Setup Guide for the RAD Interim Fix Pack
/ Warning: You cannot use ghosting or disk imaging to install this software. You must install the software on each machine separately. Do not change the computer hostname after this software is installed. It will only function partially if you do.Extract Files
1. Copy the files from RAD6 Interim Fix Pack CD 1 and CD2 to c:\temp.
2. Click on c:\temp\Create_rad6001.exe and specify File to create as c:\temp and Location of pieces as C:\temp and press OK.
3. Click OK when the file is created successfully. A new file has been created in c:\temp.
4. Unzip the two zip files, and in c:\temp to c:\temp.
Prepare to Install RAD Fix Pack
1. Navigate to C:\temp\rpu , open the policy_6004.xml file in the editor.
2. The content of the file is shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<url-map pattern=""
3. Change the content of the policy_6004.xml at url =”file:///…...”/> to
4. Save the file in the same location.
/ Warning: You must be disconnected from the Internet before installing the fix pack. Either remove the network cable from the computer or disable the network connection (as show below). If you do not disconnect from the internet the fix pack will not install properly.5. Start à Settings à Control Panel à Network and Dial-Up Connections. Right click on your active connection (such as the one identified by Local Area Connection) and select Disable.
6. If IBM Rational Agent Controller is not installed, you can skip this step (it will not be in the list of services if it is not installed).
Start à Settings à Control Panel à Administrative Tools à Services. Right click on IBM Rational Agent Controller. Pick Stop to stop the service. Verify that it no longer says the service is Started in the Status column.
7. Now select Start à Programs à IBM Rational à IBM Rational Application Developer V6.0 Trial à Rational Application Developer.
8. Click OK on the workspace selection dialog. Select Help à Software Updates à IBM Rational Product Updater.
9. The Rational Product Updater screen should be opened. It runs independent of the actual Rational Application Developer tool. Close RAD as it may later interfere with the fix pack installation. Now, you should just have the updater open.
10. In the IBM Rational Product Updater dialog , choose Preferences à Update
Sites option.
11. Click on the Browse button, navigate to C:\temp\rpu directory, and choose
policy_6004.xml file.
Press OK.
12. Click Find Updates.
13. The Rational Product Updater will prompt you that updates are required, and you are prompted to install it before you can continue.
Click OK.
14. The Rational Product Updater installs the update and restarts.
Install the fix pack for Rational Application Developer -
1. Click Preferences à Update Sites.
2. Navigate to C:\temp\rad\policy_6001.xml.
Press OK.
3. Click on the Installed Products tab.
4. Click Find Updates.
5. Ensure that the checkbox for the fix pack is selected.
Tip: To view the description for this update, click the update. The description is displayed in the Detailed information pane.
Note: You may notice a warning informing that the update site url is not valid. Ignore this warning as we are installing the fix pack from the hard disk and not downloading from a web site.
NOTE: Ignore any warnings that say it’s an “Invalid update site URL”.
6. Click on Install Updates to start the installation.
7. Accept the license agreement and press OK. [Depending on the speed of your computer processor and the amount of RAM in your computer, the update
might take an extended period of time to install.]
8. Once completed, you should see a message informing that the updates were successfully installed.
9. To verify the same, click on the Installed Products tab. You should see the updated version displayed underneath.
10. Close the updater when done.
11. You may now reconnect to the internet. To do so, select Start à Settings à Control Panel à Network and Dial-Up Connections. Right click on your active connection (such as the one identified by Local Area Connection) and select Enable.
1. Select Start->Programs ->IBM Rational->IBM Ration Application Developer V6.0 Trial ->Rational Application Developer.
2. Change the workspace to C:\rad\workspace.
3. When RAD starts, close the welcome screen.
4. Select Help à About IBM Rational Software Development Platform. You should see the updated version
5. Click OK.
6. Select the server tab; you’ll see WebSphere Application Server v6.0.
7. Right click on WebSphere Application Server v6.0 and select Start.
8. Ensure the server status changes to Started.
9. Stop the server by right clicking on WebSphere Application Server v6.0 and select Stop.
10. Ensure the server status changes to Stopped.
11. Close Rational Application Developer.
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