Run With Endurance
Heb. 12:1-4
By Steven F. Deaton
A. The life of a Christian is compared to that of a runner (1 Cor. 9:24, 25).
1. Willingness.
2. Training.
3. Effort.
B. The Hebrew writer tells us to run it with endurance (Heb. 12:1-4).
I. The Holy Spirit Encourages Us To Endure (Heb. 12:1)
A. Lay aside every weight.
1. Non-sinful things that distract or hold us back from giving our all to God.
2. This might vary from person to person.
a. TV.
b. Video games.
c. Internet.
d. Sports (you or children).
e. Hobbies.
f. Business.
3. Structure daily life to stay focused & be close to God.
B. Lay aside sin.
1. Easily ensnares us; we give in all too easily.
2. Any & all sin must be put away.
a. Anger.
b. Jealousy.
c. Greed.
d. Apathy.
e. Lewdness.
f. Laziness.
II. We Have Examples Of Those Who Endured
A. Others before us have endured (Heb. 12:1).
1. Abel.
2. Noah.
3. Abraham.
4. Moses.
5. David.
B. Jesus endured (Heb. 12:2).
1. In Christ we see:
a. What faith is: He leads.
b. What faith costs: cross, self-sacrifice.
- instrument of torture
- despising the shame; for lowest of criminals
c. What faith results in: joy & exaltation.
- redemption of mankind
- return to heaven
2. Author of our faith.
a. Originator (Acts 3:15; 5:31; Heb. 2:10).
b. One who takes the lead (The Expositor’s Greek Testament & Milligan).
3. Finisher of our faith: Perfecter, completer.
4. Illustration.
a. Football: begin in pee wee, mature in NFL.
b. Faith: begin in Christ, mature in Christ.
III. Consider The Lord’s Life (Heb. 12:3)
A. He endured hostility from sinners.
1. Hostility, contradiction (KJV).
2. Dispute (Heb. 6:16).
3. Contradiction (Heb. 7:7).
4. Rebellion (Jude 11).
5. “Gainsaying...opposition” (Thayer).
6. Notion of strife (Thayer, Vine).
7. Verbal abuse (The Expositor’s Greek Testament).
B. The trials of Jesus consisted chiefly of verbal abuse, rejection, & condemnation.
1. Predicted (Lk. 2:34).
2. Days of debate (Matt. 12:2, 10, 24, 38).
3. Intense disputes (Lk. 11:37-54; Jn. 8:3-7).
4. Blasphemy (Matt. 26:57-68; 27:38-44).
C. Opposition to the children of God upholding truth has always been mainly verbal—gainsaying, strife, insults, ridicule.
D. Consider the Lord lest you become weary & discouraged.
1. Discouraged: “1. to loose, unloose... 2. to dissolve; metaph. to weaken, relax, exhaust... a. ... to be enfeebled through exhaustion... become faint hearted” (Thayer).
2. Not yet resisted to bloodshed (others have, the witnesses).