Job Title:Retail Volunteer Manager
Reports to:Head of Retail
Responsible for: Retail Volunteers
Salary: RoyalTrinity Hospice Pay Scale E: £26,708 pa - £28,600 pa
Hours per week: 37.5 hrs; Monday – Friday
Purpose of Post: To be responsible for the recruitment and retention of volunteers for Trinity Hospice Shops Company
Key Duties and Responsibilities
- To formulate and implement an effective recruitment strategy, identifying sources of volunteers.
- Identify new avenues for recruitment
- Liaise closely with the shop managers to give relevant recruitment support with advice and visual aids
- Working closely with volunteers, offering support and guidance. To include regular on site visits.
- Ensure Royal Trinity Hospice website displays all agreed relevant volunteer recruitment information
Training and development
- In conjunction with Head of Retail, produce an introductory retail skills based training programme for new volunteers and a more advanced training programme for existing volunteers
- Develop adaptable training appropriate for in-store and off site training
- Prepare a retail volunteers handbook in conjunction with the hospice volunteer co-ordinator
Supplementary information (included in all job descriptions):
Health and safety
Royal Trinity Hospice and Trinity Shops LTD have a Health and Safety policy applicable to all employees. Employees must be aware of the responsibility placed on them under the Employment Rights Act 1996 to ensure that agree safety procedures are carried out and to maintain a safe environment for all employees, patients and visitors. Implement at all times Trinity’s Lone Worker Policy.
Infection control
Employees must accept personal responsibility and accountability for Infection Prevention and Control practice. Employees should ensure they are familiar with, and comply with, all relevant Infection Control and training policies for minimising the risk of avoidable ‘Health Care Associated Infection’.
Risk management
It is a standard element of the role and responsibility of all employees of Royal Trinity Hospice that they fulfil a proactive role towards the management of risk in all of their actions. This entails the risk assessment of all situations, taking appropriate actions, and reporting all incidents, near misses and hazards promptly.
The post holder must maintain confidentiality, security and integrity of information relating to patients, staff and other Royal Trinity Hospice business.
Records management
All employees of Royal Trinity Hospice are legally responsible for all the records that they gather, create or use as part of their work with Trinity (including patient, financial, personnel and administrative), whether paper or computer based. All such records are considered public records and all employees have a legal duty of confidence to service users. Employees should consult their manager if they have any doubt as to the correct management of records with which they work.
Codes of conduct
All employees of Royal Trinity Hospice who are required to be registered with a professional body, to enable them to practise within their profession, are required to comply with their code of conduct and requirements of their professional registration. Those staff not required to be registered with a professional body are required to comply with Royal Trinity Hospice’s codes of conduct.
Children and vulnerable adults
The post holder has a responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of the children/young adults/vulnerable people that you come into contact with or are responsible for in your job role and sphere of competence.
Criminal Records Bureau – Disclosure
Royal Trinity Hospice aims to promote equality of opportunity for all, with the right mix of talent, skills and potential. Criminal records will be taken into account for recruitment purposes, only when the conviction is relevant. As Royal Trinity Hospice meets the requirements in respect of exempted questions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974,all applicants who are offered employment will be subject to a criminal record check from the Criminal Records Bureaubefore the appointment is confirmed. This will include details of cautions, reprimands or final warnings, as well as convictions. Post holders may periodically be required to undertake a re-check.
Equal opportunities
All employees of Trinity are expected to be aware of, and adhere to, the provision of Trinity’s Equal Opportunities Policy and to carry out their associated duties and responsibilities under this policy.
Job description
This job description is intended an outline of the post holder’s duties and responsibilities. The list of responsibilities is not exhaustive and will be reviewed annually with the post holder as part of the appraisal review process.
This list of responsibilities is not exhaustive and will be reviewed from time to time in discussion with the post-holder
JOB TITLE:Retail Volunteer Manager
Education to GCSE level / Application form/Interview
Essential attributes
Experience of managing people / Application form/references
Experience of developing and improving a service / Application form/references
Essential attributes
Demonstrates good communication skills, written & spoken / Application form / Interview
Able to build and maintain relationships with a range of stakeholders and at all levels of management and staff / Interview
Experience of managing projects or schemes / Application form / Interview
Demonstrate an ability to develop service policies and procedure / Application form / Interview
Ability to prioritise own workload / Application form / Interview
Demonstrate the ability to be self-motivated with a proactive approach to work / Interview
Demonstrate an understanding of the expectations and motivations of volunteers / Application form / Interview
Experience of Word documents and databases. Able to produce reports / Application form / Interview
Able to manage and resolve challenging situations / Application form/Interview
Knowledge and understanding of retail/multi-site small shop environment / Application Form & Interview
Understanding and knowledge of the charity retail sector / Application Form & Interview
Entrepreneurial and creative / Interview
A natural people person / Interview
Highly motivated with enthusiasm and high energy levels / Interview
Calm and professional manner / Interview
Methodical with a keen eye for detail / Interview
Essential attributes
Understandthe need for confidentiality / Interview
Experience and understanding of diplomacy and managing expectations from a variety of stakeholders / Application form / Interview
An understanding of the legal and ethical issues around volunteering / Application form/Interview
Understand the current issues and developments in volunteering / Application form/Interview
Understanding of equality & diversity best practice and legislative requirements / Interview
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