Room 425 City-County Building
210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703-3345
FAX 608/266-4425 TDD 608/266-4941
Director of Administration / CHARLES HICKLIN
DATE: May 15, 2008
TO: All Proposers
Request For Proposals #108067: Radio Consoles
FROM: Carolyn Clow, Purchasing Agent
The following individuals attended the vendor conference:
Carolyn Clow / Dane County PurchasingGary Bell / Dane County Public Safety Communications
Scott Carlson / Dane County Public Works
BJ Buss / Watson Dispatch
Bern Crocker / Adaptaspace, Inc.
Andy Archie / Bramic
Carole Thomason / Wright Line
Todd Sikora / Office Installation Experts
Troy Johnson / Bearcom Wireless
Brian Ahlgren / Bearcom Wireless
Dan Noncek / Evans Dispatch s/o Apogee Industries
Jim Karr / Jem Computers, Inc.
Dave Berglund / Xybix Systems
Scott Larsen / Evans Consoles
Debbie Ambrosio / At&T/Dispatch Products
The following answers are provided in response to questions received:
Question #1: / Will there be space available for storage of new consoles and console accessories for the duration of the installation? Will there be a staging area provided or will offsite storage need to be arranged?Answer #1: / Dane County will provide space for storage and staging of consoles. Vendors should clearly spell out their needs for storage and staging of consoles in their responses to Sections 4.6 and 4.7 of the RFP response.
Question #2: / Who will be responsible for removal of existing consoles; the successful vendor or Dane County personnel?
Answer #2: / The successful vendor will be responsible for removal of existing consoles.
Question #3: / Will Dane be expecting to upgrade the comm. room infrastructure; electrical requirements, cabling, carpeting, paint etc during the process of this project?
Answer #3: / Yes.
Question #4: /
Please review access to the building, from the garage, to the elevators which will be used for transport of consoles and accessories to the communications room.
Answer #4: / This information/ these locations were included in the tour of the facility.Question #5: / Are there any limitations on access to the communications room for installation purposes; can the consoles be brought in through any of the access points to the communications room? i.e. through the adjacent room next to communications?
Answer #5: / There are no known limitations on physical access to the communications room during installation.
Question #6: / Dane County has Police Dispatch, Fire & EMS, Special Events, Call Taker and Records Management positions; is there any unique equipment for any of those console types that must be accommodated that is not identified within the bid specifications?
Answer #6: / Current Supervisor’s console contains additional systems components and equipment, as follows, 2 additional PC’s and peripherals, EAS, Phone transfer switch.
Question #7: / Please identify the main communications systems for each console type.
- Radio Make and Model
- Back-up components
- CAD Make and Model
- Any back-up Status card requirement
- Phone Make and model
-Back-up Phone console type
- Any other state records or administrative Monitors and CPUs
Answer #7: / Radio Make-Model – Centracom Gold Elite; back ups – 2 Motorola Desktrac 2 or similar, 2 Motorola MCS 2000 Mobile style radios, 4 standard Portables and charge stations.
CAD – ADSI; Back up – Card records keeping system, maps, street directory.
Phone Make-Model – Positron Power911; back up – Traditional hand held receiver desk phone with keypad.
Question #8: / Technical Requirements 5.6, workstation shall be equipped with “supplemental electrical charting”. Please explain what this means?
Answer #8: / See response to #18
Question #9: /
Please provide room dimensions. Is an AutoCAD file available?
Answer #9: / An AutoCAD drawing of the room was provided at the vendor conference. The electronic file is not available.Question #10: / This is a live cutover installation. How many positions can be torn down at a time?
Answer #10: / This is a live on the current operations floor installation. Number of positions is dependent upon numerous factors. Some form of phased installation will be required of the successful vendor.
Question #11: / Do bidders need to include the cost to tear down the 13 existing consoles in their proposals or will the agency be tearing these down?
If bidders must tear down, will a dumpster be provided for this or will bidders have to provide one on their own?
Answer #11: / The successful vendor will be expected to tear down the 13 existing consoles. The County will cover the cost of a dumpster for recycling, if the consoles can not be reused.
Question #12: / The bid specifications indicate that the monitor surface must hold six (6) 21” LCD monitors in a single row and that the keyboard surface must hold two (2) 21” touch screen LCD monitors. This is a total of eight (8) monitors. Does each console really have eight (8) monitors total?
Answer #12: / No, standard console currently has 6. Three 17 inch Flat screen LCD monitors associated with CAD and Local Records systems. Two 17 inch touch screen monitors 1 each associated with the Phone and Radio system. One 21 inch LCD flat screen that is associated with CAD displaying the mapping tool.
Supervisory console currently houses Six 17 inch Flat screen LCD monitors (4 for CAD, 2 for auxiliary systems), one 21 inch flat screen monitor associated with the mapping tool, and two 17 inch touch screen monitors associated with Phone and Radio.
The County anticipates the need for expanded screen space.
Question #13: / Section 4.0, Specification 4.1
This specification asks that the system must meet requirements referred to by ANSI BSR/HFES 100 Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations, March 3, 2002. This standard has been replaced with ANSI/HFES 100-2007 Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations, which was approved in November 2007. Should the current and approved standard be used or should bidders stick with the older version?
Answer #13: / The current and approved standard should be used.
Question #14: / Section 4.0, Specification 4.5
This specification asks that bidders provide 3 floorplan options, one for 18 positions, one for 20 positions, and one for 22 positions. The cost summary sheet does not have a line for the 20 position floorplan. Can you please add a line for this on the form?
Answer #14: / See the attached, revised cost summary sheet.
Question #15: / Section 5.0, Specification 5.1
This specification asks that furniture must be sufficiently anchored to the floor so it doesn’t move. Should console anchoring be priced in the primary proposal pricing or should this be priced as an optional item?
Answer #15: / Expectation is for the installed furniture to be anchored to the raised panel floor system in order to prevent movement (sliding, tipping). The successful vendor is expected to complete the anchoring as part of the console installation.
Question #16: / Section 5.0, Specification 5.4
This specification asks that two (2) 21” touch screen LCD monitors be placed on the keyboard surface. Will the agency accept alternate solutions for the touch screen monitors such as adjustable monitor arms that will allow easy reach to the touch screens?
Answer #16: / Yes, intent is to provide operator the ability to interact with the touch screen on the keyboard level.
Question #17: / Section 5.0, Specification 5.6
This specification asks that environmental systems should be automated to shut down or off during a period of inactivity. Should this be priced in the primary proposal pricing or should this be priced as an optional item?
Answer #17: / Clearly defined optional item pricing would fit the requirement.
Question #18: / Section 5.0, Specification 5.6
This specification asks that the workstation be equipped with “supplemental electrical charting to allow for deployment of temporary equipment that requires a standard grounded power source”. Are you looking for surface mounted power-voice-data connections? Should these be priced in the primary proposal pricing or should these be priced as an optional item?
Answer #18: / Need for easy access to a standard outlet to plug in equipment such as radio/phone charger or lap top. A power strip on the desktop will be acceptable.
Question #19: / Section 5.0, Specification 5.9
This specification asks that each console host cabinet space that will store standard phone and radio systems, etc. Is the agency requiring rack mounts in these cavities for this type of equipment?
If rack mounts must be provided, please provide dimensions of the equipment to be rack mounted and the number of rack mounts needed per position.
Answer #19: / No current equipment requires a rack mounting system
Question #20: / Section 5.0, Specification 5.10
This specification asks that the personal rolling storage cabinet should contain an area dedicated to allow for issuance of standard sized mail. Are you asking for a mobile pedestal that includes a mail slot on it or are you asking that there be a box drawer that will hold standard sized mail?
Answer #20: / Intent is to provide each employee their own rolling cabinet to store and maintain work required items, also looking to incorporate our current mail issuance system into this component. A mail slot/rack solution is sought.
Question #21: / Do you have a preferred layout we could base our design on? For example do the call takers need to be near dispatch, or do you need some separation from the two. How are the Supervisors set up in relation to the others?
Answer #21: / There is no preferred layout other than the Supervisors work station to be located adjacent to their office. Current business is conducted with Dispatchers in the core of the room and call takers and support personnel positioned on the exterior.
Question #22 / What about storage and staging of equipment at the building?
Answer #22 / See response #1
Question #23 /
Will installation occur during regular business hours?
Answer #23 / Some noise neutral installation can be tolerated during regular business hours, however it is not anticipated that the noise emitting phased installation will occur during regular business hours.Question #24: / Will delivery occur during regular business hours?
Answer #24: / Physical delivery of materials to a pre defined staging area can be delivered during regular business hours.
Question #25: / We have many useful features which were not asked for in this bid. Shall we provide an optional list and quote for any items which we feel will make your center better?
Answer #25: / Additional features and options not listed in the RFP can be included but are not required.
Question #26: / Do you have an AutoCAD layout of the room?
Answer #26: / Yes. One was provided at the vendor conference.
Question #27: /
Do you have a plan for trade-in of the old stations?
Answer #27: / We do not understand this question.Question #28: /
4.1 The ANSI-BSR/HFES 100 is now a standard and is called ANSI/HFES 100 – 2007. This maintains the same ergonomic standard as the original, and ads the ability for the monitors to have focal depth adjustment of 12”. Do you want to include this in the RFP?
Answer #28: / See response #13.Question #29: / 4.6 Phased installation time line. Is the room getting remodeled while the furniture is being replaced? Do you have an idea about the process, or do you wan the vendors to relay [sic] on our best ideas?
Answer #29: / Infrastructure changes will be made prior to the furniture being installed. Wiring, cabling will be based on an approved console floor plan
Question #30: / 5.1 What type of raised floor are you on? How deep is the floor?
Answer #30: / Being researched by center staff. A response will be provided in addendum #2.
Question #31: / 5.3 Please clarify – you will have 6 monitors on the monitor surface, and 2 on the keyboard surface for a total of 8? Or will you have 4 on the monitor surface and 2 on the keyboard surface?
Answer #31: / The technical requirement requires 6 on the monitor level and 2 on the keyboard level.
Question #32: / 5.4 How many of the NAED flip charts are at each station? How often do they get used?
Answer #32: / There are 2 Card Sets (fire and medical), primarily used as back up to software systems, in the case of software system failure. They are used sometimes to rarely. They must be located at each of the consoles.
Question #33: / 5.8 Please provide more info on the additional telephony equipment?
Answer #33: / 5.8 deals with CPU enclosures, so we do not understand this question. See Q/A #34.
Question #34: / 5.9 Can you provide us with a little more details [sic] on the back up phone and base station style radio? What brand, size, etc.?
Answer #34: / See response to #7.
Question #35: / 5.10 Can we propose a fixed (non rolling) ped instead?
Answer #35: / Rolling cabinets are requested to house personnel’s personal items to fulfill their job duties at the work stations; a fixed solution will not accommodate this need.