Chapter 1 Subheadings

Chapter Title:

  1. Peoples in Motion???
  1. During the ice age there were three migratory waves of Asians that came from Beringia to the Americas.
  2. The climate warmed after the ice age and people migrated throughout America they looked for new sources of food and ways of surviving which led to The Great Extinction and Rise of Agriculture.
  3. The Polynesians and Hawaii: The Polynesians migrated to Hawaii in 1600 B.C. but didn't bother to continue to the America but to South America.
  4. The Norsemen lead by Erik the Red migrated to Greenland where they started a colony that was later destroyed and abandoned and eventually those settlers died off.

II. Europe and the World in the 15th Century???

1.China: The Rejection of Overseas Expansion was due to the fact that after the death of Cheng Ho, the next emperor forbade anyone to have a boat with two or more mass due to the fact that China had become a self sustaining superpower that didn’t need Europe.

2. During the 15th and 16th century, the Europe versus Islam competition consisted of who from the twohad theadvantages and disadvantages ofoverland trade, military techniques, and territory expansion.

3. Crusaders established Jerusalem and survived for centuries and took over sugar plantations which lead to slave labor, but they were driven back to their Holy land which brought The Legacy of the Crusaders.

4. The Unlikely Pioneer: Portugalduring the 15th century began to both expand their trade routes and create newer ways to surpass other sailors in battle and navigation.

5. Africa, Colonies , and the Slave Trade were new concepts and areas of exploration for Europeans (that they would later exploit) in the 15th Century, as they sought to expand their influence and power passed their bounders.

6. The Asian trade was a major role and had a great impact in Portugal’s Asian Trade, during the 15th century.

7. Colonization was one of the Early Lessons that each colony had to learn in order to “live nobly”

III. Spain, Columbus, and the Americaswas a big part of history, Columbus made 4 round trip voyages between Spain and the Americas.

1. In 1492,Columbus, a navigator, sought to reach eastern Asia by sailing across the Atlantic with religious and practical motives.

2.FromSpain and the Caribbeanwas the idea for many settlers and they succeeded by traveling from Spain to the Caribbean.

IV. Before the arrival of the Europeans, The Emergence of Complex Societies in the Americas had taken place, although its achievements could not prevent its downfall.

1. After 4,000 B.C., agriculture was the main option for the Indians living in the Americas, and evidently leads to The Rise of Sedentary Cultures.

2. Sophisticated irrigation systems before the arrival of Columbus existed in The Andes, Cycles of Complex Cultures always held on to these systems from 3,000 BC to the rapid Incan collapse.

3. The Incan Civilization emerged around 1400 AD and its illiterate empire expanded the entire east coast of South America.

4. Mesoamerica: Cycles of Complex Cultures greatly progressed consisting of the Pre-Classic, Classic, and post-Classic cultures with the accomplishment of a dual calendar system and structured beliefs during its rise.

5. The Aztecs and Tenochtitlan became the dominant power in the Valley of Mexico by 1400, and practiced human sacrifice with fervor.

6. From 3000 B.C. to 1700 A.D. three different groups of North American Mound Builders contributed to a new culture.

7. The Hohokam, Anasazi, and the Pueblo were societies that arose in North America’s semiarid Southwest, which created the Urban Cultures of the Southwest.

V. When Europeans decided to reach out to the Indians, Contact and Cultural Misunderstanding occurred among these very diverse groups because of a lack of knowledge about each other’s cultures and practices, which clashed once they began to deal with religious and social practices.

1. The Religious Dilemmas between the Indians and Europeans lead to a rise of ongoing conflicts, among these, war.

2. Indian and European Cultural Misunderstanding occurred due to confusion, quick judgments, and failed attempts at understanding the opposing practices.

3. Indian and European Gender and Cultural Misunderstanding turned into a dilemma due to their different customs.

VI. ???

VII. As for the Explanations:Patterns of Conquest, Submission, and Resistance,the Europeans and Native Americans bothbenefited andsuffered from slavery and land expansion during the Columbian Exchange.