saturdays;December 8, 15, 29, January 5, 12, 19, 26, Feb 2 –and 2/9 if a bye-wk needed (snow dates IF possible)
Times1 game per team, 8 vs 8 play, start times varying between 5PM – 10 PM.Opponents in each division to rotate.
PlayNObody-checking, excessive penalties will result in player foul-out. Nasty behavior = ejections. No refunds.
Parents/FansOnly allowed inside dome during YOUR player’s time slot and MUST observe from above the goal-line-extended (just a crowd and safety concern for your protection)
LocationEurosports Indoor Center, 1524 Grant Ave., Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215.
Fees$155 per player, $145 if registered and payment receivedby 11/9/18.
RegistrationChecks payable toTRADITION LACROSSE,199 New Rd, Suite 61, Linwood, NJ 08221 or pay online at . Online registration will be available by Oct17th. If online-paying, THIS form MUST still be completed andMAILED to the Tradition Lacrosse address. NO FORM, NO PLAY.
for questions, contact Rich Farr at or 609-517-4674
Players are required, and agree, to appear fully equipped with approved helmets, arm pads, shoulder pads, gloves,cup, and mouth guards.Equipment use is the responsibility of the player/parent-guardian. Players agree to participate within the guidelines of US Lacrosse andto be CURRENT members of US Lacrosse–and goodthrough the end of the league.(MEMBERSHIP IN U.S.LACROSSE at isthe league liability insurance coverage)***IF YOUR USLACROSSE MEMBERSHIP IS EXPIRED (OR WILL EXPIRE BEFORE 2/9/18), THERE WILL BE A $10 CHARGE (which will be donated to charity) FOR MY HASSLE IN REMINDING YOU… HAVING TO CALL, LEAVE MESSAGES, CHECK AGAIN, ETC. Those not paying the fee will not be permitted to play.
This form is for registration and waiver of liability. Players under age 18 must have the form and signature completed by a parent or guardian. Please mail completed form and payment immediately. If paid online, you MUST still MAIL in this form, completed.
Player Name______, Position ______, Years of playing experience ______
High School Affiliation ______(team players will be grouped together as much as possible)
Grade____ Date of Birth ______USLacrosse# ______AND MEMBERSHIP EXPIRATION DATE: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Address (the one used for US Lacrosse membership): ______
Email (legibly in CAPITAL letters) ______Emergency parent phone ______
Signature (of parent/guardian, if under 18) …I HAVE READ THE BELOW WAIVER______
Waiver and Authorization:With the signature of the player, or player’s parent or guardian above, it is agreed that the program offered consists of physical activities that may posea risk of injury to the player. With that knowledge it is agreed to allow the player to participate, that the player’s medical insurance is the primary provider of any healthcare requirements arising from that activity and to bear any necessary costs; to indemnify, release and hold harmless for damages, losses or such injury, Tradition Lacrosse; and any of the staff, agents, officials, and other participants of the program; and that I am able to execute this agreement on behalf of the player.