updated Nov. 15, 2011

Needless Death: neighbor, husband, father, Ryan Russell

updated Jul. 04, 2011

01. Srgt. Ryan Russell, 35, killed while stopping theft of snow plow Jan. 12.11,

02. new, 6 mths to 52 Div. as Sgrt., officer for 11 yrs prior,

03. Chief William Blair commenting & “looks” emotional.

04. owner of plow had device to locate where it is at all times & was reporting to police crime in process.

05. Officer got caught up in the plow.

06. Officers shot suspect, Richard Esber Kachkar. (Who are other officers?)

07. Both taken to St. Michael’s Hosp.

08. 2011/01/13 Richard Esber Kachkar,44,formerly of St. Catharines, a resident of Good Shepherd Ministriesof Tor., police allege drove stolen plow that killed officer Russell … charged 1st-degree murder & 2 counts attempted murder…. Lorenzo Artuso Dir. of Good Shepherd, also there is Patricia Kelly, Adrienne McCominsky, Tom Liss, Hughes, Logan Bodeara, Anthony, Father Ed, Father Quinn et. al.

Q?s i. we will look at from a global view on environment of “who’s who genetically & connectively:

What are all the possibilities? Where is the root of intent coming from against Ryan Russell? – were the plow & the man both tools / weapons that would have no intent without another unobvious instructing influential party or was it like the police & media portray as a haphazard freak occurrence of crime in process? If this entire incidence was “staged” to cover under lying instruction carried out in parts by multiple parties in a particular order of timing, then Richard would have been just a weapon like the snow plow & manipulated to cause event that would not occur without that unobvious influence or pressure.

09. Keele St. near Humberside Wed. morning -- the culmination of an alleged 3-hour “rampage” through downtown on the plow.

10. The suspect’s uncle, Anwar Kachkar, & cousin ___? Edmonton area are disconnected from him for years, (Q?s: possibly while appearing disconnected intentionally but actually being connected by unidentified stalkers relaying information & instruction?)

11. distant cousin said Kachkar lived in Vancouver before moving to S. Ont.

12. "investigation …has been aided by … video from Sgt. Russell's scout car & evidence provided by witnesses that stepped forward," Chief Bill Blairsaid.(Who are these witnesses?)

13. …allege the suspect jumped into the vehicle, reportedly bare foot, in the Parliament Dundas areas 4:15am Wed. …(Q?s: this is 51 Div. at start point of alleged offence of theft of snow plow, officer Russell new at 52 Div.– a transferal of Div. from 51 to 52 while crime in process?)

14... ran into a taxi & a .. car dealership on Avenue Rd near Davenport, where … Sgt. Russell was fatally struck.

15. Officers, … boxed the snow plow in on Keele St. where it had hit a number of parked vehicles, including a garbage truck. …(Q?s: It was unnecessary to box the snow plow in to stop it because no matter where it went they would know where it was due to the homing devise on it therefore they merely needed to let it go where it’s destination or follow it safety behind until it ran out of gas. Further, it was totally reckless to instruct Ryan Russell to put his cruiser in the way of the plow or his body because the plow had already hit other vehicles that tried to stop it & therefore was logical that the plow would also hit Ryan’s cruiser. Ryan’s death was entirely unnecessary appears to be a preplan by police for him to die?)

16. … Special Investigations Unit & Tor. homicide squad are probing the case. (Q?s: These units will bypass evidence to hide that it is the police fault that Ryan is dead & so the public needs to investigate the authorities as the final police report to the public across the board equally)

17. 11/01/13: I checked into who could possibly own a snow plow, I didn’t see it on TV at this point. I found “Blue Environmental”which works for the City, Fire Dept. Police Serv. Strangely, Blue Environmental does not give contact identity information … phantom like …right to be fully informed …

Q ii. Is it possible that someone unobvious thru Good Shepherd Ministries counseled Richard Esber Kachkar to take action at exactly a certain time in a certain manner of appearance, like carrying out a movie scene & at the same time, police also counseling the snow plow owner at a precise time to have the plow sitting in wait at the particular agreed preplanned location for that same unobvious influential root unidentified person/s & actual source of intent?

Q iii. The officers with Srgt. Ryan Russell could have instructed him to put his body in front of the snow plow in a split second without time to think as there was a similar incident occurring or played out the night before as a practice or mental imprint of acceptable solution. This would have been bad advice after seeing the plow hitting parked vehicle’s 7 proving it to be dangerous before Ryan came into harms way.

Q iv. In my experience & witness, I would say that it is possible & more likely that Ryan Russell was lead to his death… by many co-operating persons in part rather then this just being a nut bar driving a snow plow. …we can make an independent public over view. …a horrific death deserving that we “dig for an overview of environmental who’s who”.

18. Jan. 14, 2011, CTV 12 noon: Ryan Russell will be at Jarrett Funeral H.,

19. RichardEsber Kachkar apparently got up at 4am, bolted from Good Shepherd Min. where he lived with no shoes on, went to the plow left outside idling while the company employees were in a donut shop.

20. The company name on the white plow was not Blue Environmental & is “Tolias”.

Q v. This looks like there could have been something planned for an exact time of around 4am & Richard fell asleep & woke up late to fulfill his part & ran out with no shoes as instructed for fear of his own safety if he did not succeed. It looks like the company could have left the snow plow running & unattended on purpose at a specific time.

21. 6pm CTV Tamara Cherry Reporting, officer Dan Nielson or Neilson handling investigation,

22. Naomi Parnessreporting from St. Catherine’s,

23. Richard Esber Kachkar is 44,

24. he left the day before from St. Catherine’s & (This is a media false statement: Richard left St. Catherine’s many days before & no one knows where he was staying for those days before he arrived at Good Shepherd)

25. arrived at Good Shepherd Tor. the day before the incident,

26. he bragged & told people he new people in the mafia & was going to see some friends in Tor.

27. Richard was originally from Edmonton before St. Catherine’s,

28. neighbor Julie Lyle St. Catherine’s is commenting, (strangely everyone commenting is saying the same thing, there was something “off” about him but they just couldn’t put there finger on it.)

29. A guy, ___?, that also lived at Good Shepherd & met him that 1 day said he just seemed normal & nothing wrong.

30. 2011.01.15: Sat. George Orhiling is outside … unusually happy, …Alvin Buylan … it was Ryan Russell that arrested him … Richard Van der Shildon showed up, ... Patricia Kelly came … everyone around outside today look like they feel happy & are smiling, … Greg __? showed up who is 6’5” tall … Dave Morris. (See Details in Public Police Plan Affidavit by using those key words & Control F flag.)

31. (2010) Marie Russell (nee Martin) d. May 01, 2010 at 82, wife of Harold, mother of Glenn (Linda) & Debbie (David), gr-ma of Tracy & Mike, RyanChristine, Adam, Mark, Michelle, Adrienne, grt-gr-ma of Breanna, River Nolan.

32. Jan. 18, 2011 CTV Special Ryan Russell’s Funeral: Rev. Walter Kelly will officiate, staff. Sup. Jeff Macguire, spelling?, David Onley, Julian Fantino who gave Ryan his Badge, Kimberly Dunn to sing. Chief Bill a.k.a. William Blair,Christine BentleyKen Shaw Spokespersons, Ken commenting how all the police are kept in the family, Ryan is son of officer, Insp. Gary Grant has 2 dau.’s who are officers, Barbara Irwin has ch. & gr-ch. who are all officers, etc., it’s a family operated ring / thing & in this highly criminally organized, which is against the right of equality in Can. (This is taking position of authority for purposes of High Treason sec. 46. (2)(a)(d) ccc. & families who maintain the positions in an unfair monopoly do automatically criminal organize. We need to return to freedom in that applicants are picked from the general public. It is unhealthy for authority or policing positions to be handed down from parents to their children.)

Q vi. Persons who are not in those families are void of equal opportunity to acquire the job by equal weight of their application. The officers are not being picked at random from the public & this undercurrent of criminally organized control is leading to erosion of moral quality of police protection. There is open admittance of criminal organization by Ken Shaw as though he thinks it’s normal. Any officer who doesn’t think like the rest is doomed, aren’t they?

33. Mr. ___ O’Neill,Ron or Ryan? was a paramedic on the scene tending to Ryan Russell, paramedics were close to the family,

34. Ken Shaw pronounces Christine RussellasCricine Russell several times as he omits the “t”.

35. One of the speakers, I believe it was Walter Kelly, also called Ryan Russell, Rust or Rusty.

36. at one point Naomi Parness is reporting, Todd Baylis’ father was Ted, John Knight was an officer who died in the line of duty. Singing by Constable Melissa Vellaschuk Spelling? (officer Tony Vella?)

37. Thomas Munro spelling ? was childhood friend of Ryan Russell,

38. Christine’s parents Are Roy & Karen,

39. Jeff Macguire said there was an incident 22 hours previously of a vehicle man refusing to get out of the vehicle with the same officers & emergency units that handled Ryan Russell’s death.

Q?s vii. Possibility: a practice run of a staged event to be unfolding the next day? Who was the accused in the occurrences the day before?

40. Glenn & Linda, Ryan Russell’s Parents, sister Tracey, related to Hylkema’s,

41. Ryan was formerly with guns & gangs 54 Div.,

42. John Joseph Mastandrea speech “lord took him in the midst of wickedness”,

43. Hugh Ferguson Supint. of 54. Div. East York where Ryans Father Glenn Russell worked & Ryan started out.

44. Austin Ferguson of E. York was the community rel. officer, handled my rights into the mud, my dau. Annie Ivy-Lee Aviado was abducted from East York 2004.

45. John McDermid & Jason Fowler played music at funeral,

46. Ryan moved to 52. Div under Sgrt. John Boyce.

47. Ryan, had feminine side & artistic,

48. had brother Bryan Russell

49. cottage on PigeonLake as child,

50. Ryan was doing a lot of overtime was handpicked as Srgt of 52 div. was encourage to take the exam.

51. Ryan had signed the organ donar card & a child will be getting his eyes shortly,

52. strangely the EMS arrived on the scene before the police

53. Ryan Russell looks like an officer I spoke to late 2010 at Gerrard St. near Beer Store, W. of Parliament St., told him I didn’t know what to do about a woman that was trying to kill me, (re: Rosalind Delroy), I didn’t tell him her name but said she works in a community center on Dundas St. He asked me if she lived with me, I said no, I gave him a flyer of mine with email address to access the info. He was sitting in cruiser, I spoke thru window, he had partner in car I didn’t see or speak to. Also possibly saw him in AllenGardensPark one time before that.

Q?s viii. Possibility: Mar. 31, 2011, I asked officers sitting in beer store parking lot, if officers from 52 Div. sit here. They said not usually, unless a reason to talk to the officers of 51 Div. here.

54. Christine Hylkema Russell said at funeral: Ryan died because he put others before himself.

Q?s ix. Possibility:It seems that Christine knows more then she’s letting on about why Ryan died. She looks terrified for her son & herself. She could be under serious threat while she gave funeral speech. Where he was stopping a stolen plow he was doing his job for his self to support his family. But Ryan was also studying extra hours, on what? The problem wasn’t that Ryan put others before himself, as if everyone did that, no one would be without. The problem was likely that he did it alone in silence & this silence would give others the opportunity to harm. The officers are not going to break silence for safety because they would lose their job. The good officers need the general citizens to break silence for them every time a crime occurs & give the officers protection by exposure before a murder can occur & more evidence to govern the true root instructing guilty parties.

Officers who agree with the crimes will be upset by citizens assisting & will avoid evidence provided by the public. Speaking out quickly far ahead of the killers in investigation is the key. Silence allows murder.

55. (2011) Sean EssnerCat Duly-Lisle taught Richard Esber Kachkar to drive heavy equipment. (Q?s: Gita Dessner / Gessner – Phil Eisler – Dooley, name of door of Good Shepherd – Tom Liss Dir. of Good Shepherd – Mesbur – Harpar / Tasker – Harper / Teskey?)

56. (2011) Obit.: Srgt. Ryan Russell b. apx. 1966, d. Jan. 12, 2011 at 35, wife Christine (nee Hylkema), father of Nolan, son of Glenn & Linda, now in Peterborough, sister Tracey (Michael Hogue) of Deep River, niece Breanna Hogue, nephew River Hogue, gr-son of Harold & Marie Russell of Tor., aunt Deborah & David Beaumontof Tor., uncle Wayne & Jeanne Liberty of Keswick & cousins Adam, Mark, Michelle, & Adrienne Beaumont of Tor., son-in-law of Roy & Karen Hylkema of Peterborough, bro-in-law of Brian Hylkema & Melanie Carreira of Acton, nephew John HylkemaGail Landry Tor., Jerrett Funeral H.

57. Jan. 19, 2011: Wed. 4pm Good Shepherd, I was talking to a man named Lee& said I thought Lorenzo & others in community centers are responsible for setting up murder of Ryan Russell & it was a type of trade with crime that happened in Arizona where Christine Taylor Green was murdered. Suddenly, I saw Richard Van der Shildon stand up & make hostile looking comments apparently at no one but then I looked where his eyes glanced to & saw Gonsalo Carreirafrom 416 Drop In Center coming in back door. Gonsalo saw me & stopped, put a hat on & went back out the back door. I think Lee saw him too. Then someone else opened back & I saw Gonsalostill out there. There was a white truck (Good Shepherd cube van with Trillium Fdn. marked on it) that may have been covering the camera out there. I told Lee I saw Gonsalo & that I wouldn’t be going out that door. Anthonysaid a man came in yesterday looking for Joan Stafford & he told him Joan hasn’t been here in 1 1/2yrs. I said I will write her a letter. I got feeling that Anthony was digging for info from me. Anthony seemed nervous. Lee asked me, What do you think he meant by bringing up this thing about this woman Joan? I said I don’t know maybe because Joan may be distantly related to my cousin Allison Siwek. Lee went & talked to someone in the kitchen, Lorenzo was standing right there as well. I asked Logan Bodeara to let me out front door with his keys. Lorenzo stood near back door until I left. My feeling is that Gonsalo was there to pass criminal messages & thought that it would be ok to go in the back door at 4pm, but closing was a little late. It is apparent to me that Richardintended to distract me from that Gonsalo was coming in & to notify him not to come in because I was there. From where Richard was sitting he would have seen Gonsalo whereas I was sitting closer to the back door but not facing it. (Q?s: Loren / Logan?)

58. Jan. 24, 2011: Mon. 10am-11am: At Good Shepherd I Met Darren Tobias at random apparently, he said that Barbara Lavoie was dating a man name Darrol1989 who was murdered in a bus shelter, & he played Santa Claus. I asked Darren what he was doing there & he said he came to pick up money because his trustee is at Good Shepherd. I noticed that Darren’s hair grew out long very quickly as he cut it short before. It’s only a year or two & seems very fast growing. He told me what he believed happened with Ryan Russell, I told him what I thought which differed from his version. He said to me he got his version from the guys that work at the donut shop where the plow was taken from.

In earlier news brief, stated the cruiser was placed in the way to block the plow & the plow pinched the officer between the plow & cruiser. The news didn’t actually say that Ryan was run over. Darren then said to me this is what he is doing here, he needs to find out what I know about it. I said to him, I only know what the news said.

1 – 2 pm Tyson J. Cormier says he doesn’t want me to use the services of CentralNeighborhoodHouseCommunity Center. I am a member of the community. He says he just personally doesn’t want me there but it isn’t anything to do with his contracted job or my use of the computer. His attitude is like he’s Joe cool & I’m an unwanted nerd as a liberty of judgment of me. I Feel a lot of hatred & animosity from him. I know what would happen to me if he had his way, & that isn’t fair or normal so I’m not caring about what he thinks of me or his trying to use attitude to degrade me. I am just as equal as anyone. This degrading attitude generally comes from those who’ve participated in criminal organization.