Notes of CYWP Standing Group on Training and Vocational Education

28th January 2013

Present:Suzette Crossman, John McKeevey (Independent Futures), Jonathan Mutton (Pentreath), James Rowberry (Swamp Circus), Helen Rundle, Richard Mckie (CYWP), Bryn Taylor (CCYS), Sam Quinn (BF Adventure), Jo Wilson (Carefree).

Apologies:Eleanor Beard (Wild), Kath Ennever (BF Adventure), Gina Price (Pentreath), Steve Roberts (Volunteer Cornwall), Ed Hart (Brook), Claire North (TCV).

Item / Action
1 / Matters arising from previous meeting:
  • KE has forwarded the Q&A document regarding the updates to Disclosure and Barring and HR sent out to the Partnership.
  • LPco have not made any progress on the complex needs definition from Cornwall Council. HR will update as and when.
  • The question as to whether capacity building monies can be used to help towards the costs of Matrix re-assessment will be answered under YCJCB update in AOB.
  • RMc to forward details of the JCP subsidised transport.
  • The Accreditation Review carried out by the Youth Service has been completed; BT to investigate its dissemination.
  • Accreditation Statistics – HR has sent out an email asking for these but has not received a large response. Freestyle and Foundation Learning stats have been received from Livy and Morwenna. Helen to email out to the Partnership again.
/ RMc
2 / Helen Field – Education Business Partnership
‘Make it Work’ Presentation
Presentation (notes attached) describing work of the EBP.
The Make it Work project runs until December 2013 and aims to support young people on existing Freestyle provision in Cornwall with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. The aim is to provide intensive employer engagement and support to enhance access to work and apprenticeships. The project aims to complement existing provision, not replace it.
Issues arising:
  • Outcomes achieved through Make it Work don’t affect Freestyle outcome payments to the provider.
  • There is a lot of pressure on employers to accommodate work experience placements.
  • Minimal targets have been set for work placements and employment.
  • What involvement do the young people have? – We need to ensure we do this and also involve parents/carers.
  • What is the definition of LDD? – There is no definition but EBP are drawing up a list of LDD that would mean a young person was eligible for the project. Dyslexia should be on that list. If a young person had an S139a document that would help, but there is a lot of confusion around the S139a and some young people do not have one because they haven’t been picked up or if they do, it is often not sent to a provider. Providers will need to make a case for support.
  • What is the age range? – 16-24 years.
  • Who has an S139a? – Should come via CSW but seems they often don’t arrive with the young person. Sometimes the young person doesn’t want the statement to follow them to the new provision.

3 / Accreditation Workshop
The Accreditation Workshop, organised by LPco, will be on 15th February 2013 from 9.30 – location tbc. It will look at the challenges facing providers with regards to engaging young people onto accredited courses and will include presentations from providers talking about what they are using and the pros and cons.
  • SQ mentioned that the key question for her is ‘when I have engaged with the young person, what can I offer the young person that is fundable and how much does it cost?’ Would like recommendations from other providers who have done successful work in Freestyle.
  • HR will take this back to Livy at LPco.

4 / Freestyle Pilots Update and NEETs Improvement Plan
Falmouth and Penryn (approximate figures)
  • 7 young people completed provision; 6 progression into EET.
  • 8 young people on programme.
  • 12 new referrals engaging in low level provision/tasters. 7 starting something this week.
  • Data sharing issues have been creatively resolved.
  • Issue of a lack of provision in Falmouth and Penryn pre Xmas; since then Swamp Circus, CTC and Truro College have opened up programmes; possibility of central provision at Dracaena. Need a hub that offers low level provision in F&P. Proposal has gone to LPco.
Bodmin (approximate figures)
  • Almost 50 people through the Pilot in Bodmin.
  • 25-30 awaiting start or on programme
  • 7-10 progresses into employment or Foundation Learning
  • 15-20 young people did not engage or found alternative provision
  • 5-8 new referrals this week.
  • The flexible funding is working well.
  • The Ark in Bodmin should soon be starting provision that can be accessed through Pilot.
NEET Improvement Plan
Aimed at improving NEET figures for LDD and Care Leavers. Carefree and Action for Children are working on the Care Leaver project and The Brandon Trust and United Response on LDD project. The aim is to pilot co-produced models from Jan 2013 which will produce the required outcomes.
5 / Information Items
YCJCB Freestyle Sub Group Update:
  • Data sharing between LPco and Cornwall Council/CSW – still not resolved. Has been an issue for Freestyle Pilots and is also an issue for NEET Improvement Plan.
  • The current 2007-2013 ESF programme has been extended - delivery to end by 31st July 2015. Therefore ESF consulted with Cornwall Council in December regarding strategic priorities for 2014-2015. Cornwall Council responded mentioning that current programmes don’t accommodate the flexibility needed to engage challenging young people, need sufficient resources to coordinate ongoing mentoring and support, would value an emphasis on pre-apprenticeship programmes, funding incentives for small businesses to offer workplace tasters and young people should be involved in the design and delivery of programmes.
  • Matrix standards guidance – The feedback from Joint Commissioning Group regarding which standards should be used is that this is a business decision but LPcowill go back to Cornwall Council and SFA to ask what standards they look for. With regards to funding for re-assessment, again this should be worked into the business plan of the organisation and so there is no central funding for this.
Workforce Development – HR has sent around a data capture form from Truro College in an attempt to provide some common training funded through Truro College. Whether funding is available depends of each individuals circumstances and so staff need to complete the form and send to Bernie at Truro College and copy HR in.
Funding Bids – HR has put in some small bids in November to apply for funding for accreditation registrations and resources and has also in January put in a bid to JP Getty for Accreditation position for 2 years from January 2014
LSIS Review of Teacher Trainings Qualifications – The consultation has been completed and the qualifications will now be developed and will replace PTTLS, CTTLS and DTTLS from September 2013.
Study Programmes and Traineeships – New programmes with expectations from Dept for Education from September 2013. Programmes that 16-19 year olds study should include a substantial vocational qualification, work experience and the continuation of literacy and numeracy if they do not hold a C grade at GCSE. Not sure how this will affect future programmes offered by VCS but the consultation regarding future ESF delivery said that aspects of future delivery will need to reflect new ministerial priorities such as Raising the Participation Age and Study Programmes. More information at next meeting. / HR
6 / Youth Contract
Discussion of the Expression of Interest for this and efforts to join it up. Support around the table for Partnership bid, but does not restrict individual members from submitting.
7 / Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 16th April 2013 – 2pm – 4pm at Learning Partnership, Redruth

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