Mountain Home School District Summer School 2014
Offered At
Mountain Home High School
300 S. 11th East
Mountain Home, ID 83647
(208) 587-2570
Summer School Administrators:Mark Cotton
Summer School Office Manager:Jenny Clark
ONE FOUR WEEK SESSION:June 2, 2014-June 27, 2014
Block 1:9:00-12:00 (English II & PE will run only three weeks, from 8:00-12:00)
Block 2:1:00-4:00pm
Eligibility:open to all students
Fees:$85.00 per credit for in-district students who do not meet the “at-risk” criteria and do not have forms approved by a school counselor. Fees are waived if “at-risk” criteria are met as outlined by the Idaho State Board of Education and are approved by school counselor and verified by the State Department.
At-Risk Student Qualification List
An at-risk youth is any secondary student, grades 7-12, who meets any three of the following criteria in Column A, or any one criteria in Column B. If you feel as though your child may qualify as At-Risk, please contact the MHHS counselors’ office @ 208-587-2570 if your student is a 9th-12th grader.If your child is a 7th-8th grader please contact the Junior High Counselors’ office @ 208-587-2590. You may also stop in and grab an application as well.
Column A / Column BHas repeated at least one grade. / Has substance abuse behavior.
Has absenteeism that is greater than 10% during the preceding semester. / Is pregnant or a parent.
Has an overall grade point average that is less than 1.4 prior to enrolling in an alternative secondary program. / Is an emancipated youth.
Has failed one or more academic subjects. / Is a previous dropout.
Is two or more semester credits per year behind the rate required to graduate. / Has serious personal, emotional, or medical problems.
Is a limited English proficient student who has not been in a program more than 3 years. / Is a court or agency referral.
Upon recommendation of the school district as determined by locally developed criteria for disruptive student behavior.
Open Registration:Registration packets can physically be dropped off at the high school during any regular school day before 4:00 p.m. May 30, 2014. Forms must be complete, signed by your counselor, and include full payment. Payment may be made by check, cash, money order, visa or master card. For Registration after May 30, 2014, see attendance policy below. Checks should be made to MHHS.
Refunds:A full refund will be given prior to the first day of class. No refunds will be given after the first day of class.
Tentative 2014 Summer School Offerings
9:00-noon Session / English II / Geometry & Alg. 1 / General PE / Economics / PLATO/Apex- online classes / Earth Science / Spanish1:00-4:00 Session / English I / Algebra A, B & 2 / Teen Living / Computer Apps / PLATO/Apex- online classes / US History / Biology
*** Classes must have at least 10 students enrolled in order for it to take place in person. Students can take classes through IDLA, PLATO, or APEX if the live class is canceled.
Class Schedules Posted:Friday, May 30th after 6:00 pm on the front doors of MHHS
Transportation:Students are responsible for transportation arrangements.
The summer school attendance policy will be strictly enforced. DO NOT sign up for summer
school if you cannot meet the attendance requirement. If students acquire more than two
absences, they will lose credit in that course. Activities such as summer camps, vacations, and
reunions will not be excused. No pre-approved absences will be granted by summer school
staff. Finals must be taken at scheduled times. The option of make-up finals will not be
offered. With this in mind, please plan vacations, camps, and other activities after the last day
of the session(s).
- Session one will run from June 2, 2014 through June 27, 2014.
All Mountain Home School District rules and policies outlined in the Mountain Home School District’s High School handbooks will be in effect during summer school. Any rule violation that would result in suspension during regular day school will result in removal from summer school. Mountain Home Summer School is an extension of the regular school year. Students’ prior disciplinary records will be considered if disciplinary action is necessary during summer school. If a student is disciplined during summer school, this may impact students’ attendance rights the following year in his/her regular school. Please pay particular attention to the following rules which will be strictly enforced:
- No fighting. Any student involved in a fight or confrontation will be removed or suspended from summer school.
- No food is permitted in classrooms.
- No profanity or other inappropriate language will be tolerated.
- No hats are allowed in the school building between the hours of 7:40 am-4:00 pm
- All students are expected to comply with each teacher’s classroom management plan and follow directions at all times. Two (2) discipline referrals in one class will result in withdrawal from that class.
- Any two (2) referrals during the summer session will result in removal from summer school.
- Mountain Home School District dress code will be strictly enforced.
- Any use/possession of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will result in immediate removal from summer school and local law enforcement will be notified.
Tardies:A student is tardy if he/she walks in a class after the late bell rings and up to ten (10) minutes thereafter. After ten (10) minutes, the student is considered extreme tardy. Thirty (30) minutes into class and after the thirty (30) minute mark, they are considered absent. Three (3) tardies will equal one (1) absence. Six (6) tardies is equivalent to two (2) absences which will lead to removal from summer school.
Lunch:Lunch will not be provided during summer school sessions.
Food and Drink:Food and drink (except water) are not allowed in the classroom.
Report Cards:Students will be given a report card after the completion of their session(s). Grades will be updated on student transcripts in September.
Final Exams:The final day of class will be exam day. No early exams will be given.
Class Schedule: Class schedules will be posted at Mountain Home High School on Friday, May 31st after 6:00 pm. Individual schedules will be available at 8:00 am on Monday, June 3rdbefore the first block.
Course Offerings:All course offerings are tentative. Classes with fewer than 10 students may be canceled. You will be notified in the event a class is canceled.
*** It is important that students consult with their counselor regarding their choice of classes so they can fulfill graduation requirements. Please take time to make sure no mistakes are made on the registration form to ensure proper class placement and credit.
Mountain Home High School Summer Enrollment Form
______Block 1:9:00am-12:00pm
Last Name (Print)FirstM.
Block 2:1:00pm-4:00pm
Street AddressSession One: June 2, 2014-June 27, 2014
Course Title
______Course 1: ___________
City StateZip Course 2: ______
For math classes, please indicate course and semester needed.
MaleFemale Ethnicity______
Father Work/Cell Phone: ______
Mother Work/Cell Phone: ______
Name of Parent or Guardian: ______
Parent E-mail Address: ______
“At-Risk”_____Not “At-Risk” _____
(Please include documentation at time of registration)
Grade in School this year:9101112
Check the box if you are currently receiving accommodations for anTotal Cost: $85.00 per credit
IEP, ELP or 504 plan. Circle accommodation planSession one:June 2, 2014- June 27, 2014
Course 1 $______
Course 2$______
TOTAL $______
Refund will not be given on or after June 5, 2013
Date Paid______Taken by: ______
Cash $______Check $ ______
Receipt #______Check #______
Counselor Signature